
Chapter 560 The Enemy you made

But... nothing was happening. They thought that the angels above them would react immediately, but it seemed like it would still take a little while.

And so, Eisen placed his fingers into his mouth to whistle, which was the signal for Ailren to come over here. The next moment, before anyone knew it, the air was filled with the loud shout of a Dragon. A few spotted Ailren as he was approaching, but most couldn’t even react until he stopped right above Eisen and landed on the platform he made.

He sat there and simply stared at the people in front of him and simply glared at them without a word.

"Just to make it clear for all of those that didn’t make the connection yet, this is the dragon that you were supposed to conduct your raid on today." Eisen explained, "His name is Aylrentyrth. An ancient gold dragon. He’s a Rank 10 Monster."

Immediately, everyone immediately realized what was going on. The players were slightly relieved that they didn’t end up fighting it, but the people of this world were simply despairing. A Rank 10 creature was something that barely anyone could ever hope to beat, or even face without dying. And now, it was here, knowing that it was supposed to be attacked by all these people.

The fact that Belrim was just continuing to glare at Eisen and Ailren simply played into the fact that it wasn’t Belrim inside of that body anymore. Well, it all worked out in his favor, so who cared?

Eisen was seeing that everyone was speaking amongst each other, really not paying attention to anything that Eisen would say after this. It was getting noisy.

"Silence." The old man exclaimed in a dignified tone.

[Your Royal Authority has activated. Everyone with a lower Status than you that heard your words will be forced to be silent for the next minute]

Eisen waved the notification away as he enjoyed the fact that there was nobody speaking anymore.

"Now, could I get all of your attention again?" Eisen asked, and it wasn’t really like he actually had to ask. There was no way there was anyone not paying attention to him right now.

"As I said before, this is Aylrentyrth. A Rank 10 Ancient Gold Dragon. And as a metallic dragon, he is directly subordinate to the Crystal Dragon King Trygan. A God of justice and truth, as some of you may know." The old man explained swiftly, and it seemed like there were surprisingly few that actually understood what Eisen was trying to say, "Then let me repeat it in easier words. You were about to make enemies of every single being subordinate to Trygan. " The old man explained, using his yin form to give everyone here a feeling of fear so that everything could really settle in.

Well, the only thing the players could feel were goosebumps, but that was enough to make them realize that this was a bad thing. It should have been obvious, but there were seemingly quite a few people to which it wasn’t.

Either way, Eisen simply continued, "Instead, I now did you the favor of making sure that you did not completely mess something like this up for everyone. Because let me tell you, those like Aylrentyrth, meaning other Ancient Metallic Dragons, may give you trials if you are worthy of them. You can’t force it, it’s simply a gift. But if you pass the trials, you will become a champion to that dragon, and will become a force in the inevitable war that will happen between the metallic dragons, and the chromatic dragons led by Kotam, the evil Dragon Queen." The old man explained, slowly turning his yin form into a yang form to cause excitement in everyone.

"How about you learn from this? There is no reason to feel fear now, the crisis has been averted. You can still become champions to these metallic dragons and fight a war together with me, these dragons, and my son." He exclaimed, although this obviously made some people rather confused.

"Ah, right. That is something that wasn’t quite revealed yet. My name is Eisen. A few months ago, my experience was taken from me by the Evil Dragon Queen Kotam and used to create the Artificials, most likely to cause chaos to spread out. Why it was possible to do so with my experience, you ask? Well, it’s quite simple. I am one of the five people that peaked. The first, actually. The man that raised Trygan into a deity, and stood atop this world with four others, who are now known as ’Originals’ amongst Artificials. The Demon-Orc Halfling Brody, the Monkey-Beastperson Jyuuk, the High-Elf Xenia, and the Human Evalia. And again, myself, the Giant-Dwarf Halfling Eisen."

With his demonic form fully adjusted toward Yang to make sure that he could truly convince anyone that was listening to him, Eisen looked around this town. There were many people here that remembered Eisen, and were now more than shocked to hear of this.

"Of course, I have not fully recovered my power yet, but I’m getting there. Luckily I have just reached Level 300 shortly after founding my Kingdom once more, now under the name of Asgard." Eisen explained, "Do you now understand that you can’t tread without care anymore? Four thousands of years, I have stopped myself from bothering with the lives of people like you, but these recent events changed my mind. With all these new souls coming to this plane of existence, I have made a simple choice." The old man pointed out, and immediately switched from yang form all the way to the worst of his yin form, "If anyone dares to try and mess with this world or its people, they will have to fear my wrath. And trust me... that is something you don’t want."

With his wings spread out as he towered over all these people, and then glared down at them, "That also means I can’t let something like this just pass." Eisen explained, "After this punishment you will receive, your slates will be clean. If any of you, or anyone else, really, wishes to gain strength, head the my country, Asgard, making up the islands of the gods. We will wait for you in the capital, Prototype. Because let me tell you, the four Grandmasters that used to live in this town didn’t leave out of fear of Aylrentyrth. They followed me to my country, and are now living there happily with their families. But now, we should just get this over with..." The old man started, "As the original founder of this town, I declare this raid as finished before it even started."

The moment Eisen said this, he saw the ocean of pure white in front of him turn gray for just a moment and then pitch-black the very next.

And before anyone could react, all these black angels disappeared into the dead bodies of the players and only left an ocean of red in their stead as every single player that signed the contract was decapitated and killed instantly. Their heads were rolling for only a few moments before their bodies turned to light and disappeared.

Meanwhile, the bodies of the people of this world that signed the contract were pressed down onto the ground, forced to bow down by pressing their foreheads onto the ground in the middle of the streets.

"This was the punishment you received this time. Don’t fear me, don’t hate me. It is something you brought onto yourselves while acting mindlessly. It would be fine like this, but there is one more being that needs to prostrate themselves in apology. The one that brought this whole ordeal onto you." Eisen stared and slowly stepped off the large platform to step up right in front of Belrim.

Eisen looked down at the dwarf’s body, towering over him like Belrim was nothing but a bug. As most people simply ran away from here after seeing all this happen, there was nobody around that could actually hear the words that now came out of Eisen’s mouth as the Draconic Demon King shrunk down a bit and leaned forward to whisper into Belrim’s ear.

"Happy now, Samuel? Having everyone join the metallic dragons’ side is what you wanted as well, right?" Eisen asked, and looked at the man in front of him, who was just staring back at Eisen in confusion, "How did you..."

"How do I know that you’re inside of Belrim right now? It’s quite simple. I’m not a moron, that’s how. You may think I am, but I can assure you, I know very well what you’re up to. More and more, I understand what you’re doing and why you’re doing on. And especially, how you’re doing it. This little stunt today gave me a good idea on how you yourself are taking control of this world, by hopping in and out of influential people. That idea in itself is simply disgusting." Eisen pointed out, "But of course, there are going to be limitations to all this. For one, I noticed that your reaction to my Yin form was the same as that of any other person of this world." The old man pointed out, "Your mind is in Belrim’s body, so, I’ll make you suffer a bit."

With a deep glare pointed right into Belrim’s eyes, Eisen fully pushed his Draconic Demon King form to Yin and started, "Tremble. Fear me. All the horror in this world can’t compare to what you shall feel when looking at me. You see me, you fall to your knees. You hear me, you fall to your knees. You think of me, you fall to your knees. Let me tell you, young fool, the enemy you have found in me... or rather, the enemy that you yourself created with your very own hands and bred for a hundred thousand years is slowly but surely coming back. There is no escaping from me anymore, Samuel." The old man said with a deep, growling voice, as he could see the fear actively overwhelm Belrim’s whole body as he simply fell to the ground.

And it wasn’t only because of the natural reaction to Eisen’s powers. But because Samuel himself actually realized that he royally fucked up.

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