
Chapter 662 Dawn of the Demon

Chapter 662 Dawn of the Demon

Eisen listened to the King say all of these horrendous things with absolute ease, as he watched everything slowly unfold before him. Numerous people started walking around the ground underneath Eisen, preparing an enchantment- No, a magic circle that they would activate soon as their method of execution for this giant.

On the other hand, the parents of the children simply had two men with sharp spears standing behind them, the tip of their weapon pressing against the center of their back. More people gathered around as if this was some show by a celebrity, seemingly more than just excited to see Eisen and the couple in front of him die violently like that.

Eisen was more than just disgusted, and it was a feeling that he shared with the former version of himself. The old man could feel the emotions radiate off of that giant body, affecting a good number of the people in the crowd, especially those with a lower level.

He formed his hands into fist and stared at the crowd surrounding them, and just waited for the memory to proceed. At some point, about another hour later, it seemed like everything had been properly prepared and the crowd had grown large enough for the King’s liking.

With a smug grin on his face, the King approached Eisen. He looked up at him and with a broad smile stated, "It would have been better if you had just told me what you did!"

The former Eisen looked down at him with a glare, "You promised that you would let them go."

"What? Why would I promise such a thing? If you were not too simple-minded to remember, you would know that I said we would no longer restrain them. And we are not! The children will be sold to willing people, and these two will be killed alongside you. We are not restraining this family after today!"

"Hah... You’re truly just a piece of garbage, aren’t you?" The former Eisen asked with a deep glare, and the King just smiled broadly, "That’s not something I want to hear a monster say. Be careful, or the children will experience the same fate as the rest of you."

"We’ll see about that." The real Eisen muttered to himself quietly as he watched everything unfold as the king proceeded to hold another useless speech where he basically just repeated the same things he said before while making up random things that Eisen and this family supposedly did together, like destroy villages or kill, rape and pillage.

Eisen was more than just disgusted to hear a literal King say such things, and soon, it seemed like he became ready to get everything over with.

"We will start with the two traitors! Men, stab through their hearts, much like they stabbed through the hearts of this kingdom with their traitorous acts!" The King exclaimed in a loud tone, and the soldiers momentarily turned their gaze toward the King standing behind them to nod at him in confirmation that they were ready, but the moment they did so, they snapped their necks back and froze up.

For a few moments, it seemed like the soldiers were trying to build up something like tension before they did this, as if it truly was just a performance, but soon it became more than just evident why they truly froze up just like that. Well, to anyone but the King, who was looking away from the actual source of that raw fear permeating throughout their bodies. Of ocurse, nobody that was aware of this source could warn anyone else or even the King, since they were affected in a similar way.

Actually, sometimes even worse, considering that their status was a fair bit lower than that of the soliders, meaning that they had less resistance to what was actually going on.

"What are you doing, you dimwits? I told you to execute them!" The King exclaimed, unaware of the true weight of what was going on due to its very nature.

But then, with a loud noise that interrupted anything that the King wanted to say, the former Eisen spoke instead, "Sorry, I’m pretty sure they won’t be able to do that for you anymore." He pointed out as the chains holding onto the giant’s body simply fell to the ground after Eisen snapped through them with ease.

The King turned his whole body around and soon saw what exactly it was that caused everyone here to freeze up like that. It were the eyes of the Giant, which had turned into a glowing golden color. The moment that he met that glare, the King was unable to truly control his body properly.

And the same was the case with everyone else that saw the former Eisen’s current eyes. They were radiating with force and authority, and nobody that saw them was able to do anything in the slightest to react to him.

"I will announce it now, and hope that I must never do so again. All of you people that have gathered here today to fest on the sight of those you perceive to be vile abominations of nature have just made enemy of one of the few beings you never wish to have made an enemy of. Today, I may not harm you. Tomorrow, I may not harm you. But what about next week? Next month? A year from now, or two, three, or four? What about your children’s children? And their children? And then theirs and then theirs and then theirs? I am destined to live an eternity, but you will not. I will never forget. And the one that brought this onto you is this man standing beside me. Due to useless prejudice, he has thrown away his kingdom into inevitable doom." The man practically growled out toward the group in front of him, and then he just looked back at them and merely grinned broadly as he pushed everyone else to the side, simply picking up the family who he caused to be brought here because of him.

And Eisen’s disgusted, anger-filled expression became one of kindness, gratitude, and a bit of guilt, "That is what you all expected to hear from me, is it not? It is what you have been told all monsters wish. Hate and destruction. But that is not true in the slightest. Monsters are helpful, compassionate and kind creatures, even if many of them have innate aggression forced onto them by the heavens. But not all of us are. Many are indistinguishable from people, and merely wish to be accepted as such. They wish to live alongside you, to be part of your lives. Or simply to be the neighbor that you invite out to dinner every once in a while." The old man chuckled quietly, and the atmosphere around him changed and shifted. It was like he was making use of Yin and Yang auras circling around him as if he was a Demon, but without the need to transform in the slightest.

And soon, the former Eisen’s eyes landed on a figure in the crowd, "Is that not so, son?" The old man asked, and a certain young man, about in his mid to late 20’s stepped forward. He had long white-blue hair braided on top of his head and gracefully stepped toward the Giant, "Of course it is, Father."

The crowd moved aside as the man’s body slowly changed and became enveloped in a slight white mist. The mist extended outward, and the moment that it disappeared again a few moments later, in its stead stood a dragon with light-blue metallic scales.

It was Trygan, in the midsts of changing into a crystal dragon over the course of a few more evolutions, "This here is my child, a Dragon. Undeniably a ’Monster’. But of course, you all just saw him in the guise of a human. You were not scared of him then, were you? You did not think he could suddenly spring out and attack you, even though this town deals with plenty of bandits as well. There is no reason to innately fear monsters. Just fear the bad ones, like you do with the bad people." The old man explained as Trygan slowly stepped up behind him just to sit down there.

His head just barely reached that of the Giant as he was kneeling down to speak to these people better. The Dragon’s wings were just slightly flapping around due to the slight discomfort caused by that transformation into a human that Trygan wanted to get rid of. And due to the time of day, the sun stood right behind Eisen from the view of the crowd made up of the peope of this town, so they were just able to see his silhouette for the most part.

They heard his voice and noticed his glowing golden eyes. Because of Trygan behind him, it seemed like Eisen had grown horns, wings, and a tail all of a sudden, but of course everyone knew that this wasn’t the case. They could still see the Dragon itself for the most part.

But even then, for just a moment, surely everyone saw just that rough outline that brought everyone to a common consensus about this creature. This creature capable of causing the fear of death within them, just before filling them with hope and a feeling of excitement in basically the same breath. This creature that seemed otherwordly, distant, and neither truly good or bad, as if it was walking inbetween the meaning of those words, making use of them however he wanted.

And the original Eisen finally realized what this memory really was about in the end.

It was the memory of how Eisen became the Golden-Eyed Demon.


Eisen pushed himself off the ground after he woke up from the memory. He looked around and stretched a bit, taking a deep breath after what he just experienced. The old man looked at the pedestal standing right in front of him and picked up the key that was still laying on it.

With a slow step, the old man made his way over toward the wall with the chains hanging onto it, and looked around a bit more, soon noticing something that was off in the ground. Eisen rubbed his fingers over that spot and soon managed to pull a small metal plate away. Underneath that metal plate was nothing but a small keyhole.

Eisen inserted the key into that keyhole, and around it, the same magic circle that was carved underneath the former Eisen’s feet was created. The one that was meant to kill him.

And so, Eisen took a step back and pushed his mana into the carving, hoping to activate it properly, and watched as numerous magical spears pushed out of the ground.

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