
Chapter 63 The Truth Behind The Scene

While showering, Kye couldn't help but recall the woman's words. 'What did she mean by other beings? She's clearly not human based on her skin color, or maybe it's just her heart beating less faster? And if she's not, does that mean that she's a monster? If that's the case, I won't be able to do anything against her. Intelligent monsters are those who invaded Earth, so how can I escape such a powerful being?' His thought began to go from rational to paranoid thought. He could indeed do nothing against her, but thinking about that when she had clearly saved his life was a little absurd. 'Though, why did she take a liking to me? I don't have anything special. Or maybe she knows a little about angels? Maybe I can get answers from her as well? Won't I be able to know what I am?' Now, Kye felt excited because the answers he sought were probably just in front of him.

As he washed every part of his body, he couldn't help but look down at his little sword. He gulped down hardly thinking that it wasn't possible that his thing which was so little became so big. And while he thought about that, the woman's body came into his mind for a fraction of a second, jolting his mind, and his thing in the process. 'Guess I will have to take care of that," Kye sighed deeply as his hands washed rapidly his body.

About thirty minutes later, after feeling refreshed, having dried his hair and put clean clothes on him, Kye came out with a refreshed face and a smile.

He then saw the woman and blushed slightly before sitting opposite to her with only a table separating them. There was tea, as well as snacks on it, making Kye feel reassured that this monster didn't seem to want to kill him. She would have already done so if she wanted to anyway. Or even do nothing and let him die with the ice inside his body.

So Kye took his glass and began to drink it. It was delicious.

"Did you take good care of yourself?" She smiled.

"*Pshhhhht*" Kye spat all the tea he had in his mouth at the woman. Though, thankfully for her, her mastery over water saved her from the hot tea. Not that it would have affected her much anyway. "W-what do you mean?" He blushed from his ears.

"You're still in my territory, so I know very well what you did," Kye coughed a few times hearing that before quickly trying to change the topic.

"A-anyway, can I know your name? And what you are exactly? Based on your skin color, I don't think you're human, are you? Are you a … monster then?"

"Hehe, what do you think?" She looked at him with a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

"I do think that you are an intelligent monster. Those who attack Earth and killed my parents," Kye's hand tighten on his cup of tea. "But if you are, then why did you save me? It doesn't make sense since I'm still human, so you would have killed me. So I really don't understand."

"Hmm, how interesting. You're not as dumb as those angels or as cunning as those demon, really interesting."

"What? Angels and demon?"

"Hehe, I will tell you everything, don't worry," She smiled at him before continuing. "Have you ever heard of the legendeary creature know as Leviathan?" Kye nodded his head. It was a mythical creature with a serpentine body which lived underwater. He had read about it once in a book, and it was the only details he remembered about such creature. "Well, I'm the daughter of the first Leviathan. So you can either call me Leviathan, or by my real name, Aria. Both are good to me."

Kye's brain already stopped working just by her first answer. A leviathan? The mythical creature that he only knew as legend or mythology? Such a creature that was so strong that it could waver the destiny of planet Earth?

"D-do you mean that I'm in front of a mythical creature now?" Kye looked at her directly in her eyes. Fear was clearly visible in his eyes, yet Aria praised him for his courage of looking at her in the eyes even after knowing her identity.

"Yes, that's right. For obvious reason, I won't show you my real form since it will be too much for this little house, or even for you to take," Kye nodded slowly, with shaking hands. "Don't be scared. I really mean no harm. On the contrary, you're here as my guest, and as long as you're in my territory, no intelligent monster will touch a hair of yours."

"T-thank you," He looked at her directly to say that since even though it was still scary to know such a being existed, he still felt gratitude toward her. "Though, can I ask you a question?" Aria nodded. "If someone likeyou exist, does that mean that other legendary creature such as phoenixes, dragons, or even griffons exist as well?"

"Yes, they all exist and all have their different characteristics," Kye gulped down to swallow the hard reality he was living in. He was happy to be able to kill some monsters, but it seems that it was just baby steps in front of such powerful monsters. "And to continue, those who attacked your home planet were our parents. All the mythical creatures that you know and can possibly think of exist, and they all have offsprings.

"What do you mean by your parents attacked Earth?"

"Do you know about angels and demons?" Aria asked to be able to continue, not expecting Kye's answer.

"I know that I'm an angel, but what about them?"

"You seriously don't know?" Aria looked dumbfoundedly at him who shook his head.

"I'm even more curious about who you are now," She sighed before explaining. "You're not the only angel out there. There are a lot of angels, and demons as well, both living in their respective realms, so Heavens and Hell respectively. And they are both very powerful races, so powerful that they look down on us, intelligent monsters which is also a race on its own. And while we, offsprings of mythical creatures don't care about that, our parents are too old to think like us. So they waged war on the humans to show their superiority over the angels and demons, only to be repelled by them.

"So even though it's indeed our race who attacked you, please don't make us all villains. We told our parents that all of that was in vain, yet parents are parents. They don't care about the youngster's opinion and only think theirs is the truth."

Hearing the real story of the war between humans and monsters, Kye couldn't help but stare blankly at Aria. He opened and closed his mouth multiple times, not finding any words. While it was already hard to take that there were superior beings such as angels and demons out there who were hiding, it was harder to think that not every monster was bad.

Monsters were scary, and no humans could say otherwise. Strong and terrifying being that killed so many people that it was hard to count everything. Yet, Aria had proved to him that they weren't all like that. The proof was that he was still alive and chatting with her right now.

So after several minutes of silence, Kye finally opened his mouth again, amidst some difficulties. "So there's a part of the monsters who are kind while the other isn't. And two races that were unknown to a human actually exist?"

"Yes, you can put it that way. While you can consider the monster society like the human society with good monsters and bad monsters, angels and demons' only interest is each other. Both of them had waved multiple wars to each other without care of either of our two races. And even though some of us are as strong as the most high-ranked angels or demons, those two races are too prideful to understand. And while our youngsters don't care about who is strong or not and only want to enjoy life, our parents aren't the same and want to prove to everyone their worth, and so they began by invading Earth, only to be stopped because of humans numbers and surprise abilities."

"I-I see," Kye went deep in thought again. If he were to say all of that to the military and big families, they will surely take him as an idiot or think he was associated with the demonic group. "Then does that mean that the demonic group is in reality demons?"

"Yes, that's right. Though, they too were surprised by humans' power, so they have difficulties creating mayhem among their ranks."



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