
Chapter 90 - Poison

He walked slowly, silently, knowing the humans were unlikely to be paying enough attention to hear any of his movement over the crowd. But there was no harm in taking extra care.

He passed within fifty feet of the fox hole and caught a whiff of Sasha in there with Dunken. His heartrate eased a little then. His friend had done as he\'d asked. He was relieved.

Yhet had been the one to find him and warn him the humans were there. Technically he should have gone to his cave and hidden until they left—Yhet had said he\'d let him know. But Zev was deeply concerned. He knew Nick wouldn\'t be among the team they\'d sent. But to have gotten people here so quickly… it spoke volumes about how important he was to their plans, and how quickly they were willing to break their own rules to keep him in his place.

The gateway wasn\'t safe for humans. That the teams were coming through frequently—and now at unplanned times—meant they saw their work here as primary to their goals.

Thana had always been little more than a zoo them to before. What had changed?

Even so, humans he could handle. As long as they didn\'t send an army of avatars through, he was certain he\'d be fine.

Sasha on the other hand…

She didn\'t understand at all who she was dealing with, and until he could explain it to her, he had to trust her willingness to listen to males she\'d known only hours. He shouldn\'t have been kissing her last night, he should have been filling her in on all the dangers here, all the ways she was vulnerable—and who could be trusted to help her in situations like this.

He prayed Dunken hadn\'t had to get too aggressive with her to keep her in check. She was sassy when she was frightened—especially if a guy made her feel like she\'d been marginalized. Zev huffed a tiny chuckle remembering the time at a high school party when some drunk guy had made some comment about her ass.

Zev had whirled, knowing the male was actually challenging him. But before he could even take a step, Sasha was in the guy\'s face, tearing him a new asshole of his own.

Zev stood behind her, grinning, just in case. If the male lost his control and decided to lay a hand on her, he would find it torn off by Zev before even Sasha\'s tongue could flap. But in the end, there\'d been no need. She had known the guy since he was small and she\'d belittled him in front of the whole party.

All the other females in the room had cheered. And when she turned away, her hair rippling like a flag behind her as she stormed away, Zev had followed in her wake, almost delirious with desire for her—but not before he shot the male a warning look over his shoulder to quell any chance the male\'s pride would get the better of him. If he tried, he would face a helluva lot more than whips from Sasha\'s tongue.

When they\'d gotten outside, he\'d grabbed her wrist and tugged her behind a hedge, pulling her into a kiss before she could even speak. And when they finally came up for air, she\'d been gaping at him. "What was that for?"

"For not being intimidated," he\'d whispered, then nipped her earlobe. "Your strength makes me want you."

They\'d fought the wanting for so long… then given in not long after that.

Falling into memories of that night reminded him that he\'d held her, naked and wanting, the night before. The palms of his hands itched to be on her skin again. He growled and shook his head. But as he circled the village until he found the tree he\'d been looking for, not far from the fox hole, he couldn\'t completely shake off the tension within him that wanted—needed—to claim her. To make sure every male in the vicinity knew it.

Even now, knowing she was in that small space with Dunken made the alpha authority within him snarl. He wanted to crawl in there and display for her, to dominate Dunken and kick the male out on his ass. Which was ridiculous. Dunken would never try to take Sasha.

Growling at himself to cool off, Zev turned his attention back to the village square—distant enough that it took his wolf-eyes and ears to make out the expression on Xar\'s face, and to hear the voices.

He hoped Sasha was hearing this from her spot.

"Chimera! Hear me!" Xar called, scanning the crowd, that was still growing as Chimera arrived from hunting or out on patrols. "Our human brothers need our aid. They have lost one of their own—a feeling we know well—and they seek her here. I have assured her we have had no visitors from the human world except their own teammates, but they fear we may have been deceived, or their… friend may have entered without our knowledge. Does anyone here have knowledge of a new female? A human?"

A murmur rippled through the crowd of gathered males. Zev wasn\'t nervous that they would reveal Sasha—any female was so precious to the Chimera, they wouldn\'t give her up without a significant fight. But he was concerned about any incentives they might give Xar, or someone else of rank, to give him up.

Those who didn\'t want to see him take power again would have reason to betray him. And if he was found, it would be only a matter of time until they found her as well, with or without the Chimera\'s help.

"Please, brothers, speak if you know of anything. Our human friends are very tense. This female is valuable to them."

Hearing the Chimera King, the Alpha of the Clans, refer to the humans as friends, set Zev\'s teeth on edge. But he just clenched them harder and kept listening. His opinions on Xar\'s attitude to the humans would keep for the day he was acknowledged by the tribes again.

"Perhaps then, if you have not seen a human female, perhaps you have seen our former Alpha? The wolf, Zev?" There was a glint in Xar\'s eyes that should have warned him. But Zev had never imagined, never even considered— "As Alpha, I bring you terrible news about your former leader, brothers. Please, if you know anything of his whereabouts, offer it up. The humans need to return him to their world, for he has been tasked with breeding the females in an effort continue our race."

"What do you mean, breeding the females?" a voice cried from the crowd. Zev\'s stomach went cold.

Xar gave a cold smile. "I have just been informed that Zev has been mating all of our females for the past three years, while we await their return. He has formed some kind of bond—not the normal mating bond, something unique and… well. Our friends need to return him to the females before his absence creates difficulties for them. So let\'s help them, since I\'m certain, like me, you would like nothing more than to close your teeth on his throat."

Zev swore as a great cacophony of howls, barks, and cries rose to echo around the forest of Thana.


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