
Chapter 161 - Strategy

Where Chimera\'s animal ancestors roamed the mountains in the wild, Siberian tigers and alpine wolves shared territory—and food sources. The two predators often crossed paths and gave each other a wide berth when there was plenty of food.

But when resources were short…

It was a known fact that a pack of wolves would, almost always defeat a single tiger. And that a tiger fighting a single wolf, would almost always walk away victorious.

But Zev also knew there were two elements in his favor.

Zev had long known that any creature\'s level of desperation could go a long way to defeating an enemy. But on top of that, a Chimera\'s Alpha authority was bolstered by their support from within the society—and if he didn\'t miss his guess, more than two thirds of the males at the gathering were now positioned behind him. It helped that the wolves were the most numerous Chimera.

Of course, he\'d beaten a tiger before—and Xar had witnessed his triumph.

Before he shifted, Zev smiled. But then, so did Xar.

The old tiger was tired. He was grieving. And he was under the thumb of the humans. But he had become Alpha of All, and held the position for a reason. He was a cunning opponent, an intelligent strategist, and a fucking tough male.

When Zev shifted and crossed the space between them, Xar took his Tiger form, baring his fangs and hissing as they began to circle each other.

Zev raised his hackles to make himself as big—and as difficult to grip—as possible. His blood pumped with adrenalin so he felt no pain and indeed, the power pulsing in his veins, the sheer desire to take his mate and make her safe, claim her as his own—and keep her from any other male… it drove the snarl from his lips.

He would take this motherfucker down, once and for all.

With no warning or sound, Zev leaped towards Xar\'s hind legs—if he could hamstring the big cat, this would be easy.

But the Tiger immediately sank back on his haunches, opening his front paws and unsheathing his claws. His strike was powerful and whip-quick. Dodging, Zev felt the air from it flutter against his fur.

He tried one more time, staying low, to reach Xar\'s leg, but the cat was too quick, liquid lightening, turning to face and swipe with a snake-strike paw that Zev just barely evaded.

They both backed off and danced around each other, Xar hissing, his massive fangs bared. Zev growling, his own canines open, teeth open and bared to the gums.

Let the Tiger come at him. Xar\'s advantage was in his sheer weight and strength. But Zev was far faster. As long as he could avoid being pinned by the cat, he wasn\'t too proud to dance and dart, wearing the old King out before taking his throat.

And he would take his throat.

Xar had clearly lost his mind—not only in submitting to the humans as he had, but now coming for Sasha when he was already mated?

Thought he wouldn\'t have chosen this moment to fight this fight, the Tiger had, in fact, done him a favor, forcing this confrontation in that way. There were several Chimera he knew had been on the fence about his bid for Alpha, who now stood behind Zev, adding their confidence and assurance of his skill to his authority.

The Tiger needed to be removed. Zev would grieve for the twins in losing both their parents, but he would deal with that later.

All of Thana was at risk as long as a madman held the Alpha authority.

So he darted and danced, landing one good bite on the tiger\'s haunch, but getting cuffed on his sore side for the trouble.

He yelped as he was flipped and landed on the hard dirt on his side, but immediately found his feet, turning to meet the rush of big cat coming for him. But then he was running, dodging again, too quick for the heavy tiger to follow without risking baring his back.

Feinting and growling, dodging and dancing, Zev led him in the circle again and again, until the heavier, older Alpha was beginning to conserve movement, turning on the spot rather than circling for the attack, aware of his failing energy.

Zev dropped his chin and snarled. Had he been fighting another wolf, this was the moment to engage, to rush and take their neck high and bear down, flip the dog on his back and close on his throat if he didn\'t submit.

But a tiger… A tiger\'s claws could lay open his side before he could turn it—and his longer body and heavier weight made him much harder to dominate in a typical attack. Not to mention that tigers regularly allowed an opponent to roll them, then used back claws the open the enemy\'s guts.

Zev couldn\'t risk going to the ground with Xar, it wouldn\'t end well for him.

So Zev feinted, first to one side, then the other. Made sure the Tiger was twitching to meet his attack and watching his body to anticipate which way he would approach next.

Obviously anticipating his assault, the wolves barked and called behind him, encouraging him. The cacophony of their support covering everything to Zev but the sound of his own heart pounding in his ears.

Then, without a sound, he flowed forward, directly for the tiger, anticipating correctly that Xar would sink back and upright, using his tail for balance and opening his front legs and splaying his claws. The claws that normally, Zev would do everything to avoid.

But he had an idea and if it worked…

Just feet from Xar, Zev leaped, straight at the tiger, using his weight to take the bigger animal off balance, but instead of focusing his attack on bearing Xar to the ground, Zev opened his jaws over the Tiger\'s throat and let his momentum carry his body past—into the embrace of one of those wicked paws, but at an awkward angle.

And as he flew, his body twisting to the side in the air, he closed his teeth on Xar\'s windpipe, locked his jaw, and shook.

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