
Chapter 290 - Unspoken

The words seemed to seep into Zev\'s head, as if Lhars wasn\'t entirely sure he wanted to share them. Or perhaps was frightened of the answer? What had happened to Kyelle? Zev stiffened.

No. Is she okay? Zev asked, trying not to put his Alpha authority behind it. He didn\'t want to break the uneasy peace they\'d found. But he was worried.

I\'m sure she\'s fine, Lhars replied. But she\'s pissed off with me. Avoiding me, I think.

Well good luck when she\'s got her hackles up. What did you do this time?

Lhars\' chewing slowed for a moment. It was the only warning Zev had that this wasn\'t a moment to tease his brother.

I told her about my feelings for her. Tried to kiss her.

Zev had to drop his own head so the others wouldn\'t see the shock painted all over his face. Lhars had actually approached her?

Did you display for her? He asked, his voice hushed in Lhars\' head.

Lhars shook his head. I didn\'t think I needed to. When I first stated my feelings she didn\'t back away. I thought perhaps we were beyond that.

No wonder she\'s pissed off.

Zev regretted letting his brother hear the words the moment he thought them.

Lhars\' grip on his knife tightened until his knuckles were white. He didn\'t lift his head from the plate.

Sorry, Zev sent apologetically. I didn\'t mean that. I just meant… I know she… she\'s kind of sensitive about always being treated like a male. She thinks we don\'t see her as a female because she can\'t have young.

Lhars nodded. She told me. It\'s ridiculous. Can\'t she see—

It\'s how she feels, Lhars. Do you want her to tell you your feelings are ridiculous?

His brother went very still. Then he looked up to meet Zev\'s eyes.

No, I don\'t, he sent quietly.

I wish you luck, brother, Zev sent genuinely. I hope she can see you better than I did.

Kyelle has always seen me more clearly than you did,

Lhars replied dryly.

Zev huffed and took another bite of his own breakfast. He thought that would be the end of the conversation and was turning his attention back to the discussion between Yhet and Dunken about the Team Headquarters in the human world, when Lhars\' voice appeared in his head again.

What did you do to convince Kyelle that you didn\'t care she was an owl? How did you get her to trust that you didn\'t judge her for not being able to have offspring?

Zev blinked. I… uh… I mean, I just didn\'t care. I treated her as I would anyone else.

Lhars rolled his eyes. Remarkable. Earth shattering wisdom.

Zev raised an eyebrow at him. And yet, apparently I convinced her where you haven\'t?

Lhars growled and heads turned at the table, but Lhars had always been better at subterfuge than Zev. And apparently better at listening to multiple conversations at the same time than Zev was, too. Because Lhars met eyes with the other males like he\'d been listening all along.

"When the call is made to go, go at night. Early evening. Make the crossing so you arrive in the human world in the hours of darkness. Then you can travel all night and sleep through the day before approaching the following night. It will give the scouts a chance to make sure you haven\'t been followed or detected, too. Also, to make sure Sasha\'s actually there."

"She\'ll be there," Zev muttered. "It\'s the only secure lab in the area of the gateway. And they won\'t risk taking her too far away in case they want to come back here. The question is whether they\'ll bring her back with them."

"You don\'t think they\'ll just free her to return?" Lhars asked.

"No, of course not."

"They did with Xar."

"Xar was clearly interfered with. They\'d gotten in his head. Sasha won\'t let them. She\'ll resist. She\'ll either be kept there, or brought back under their control," Zev said through his teeth, his grip on his own knife tightening. He wanted to stab it right into Nick\'s throat at the idea of what Sasha might be enduring—things he knew that the others didn\'t. And he couldn\'t tell them because it might affect their willingness to believe in Sasha.

He wouldn\'t undermine her while she was gone, not when she\'d sacrificed her own safety to help all of them. If the humans did anything to her, he\'d figure it out when they got her back. Somehow.

Shaking off the uneasy feeling, he turned his mind back to the conversation at the table, but Lhars was staring at him, and looking frustrated.

What? he asked his brother, trying to keep impatience out of his tone.

Lhars shook his head. It\'s not important, he sent. What\'s important is that you\'re healing and we need to get Sasha back and keep the humans out.

Zev sucked in a breath, nodding.

It\'s good that you\'re certain of your path, Lhars sent, a tinge of sadness in his voice. Good that you know exactly what you want and which way to aim.

Zev looked at his brother carefully. Don\'t you know that, also?

Knowing and being able to pursue are two different things. Your goals align with all of our needs. We can all get behind that. And your certainty makes you a decisive leader. It\'s what we\'ve been missing for these years, Zev. So don\'t waver. Step carefully, avoid any kind of revolt from the males. Don\'t give them a reason to mistrust you. But lead. Step in. Do what you know is needed. The rest… the rest we can figure out as we go.

Zev nodded. The problem is, everything\'s pulling me to her. Out of Thana, back to the human world where she is. She\'s under my skin. My existence is tied to her. But I know I have to be so careful—not just for my own sake, but for hers. But… I can\'t leave her there, Lhars. I start to sweat every time I so much as think of what they could do to her.

He shivered and Lhars nodded. But there was no further discussion.

They both turned their minds back to the discussion between Yhet and Dunken about the layout of the Headquarters, and while Zev was able to give more detail, he spoke only rarely.

Because the truth was, his resolve didn\'t matter when he couldn\'t think of a single, likely way to break through the security and technology of the team.

He didn\'t want to think that they were at the mercy of Nick, but… what choice did he have?

He had to get her out of there! Had to! But what would it do her if he only got himself captured in the process.

If there was one thing he was certain of, it was that if the humans got hands on both of them at the same time, that would be the end.

It was, he realized, why Sasha had gone. Because she seen that instinctively. She\'d kept them away from the village. Away from him.

God, he loved her so much.

She had to be safe. And smart. She had to get out of there.. She just had to.

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