
Chapter 332 Preparations

Chapter 332 Preparations

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~ ZEV ~

It was his third day in the City and he hadn\'t had a chance to leave yet. But he was almost ready. He hadn\'t had more than five hours sleep every night, yet he woke stronger every morning. And that morning, though he felt the weariness of sleep deprivation, when he pushed out of the furs and planted his feet on the floor, he twisted and swung, trying his body out and found… nothing.

He was healed.

Thank God.

Yhet, who\'d taken to guarding him while he slept, then disappearing during the day, yawned, then smiled. "You look well, Zev."

"I feel well, Yhet. It\'s the day. Or should I say, the night. I\'m getting my mate back today."

Yhet rubbed his hands together. "I\'ll come with you. I would love to get my fingers on the throat of a human or two who\'s holding Sasha—"

"You know I can\'t let you do that, Yhet," Zev said sadly, walking to put an arm to his friend\'s shoulder. "I can\'t risk that they\'ll see you. It\'s so dangerous for you to be over there, Yhet. You know that."

"But, Sasha—"

"I know, but I\'m thinking what I need is for you to be here on this side when she comes back. You\'re the first person she\'ll want to see, Yhet, you know that. And besides that, if the humans try to come through… you\'re welcome to put your hands on those throats."

Yhet gave a slow, wicked smile. "I can do that," he rumbled.

Zev shivered. Yhet was true to his breed. The ancients were peace-loving, hunting only for food. They were slow to anger, and quick to celebrate and make friends. But when their anger was inspired… Zev pitied the person who tried to stand between Yhet and Sasha if the male felt she was under threat. He\'d already been beating himself up for being too slow to protect her during the Alpha fight. Zev had no doubt the male would be hyper-vigilant now. And he was glad for it. He had no idea under what circumstances they\'d be returning. Having a fierce guard on this side of the gateway to protect her when they came through separately…

Zev swallowed hard. He prayed they could both move into the gateway at the same time, so even though they\'d be separated it, wouldn\'t disconnect the bond again. He feared his body\'s response if that happened.

Yhet handed him a bowl of warm oats and Zev thanked him. He was starving all the time—a response, his healer said, to the infection burning through his reserves. He\'d lost some weight, mainly in muscle. But that morning for the first time, despite his tiredness, he felt strong.

He wasn\'t going to wait another day.

His plan for that morning was to do a final walkthrough of the City, ensure that all the petty squabbles had finally been stifled, then gather his crew—including Dunken, and Kyelle—and cross the Gateway as the sun went down.

Lhars was struggling with the need to remain in Thana, but he\'d taken the instruction. He\'d returned to the village when Zev remained in the City, just in case the humans came back. They were cycling males through the village, always a different couple dozen of them in attendance so if the Team showed up there were signs of different males, and new ones would appear.

They would hide the defection to the City as long as they could.

After eating he dressed quickly in the suit the humans had given him that would allow shifting without taking off his clothes. Just in case. He didn\'t want to have to come back to the City once he\'d left if there was no need.

Then he left Yhet, who was off on another walk before he\'d take some sleep himself, Zev walked through the City and let himself just observe. He greeted males and even answered a couple of questions. But it was very satisfying to see that the place seemed to have returned to peace. The hunters had brought down a huge bull the day before and there had been fresh meat for everyone for dinner, which had lifted spirits.

Seemed like many had slept in that morning. Though he\'d risen with the dawn, Zev was already accustomed to seeing males up and working when he came down into the central spaces. But as he climbed the stairs to check the hall they\'d prepared for the females one last time, there were few in sight.

Sure enough, the hall was completed—the open air windows covered in thin hides. The piles of furs in each corner. Small tables and a variety of utensils spread throughout. Someone had even thought to place a couple small mugs with bunches of hand-picked flowers.

They really were hoping for the return of their females, Zev realized. His stomach clenched.

Though he\'d done his best to keep expectations low on that score, the males were clearly excited. Zev struggled to see how they were going to get Sasha out of the compound alone, let alone with companions. But he refused to let himself dismiss the possibility. They would be prepared in the event that Sasha had done the impossible.

"Is it all to your liking?" Zev turned around to find Dunken staring at him from the doorway.

"It\'s… I feel like I\'m just trying to kill time at this point. Everything seems ready and… right."

"Then maybe we should just go?" Dunken replied, one hand on the hilt of his sword.

Zev felt like he should protest, but he didn\'t want to. What harm if they crossed early? They could travel through the forest in daylight without risk. Then even have some time to rest before they had to try to get into the compound when it great dark.

"You know what, brother? I like the way you think. Let\'s go get the others."

They trotted down the stairs together, Zev\'s heart pounding faster than was necessary, because he\'d just had a vision of finding Sasha and finally being able to hold her. Dunken sent a messenger to notify some of the males who he said were still sleeping, and would meet them at the village.

Then they walked out of the City and onto the trail.

They walked in companionable silence for a time. Zev considered shifting and running, but the truth was he really did have time to kill. So they continued walking and he watched the forest around them, praying it would soon be welcoming Sasha home.

"Zev?" Dunken asked hesitantly a moment later.


"When Sasha talked about bringing some of the females back… was it all wolves? Or were there others from other clans?"

"I know she wanted to bring them all. But… I don\'t know what she\'ll be able to do, Dunken. I think we just have to wait and see—"

Suddenly the ground was trembling under their feet. Zev stopped dead, then relaxed when he realized it was just Yhet running—probably excited to join them. He gave a chuckle. His friend could be so like a child in his enthusiasm… but then he realised, the footsteps were coming from ahead of them on the trail.

Zev and Dunken looked at each other, then back as Yhet tore around the corner in the trail, his hair flying in all directions and eyes so wide they showed the whites all the way around.

"Zev! ZEV! The females are here. THEY\'RE HERE!"

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