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Chapter 509 To Open Or Not To Open?

[Grim Reaper, Ming's Puppet]

[Two-star Legendary]


[Profile: The largest loan shark in the TG region. Known for his ruthless debt collection methods, he always ensures timely payment. Otherwise, assets are seized. Having operated for 20 years, there's never been a bad debt. Given his full-bearded face, he's nicknamed the 'Grim Reaper' by many...]

[Weakness: It's recommended to defeat his master first, then face him...]


Ming was rather exasperated by the unsolicited advice on the Reaper's weakness. However, it did have a point.

After the apocalypse began, the 'Grim Reaper' completed tasks for the [God Faction]. Due to his vast influence, he accomplished tasks rapidly, reaching the pinnacle of his power. But his progress was halted upon encountering Ming, ending his aspirations.

Frank, the last to emerge from the tent, looked like he still wanted more action. Ming headed west. When they reached the actual campsite, he noticed a large crowd gathered on the mountainside. Some greeted Ming with familiarity, while others curiously inquired about his identity.

Upon recognizing him, they quickly spread the word: "Look, that's Guteman! He's just a regular person, not a monstrous creature with sharp fangs!"

Ming had keen ears as a hunter-archer, and even whispers reached him. He couldn't understand why some still believed him to be a monstrous figure with sharp claws and fangs. Was it possible that some fallen individual was spreading these rumors?

Campfires illuminated various expressions on people's faces: fatigue, silence, relief, bewilderment...

"Boss, over here!" A woman stood up and waved from a distance. It was Clos.

Ming responded with a smile and quickened his pace.

"You seem unchanged. Maybe you should shave that beard," Clos remarked as she rummaged through her belongings for a razor. Alice just smiled at Ming, saying nothing. Her expression conveyed everything.

Digennaro grabbed her brother's hand, urging him to sit beside her. Addressing the group around the fire, she exclaimed, "Brothers, bring out the wine! Let's drink till we drop!"


Ming's smile faded, and he looked around solemnly. He wanted to know who turned Digennaro into such a heavy drinker?

Hawkins laughed, "When Digennaro drinks, her strength doubles."

Everyone laughed and poured wine. Those without wine raised their cups of water and shouted, "To still be alive!" They drank in unison, a gesture of releasing stress.

David took out some supplies, unwrapping them. "After entering the fog at zone 109, we kept heading northwest. Initially, we encountered no obstacles. But later, we faced various fog monsters. Every battle cost us a lot of time... and people. As the tide rose quickly, our original plan was scrapped. We took the straight path up the mountain."

Hawkins took a piece of flatbread, skewered it on a stick, and toasted it over the campfire. "Upon reaching the mountain, we found ourselves between the Grim Reaper and sea monsters. We had to split our forces, and the casualties were heavy. Today, we almost fell into the trap. If you hadn't come in time, I fear we would've been annihilated."

Alan released a giant white rooster, which went straight to Digennaro and pecked at her. Startled, she quickly recoiled. Alan spoke, "The tide's rise has slowed, but there's no guarantee it'll stop. Our next plan is to reach the plateau. However, the mountains are now separated by water. Transporting all of us using flying puppets isn't feasible."

Ming gestured, and Kubo appeared, pulling out a string of fresh fish. "Don't worry about that," Ming reassured, "I have a ship."

Digennaro spread her arms wide, "A huge aircraft carrier! I've seen it with my own eyes."

Ming gently tousled Digennaro's hair. "Once we cross, we must start preparations for 'wintering.'"

Everyone nodded in agreement. Dinner ended.

Ming and Digennaro took a walk and saw Alan fiddling with two zombies. Digennaro approached, resting her chin on her hands. "Has the transfer not been successful yet?"

Alan smirked, "You can watch, but if you remain silent, I'll let you keep the chicken for a few more days. Deal?"

Digennaro nodded, sealing the trade without a word.

Ming stood aside, thinking, "Ah, Digennaro truly has a gift. She earns her keep without uttering a word; others are willing participants. I could never do that."

Alan glanced back, "Boss, might I request some distance? Thank you."

Ming paused a hint of surprise in his eyes. "Have I become so objectionable in our time apart?"

Very well.

Before departing, he added, "If all else fails, bridge the connection to me."

As Ming turned to leave, he chanced upon Clos, who presented him with a razor. "Sir, shall I shave you now or later?"

"Have you taken a particular interest in my beard today?"

Clos responded, "I've always preferred neatness. Look at Kyomoto Jiro, still so immaculate."

Ming's gaze settled on Kyomoto Jiro, admiringly noting that the man remained impeccably dressed despite the chaos of battle.

After a moment, Ming's freshly shaven face looked back at Clos, who departed, his task completed satisfactorily.

[A chime sounded: Congratulations on completing the hidden task.]

[Awarded: Mysterious Treasure Chest x1]

[Note: This chest definitely does not contain a hidden task.]

Ming stared at the tiny treasure chest in his right hand, no larger than a smartphone. What was the game master playing at? Weren't there supposed to be no rewards this time? Was this truly a hidden task?

To open or not to open?

Ming decided to proceed... but with caution. Following Digennaro's method with the sheep, he found a conveniently available zombie creature. They retreated to a secluded spot, and from a safe distance, Ming severed the connection. The zombie approached and opened the box. Immediately, a radiant red beam shot into the sky.

It wasn't an exclamation or a question mark. It was a beacon!

From a distance, Ming saw a metal rod lying inside the chest. He approached and examined it:

[Divine Rod]

[Endurance +500]

[Strength +800]

[Agility +600]

[Mental Stamina +100]

[Unique Ability: As you wish, the rod follows your heart. Every use costs 100 units of mental and spiritual energy.]

[Unique Ability: Weighty Rod. It feels moderate in your grip but can break an arm if held by another.]

[Unique Ability: Defying Deities. Gods seem insignificant in your presence. No divine power can suppress your will to fight.]

[Unique Ability: Impenetrable Form. During use, there's a chance to become invincible.]

[Unique Ability: From the Depths. Holding this rod allows you to breathe underwater. Additionally, you can quickly sink to the ocean floor...]

Ming clutched the Divine Rod and whispered, "Grow larger~"

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