



"I see so you have been living here since the day you were born." I asked the little monster in my palm.

"Yes, my queen, since the day I have been born, I have found myself confined in these walls. But finally our queen is here to look after our welfare. I am so happy." A tiny squeaking voice rang in my head.

"Yeah about that part… can we discuss about it a little first?" I showed a bit of hesitation in saying this but the 'queen' part has still been bugging me.

"My queen is my queen… that's the only thing I know." And this tiny sweet voice doesn't seem to back down or take a no for an answer.

Huhhhh…. How did it even come to this.

I think, it all started when I entered floor 98 ...

I could hear clattering voices from all over the place, almost similar to a ticking of an analogue clock, as I crossed the arc passage. It was a huge grass plain, with a water fountain on the very right corner and a cluster of Magitite trees which illuminated the whole place like a glowing Christmas tree.

It was more of a paradise than a monster lair. But the only thing that made me feel off was the clattering – metal scraping noises from the huge giant spiders inhabiting this place.

To be honest I was more into enjoying the view than the thought of fighting them. Also for reasons, they felt so nostalgic, as if looking at a reflection of myself which I was once.

As I made my presence known to these spiders, I expected them to bring the fight directly to me. I prepared myself to send them off to the other side without hurting. I couldn't show them sympathy if they try to hurt me. Though if possible I will make it easy for them to pass on.

All the spiders suddenly stopped moving their front claws or doing the work they might have be doing, maybe like washing their fangs or scrubbing their spider webs in the running water. But staring in my direction and then again in the left corner of the floor, where a huge black spider was resting on a huge pumice rock, maybe treating it like a throne of some kind.

Suddenly the black spider made out a huge roar after looking intently in my direction and all the other spiders froze in their places.

I didn't understood what was happening, but it was fun watching them nonetheless. If they tried to act suspiciously I was going to annihilate them either way, so it's all in the good.

As their distorted arrangement quickly turned into a classified special arrangement of rows and columns, they matching and synchronizing their movements marched towards me, in a somewhat akin to a parade or processions I would see on television when the military rallies to the parliament.

I was more than ready to unleash my spell, when the black spider appeared in front of me… it was so quick that I wouldn't have been able to react, if I didn't keep my guard up. Was it teleportation, maybe shadow movement from the looks of it? They are all high level spiders after all and with huge bodies like that they are quite a monstrous sight to look at.

Well, I did also looked the same when I was one… as I was immersed in my thoughts of my dark and harsh past… a shrill voice excitedly banged in my head, even though it did not crossed paths between my two ears.

Was it telepathic communication, but with whom, as I focused on the receiving… I was awestruck…

"The queen has finally returned. Bow before the queen."

Wait! What…what's going on? A monster talking. But how… could it be that I am hearing things, am I that adverse to killing spiders now. But if they try to harm me then I have no choice. I should just burn them after all.

When suddenly a status message appeared as if an oracle, to prevent the demise of these innocent spiders who were now bowing and shouting praises for their queen. But where is she?

I failed to spot another huge or powerful spider except for the black one, but he too was a part of this entire parade-charade, rather he is the one who initiated all of this and the others followed.




Wait, what's with my status all of a sudden, and why is Al acting on his own with his emotionless mechanical voice.



How did I get this title now? Is it because of that weird title which I have since my birth? Why is it activating on its own, is it some inner mechanism, with some conditions to be fulfilled.

And if the title is the 'Queen of Spiders' does that mean their queen is me.

Just to confirm... I asked the black spider by directing my gaze at him. Since they can make me understand their language through thought communication, the vice-versa should work too or at least I am hoping for it in that matter.

"Can you tell me who your queen is?"

"It's you my humble Queen." a loud voice again ran through my head again.

I knew it, but what should I do with it now. All of the spiders almost numbered in hundreds, ranging from different coloured shells - blue, green, red, gray, violet and the one who was standing in front of me was the only black spider.

He appeared to be indeed the most powerful among them and the one at the top.

So titles do work like authority, and the spiders instinctively respond to my presence. Before this I had never used the power of a title, but it does seem useful now. Maybe I should try to acquire more of them. But I have to make sure that I don't end up with a weird one.

"All, hail the mighty queen."

"All hail the majestic queen."

"All hail…."

"Okay fine! I am your queen. So stop for now." I who got frustrated with their loud noises, without thinking shouted inside my mind. But it seems that due to telepathic thought path communication they heard it.

A pin drop silence fell in the bottomless chasm of the labyrinth, and except for my worried looks, strained forehead and the flowing downstream water - nothing seems to be moving. Are they mad at me because I shouted at them?

I looked at the black spider and could tell he was eagerly waiting for something.

So I tried doing this… being as direct as possible.

"By any chance do you want something from me specifically as your queen." I need to gain there trust. If by any chance we can reach to a conclusion to stop our fight, then I am more than willing for a peace negotiation.

The black spider walked in front a bit and tilting his black spherical head, attached to its huge body, like bowing to me he continued in his earsplitting sound," Oh! Humble queen, as your subjects we can't ask you for anything."

"No, no... There could be something I could do for you. Just ask."

"My queen how kind of you to offer us your divine protection."

Wait, but I didn't offer anything to you. You just went and decided it on your own.

He continued, "Then if you must then we want to procure some nutritious food. We have survived till now by eating plants, but it doesn't seem to work for us that much in terms of fulfilling our demands. Would you be willing enough to grant us food with your absolute power?"

Wait! These spiders eat plants. And now they are asking for something nutritious… could it be meat. So ultimately they are omnivores.

But why haven't I ever thought of eating plants when I was one… right while fighting monsters I would usually end up destroying the whole floor or burning down the whole place. Well, you learn something new every day, so I will leave it at that and take it as a lesson.

As for their food, I have defeated a lot of monsters and with help of gluttony and equivalent exchange, I can recreate monster corpses – so will it be okay for them to eat it.

"Will monster corpses work for you all?"

"Anything our queen offers to us we will be honoured to accept it with all of our heart."

Then how about this, I recreated a sand worm corpse to fill almost half the floor, which I once defeated inside the labyrinth. I wonder for how much days it will work for them.

"Thank you, my queen, this will surely make your subjects happy. How could we ever repay to you."

Don't go crying on me, you asked for it, so you get it.

"You, honestly don't need to."

"You are so kind my queen, let us all dedicate our lives in your name. Please use our meager lives to fulfill all your means."

Wait! Didn't you decide it all on your own? But I don't think there is any backing out now and it's not like I can't use their help. All I need to do as a queen is to make sure that they live a happy life and do not die because of any avoidable circumstance. If serving me, their queen makes them happy, then I shouldn't refuse the offer, as long as I don't make their life less comfortable or put them in harm's way.

"But is this amount really enough for you all."

"Yes, my queen most probably for a month or two."

Are they dieting freaks, with their size, even this amount won't last for an hour.

Oh, I see that's how it is…

I understood the whole farce when they shrank themselves. That's right, until now they had been using body transformation, but their true size is almost that of a nail and can still lower their body size to a thick marker's dot.

Colour me impressed, they changed from abominable apocalyptic creatures to household innocent child-like spiders.

Most of them were now feeding on the sand worm, while I was checking their stats through appraisal.

To be honest, they were not much of fighters or attack magic user monsters. Though they have high resistances, but they are mostly sneaky type ones. Most of them possessed skills for hidden attacks like poison breath, confusion, paralysis, sleep, mirage, dream contact and even extended to mind attack skills like hypnosis and taking body control.

Now I can see their true potential as a mini squad- a small army of spider troops, good for scouting and directly taking out bosses of the opposing armies. To be honest no one would even suspect them and they can just go and do anything.

Hiding is not a problem for them at all, if they learn advanced conceal, then not even investigative skills would work on them.

"My queen is there anything I can do for you." The black spider came to me on its own violation with the exact proposal I had wanted.

"But first can you tell me what I should call you."

"I am sorry for making it difficult but I don't possess a name."

Right I had doubt about that, only singular entity monsters possesses names.

"Then how about I call you Elly."

"It makes me so happy to obtain a name from our benevolent queen." It looked like he was about to cry in joy, but now that he is turned his original body size small, his voice has become shrill and sweet. It's much better this way.

So, I taught him on how to learn 'advanced conceal' skill. I tried to make it a rather fun activity for them. So, by playing hide and skill with each other. But simply playing won't cut it; they needed to be engaged in combat too, and to catch each other they had to use their webs. It will improve their combat skills in the end and some of them will learn the required skills. Well, we will get to see the results in a month or two.

As a compensation I made a promise to teleport lots of meat monster to this floor and also guarantee their safety when they needed me. With help of Elly's skill we could even communicate over long distance and when I would need them ever in future I could just teleport them to my side.

This makes me realize that what I am doing might be similar to monster taming but since they call me their queen then should I call it monster subordination.

"Hey by the way Elly, do you know what's there on the lower floors."

"I am sorry my queen, but even we don't know. None of them have ever ventured outside of these floors. It doesn't seem we can either. Unless you appeared. Now our restrictions have been lifted." That was something new for me to learn. Due to my authority, they are no more bound to the rules and dimension barriers that maintain order in this place.

Yes, that might be true, when I appeared somehow they too got the title of worker spiders. Am I running some kind of corporate system now!!

"Sorry for being useless my queen."

"No problem, you all just try to live a healthy and fun life here."

"But I can tell you one thing that whatever there is below us, is not alive. We never sensed any life energy coming from there but always experienced a cold powerful surging malevolent energy occupying it."

"That does help…" well I have a clue now. And I think I know what I should expect then.

After that we said our goodbyes to each other and all the other spiders seemed to be overwhelmed by me leaving. But I assured them that I will help them whenever they have a problem.

And that's how our little congregation came to an end and thus a spider colony was found under my supervision.


////////////////// FLOOR – 98 //////////////////

Who would have thought that I would be able to see such a creepy and yet fascinating sight some day. Till now I had only seen it in video games and novels, but they do really exist in this world.

Those who sleep for eternity and yet walk the land, those who look straight forward at their goal and yet are mindless, those that are already rotten but yet immortal – the UNDEAD.

As I was a step away from the gate, the lower land was filled with a dense pitch-black mist.

"So, that's what is called a black miasma pool. For one to be here… it's sure is a mystery right now…"

Usually they could be said as naturally occurring pounds in the realm of dead, Hell. But for one to be here and so huge to cover the entire floor. I needed to tread carefully in here.

From what I have learnt, these pools is what power up the monsters, causing different changes in their bodies, pretty much like evolution. But its way-worse because it takes away their sanity and fear of death and instill in them the thought to destroy whatever is in front of them.

I looked at all the humanoid like creatures, creatures other than humanoid shapes with almost no forms. Undead, zombies, skull people – whatever one calls them were walking on this floor. The air was so cool to almost make my breath clog in my throat. The sight of these indescribable creatures, the coal-black darkness did not only had consumed the floor but also had plagued their hearts which almost made me scramble backwards.

But I had to move forward, even though this was my first-hand experience with them, I had to learn to deal with such a problem at some point if I wanted to succeed in my and Athena's goal.

So, to first know of their weaknesses and strengths properly, I wanted to play it safe and avoid the black miasma and its adverse affects. Even though I have magic immunity and resistance I doubt it would be absolutely effective against such an overwhelming amount. I had to keep my promise with mother after all to not get hurt if I am able to.

So from the stairs alone I decided to launch magical attacks, since they won't respond to my presence unless I enter the floor or step into the black miasma.




I launched my preliminary rail of attacks, but unfortunately it had no effect on them. On those whom I cast gravity sphere stay stuck to the ground. On those whom I cut through wind cutter, felled into various parts but continued to grossly walk with their cut down half bodies.

With no choice I decided to raise the level of spells.


In the next instant the whole floor was on fire, which confirmed the fact I had learned about the undead. Magic is ineffective on them. The black fire just spread over their bodies with doing no damage whatsoever and died out.

The reason being, that the undead are specific creatures that possess infinite and zero amount of magical energy. They keep on alternating between them. For a body which ceases to have a soul, but when their escaping consciousness ends up in a loop of leaving and re-entering a body it gives rise to an undead.

When the consciousness leave their bodies they have zero magical energy, and when their consciousness returns back by absorbing magic energy from the surrounding and pure black miasma they have almost an infinite supply of it. This process is fast in undead who have strong will and are powerful, while it's comparatively slower in the weak ones.

This leads to the conclusion that my black fire magic failed and so will the other magic spells.

I mean killing an already dead being sounds lame. Though I have to do just that.

To be more precise to defeat an undead we need to erase their existence.

In this world people have only one solution of defeating an undead, that is divine light magic, which works well in destroying the magical veins and severe their consciousness form their will.

But for this humongous pool of miasma and undead numbering in hundreds it would almost take an entire day. And I don't like to work like a bull, but take smart steps for quick total annihilation of my enemy.

So, it was my best time to try out my new weapon that I once failed to control. But after regular practice with mother I was finally able to gain complete control over it.

I will also able to confirm the exact potency of this weapon and its limits at the same time.

"Soul Weapon Manifest. DELERE SPHERE"

The next instant I was covered inside a translucent white colour sphere. This was my soul weapon. Unlike any other soul weapon, it was one of its kind because I cannot use it directly to attack.

The ground below me got erased, so I used wind magic to sky walk. I took my first step on the floor into the back miasma pool.

Closing my eyes I hurriedly moved my legs and hesitatingly placing them on the ground, I was safely standing on the floor.

"Finally… without a scratch." I looked around and was surprised to see how this black miasma pool was reacting to my soul weapon. As soon as the black mist touched the periphery of the sphere it vanished leaving an empty space which was then covered by the surrounding mist. The process continued forever, as if the sphere was acting as some kind of a sink or a drainage point.

But the sudden change in the level of black miasma had already alerted the undead of their energy source being depleted by me.

They took an offensive side. Some came running in my direction empty handed, some with rusted swords and wearing brown rusted armours.

Even the monster looking type undead did the same and mindlessly attacked me.

But I was not bothered, the moment they touched the sphere, they vanished. Not even a single trail left behind, almost being reduced to nothing.

As if they were being deleted from reality. That's the feeling I get.

I was happy as I moved forward towards the next gate leading me to the final floor. I did not need to do anything except walk as all of my enemies unthinkingly vanished from my sight as did the most of black miasma which was almost completely gone with few traces behind.

Then not to forget about the undead mounting over black horses. Those really fired me up; watching them in real life was a dream come true. But they too found a similar ending of being erased.

Within fifteen minutes I had not only defeated all my enemies but also purified the land. But seeing the floor did not make me much happy. The fertility of the soil was gone; it was burnt to the very bottom of ground, with almost all of magic being used to sustain the black miasma itself.

I decided to pick up some soil, and later try finding ways to restore it to normal in as little time as possible. I might have to confront these good for nothing creatures in future later too.

So it's better to be prepared.


////////////////// FLOOR – 100 /////////////////////

The situation just can't get worse, than currently what it is.

I had started getting bad premonitions the moment I saw a four square gate sealing the passage to the final floor. Just like an unwritten invitation or label ─


Using my Wind fan I slashed through the gate, ripping apart it into two pieces with a clean cut, it was obvious that mother's gift would prevail against these pesky ancient doors. Though now I regret it when I think I could open a museum with these kinds of objects. The people would go crazy in my previous world on such a discovery claiming – 'a fine piece of ancient work.', 'a breakthrough in ancient times technological advancement.' Or what not stupidity over a dumb door. At least give it a rest, it might be just a door to someone's washroom in old times.

But maybe it would be just considered an old dull gate in this world and the idea of a museum, won't work that well in magical world, because things needed to be put to use instead of being hanged on walls or bore the mind of school children on a museum trip. Then there are all kinds of restoration and sustaining magic which defeats the entire purpose of recording time artifacts.

But the world which I was about to enter had no limits or boundaries as such. I would have thought as much when this floor is the only one separated with a sealed door.

'DANGER' is etched and has been echoing in this empty dark space. I could neither perceive a wall nor the ground. It was all covered in pitch-black miasma much darker and denser than the last time. But instead of being surrounded by undead, a huge black sphere was floating in the centre of the place.

With no choice I activated my soul weapon and stepped into the black miasma. And it still is ineffective on me. But I was still creeped out by how the miasma was reacting.

It was a curious sight, but at the same time, it made me feel indescribably uneasy. For a moment I felt it was alive, as it started converging and bouncing over the surface of sphere.

I had taken only a few steps, when the air instantly froze as if someone had forcibly for a moment stopped the ticking of all the clocks in the world. The black sphere started revolving at its place at an indefinite pace. Sometimes it took turns, tilted its axis, and changed speed. It was clear to me that this black sphere was taking some kind of a form when I started feeling an overwhelming presence from the inside. I used my appraisal and analysis skill at the same time and started studying the situation.

"So, now that would explain, why so much black miasma has accumulated on this floor."

I was getting anxious by every second, as more and more of this dark matter spewed out of the black sphere and finally it completed its form.

Skinless, fleshless hands clad in a raven-black robe with an invisible bottom covered in black fog, clutching a gargantuan sword which seemed to be able to split the ground and sky at the same time.

The gaze from its vacant orbs of its bleached-white skull had a familiar sense of emptiness as though it captures the soul of anyone who dared to stare in them.

In that moment of stillness, it had already concluded that I was the live prey.

The final boss monster turned out to be none other than a soul reaper – Thanatos – The Guardian Angel of Gates of Hell.

Maybe I should start praying, but unfortunately I have always been an atheist from heart.

But even after meeting gods for real, my viewpoint hasn't changed. Gods are not beings that fulfill our pesky wishes but have much more responsibility to look after the world's order and maintain a proper balance in the fundamental forces of nature. They won't have time to hear our pleas and even if they hear, they have no obligation to fulfill it. And then there are people who says : God helps only those who helps themselves. Humans just cannot stay on the same platform.

I think I don't need to pray to them, because I have befriended one of them after all. Haven't I…!!!

So I am going to meet her and there's no stopping me. I am going to take this apocalyptic monster down in a beat.

I instantly increased the reach of my soul weapon and holding the hand fan near my heart I firmed my grip on the ground and relaxed my muscles.

In the next instant, all I was able to perceive was a black shadow and the shining tip of the sword heading in my direction at a lightning speed.

It is faster than I imagined for a bag of broken ancient bones.

I was more than ready to counterattack as I spread the blades of the wind fan and pushing my hand a bit backwards prepared to counterattack its blow. The reaper was about to touch the sphere and I was already dancing in the skies with the thought that I had already won.

...I…. CAN'T MOVE.

What's happening?

My senses, my foothold all had started to suddenly whittle down. My strength receding into the background as if it failed to response to my urges. This has never happened. So why now…

I was the only one who had stopped, while the reaper's blade was upon me in a flash. I had no time to be surprised and yet at this decisive moment – it was as though the connection between my mind and body was severed.

I forcing myself tried to hold the wind fan in front and putting all of my strength into my All Seeing Eyes of the Gods used thought acceleration.

The reaper was definitely being hurt by the soul weapon's sphere, but something unique was occurring simultaneously. The sphere was corroding.

"So, this is Rot Magic." I think I have overestimated the powers of my soul weapon and underestimated the enemy at the same time.

According to analysis Rot Magic – is an all decaying skill. Whenever anything comes into the vicinity of the soul reaper it starts to decay on its own. Time itself started decaying, almost halted when it approached me. My energy started decaying as it touched the sphere which corroded as well.

There was no more time to think, the only immediate solution to get out of this mess was to release all the stored energy inside the flag at once.

A burst of light magic, and the soul reaper made a retreat with clanking bones sound, its rattle resonating in this hollow place made it even more sinister.

I would have loved to open a ghost house here! But having such a scary ghost with such a dangerous unique skill should not be left loose.

I needed to gain back my energy, and the parts of the skin burn I suffered around my hand due to its rot magic.


The next moment I knew all the black miasma in my nearby vicinity got purified as well as the reaper seems to be frustrated by it as it led out a huge howl. I wondered how did it even manage to make out a voice without an Adam's apple or a tongue.

"That's none of you business. Damn you!!" that's what it eyes appeared to be saying to me.

How did I even miss that, Divine Heal is the highest divine light magic I can use. Obviously it would work better than my soul weapon.

But I think I only made the boss monster angrier with how the black miasma has been condensing behind him and acting so violent. This was a mistake from my side to use a spell without thinking how the monster would retaliate. Of course if I use a power that endangers its very existence it would come at full force. But I was still recovering from the time lag the Rot skill has caused.

I can't get my head around it of how to defeat such a strong entity without getting near it. It's obvious all magic spells would decay before it makes contact with it.

I tried to ransack my brain as every second passed, but nothing seems to surface. It was a blank, is it too due to effect of the rot skill…. Or am I scared… this time.

In these few seconds of negligence and ignorance I have left the reaper unattended. I tried to move, but this time my legs seemed to be sinking inside the knee deep water ground.

The black mist had turned into a liquid, while a small tsunami of it was rising before the reaper's back.

What is it trying to do now.

The streams of black fluid repeatedly clashed in mid air and before I could recover from the fact that I was sinking deeper into the quicksand of this dark matter a huge black gate manifested and floated on the turbulent surface.

The reaper's body shook heavily as the black fluid now started flooding the entire region, while it went beyond my waist level and started draining itself into the black gate summoned by the black angel.

My consciousness still fading, my body still not accustomed to such high concentration of black miasma in liquid form I was losing my will power and magic that was being sucked out of me like a sponge being repeatedly unscrunced tightly to drain the last drop of water from it. My body was in a lot of pain. But…

My only thoughts remaining of getting hurt, as I was being pulled towards the gate and finally sucked into it. My only regret to be unable to put any resistance because I was too relaxed for someone who wanted to conquer a labyrinth.

I just forgot how cruel and unforgiving this place could be.

I was now completely immersed inside the black fluid, as it started entering through my mouth and nose when I opened it in search of air.






AGE : -----


LEVEL : 9200

HP : 800,000

MP :900,000

SP : ?????





///////////// ALICIA ASCALON ASHBORN - POV ///////////////

It has now dawned upon me of how I forgot to learn swimming from mother. But I was drowning deeper and deeper into this endless, bottomless pit, going along with the current, being pulled down to its non-existent foundation.

Light fading… all I remembered was being hauled inside the hell gate which the reaper summoned.

My hand seemed to be as empty as it only grasped nothing. The more I tried, the more my body hurt.

I wished to LIVE, I did not wanted to die. I had felt this way more than I can count. This coldness in my mind, this single thought of living and a wish to survive.

That all I had hoped for….

I don't want to go out like this… it's so pathetic and maybe so much like me.

As if someone then responding to my call, two brilliant lights in my hands illuminated in this black-pitch omnipotence for a second, or so I thought as the vestiges of darkness returned to the depths of hell… I immersed into it further and further until I finally fell asleep.

When I was back on earth sometimes I always thought it would be good to sleep and never wake up. Waking up day after day only became boring - more appropriately it never felt like wanting to see a tomorrow. For me it was like the same day, same things being repeated on its own, stuck in a loop where even if I want to, I cannot proceed on the desired path I wanted to.

It was as if someone was controlling my life and I couldn't even do a thing about it. And that someone might be the one because of whom I can't do or become things I wanted to. I couldn't reach it, neither can I fight it.

So it would be good to skip out on some day. No one would mind, no one remembers me nor I want to remember them. Taking a break….

Is that what I wanted….


But that is something I don't want right now. Because the feeling of each passing day, is like a loss that no living being can avoid. Specially in this life, this change and feeling was visible to me as one of the most.

So was I not alive back then, were my days on earth of no consequence.

Does that make the present me useless, in front of a powerful foe…

I don't know…

"Why don't I answer it for you?!!"

Till now it felt like I was talking to myself and answering on my own. But this second voice woke me up as I realized myself sitting in the only chair of my room; my hands tied up by a thin rope and interlocked on the back.

The person standing in front of me was yet another me wearing the school uniform with a weird smile, as if it made her feel pleasure in seeing her own reflection in a miserable state.

What a bizarre situation! I don't think I could get a bit more worried or surprised because pretty much I have gotten used to seeing myself.

It's weird talking to other personalities of me, like last time it was a kindred one and other was a devilish one.

I wonder which kind of me is this one now, to be creepy enough to tie her own self in her past home.

"You have the answer." I asked in my weakened state. My head still felt heavy and numb, as if recovering from the shock of the attack from the soul reaper.

"Well I do but I am not interested in telling you." This new me gave a quick response and she sounded a bit rude and awful at the same time.

"Can I have some tea and biscuits when you are at it?"

"What do you need those for?" She still questioned me like an investigator would question a criminal, but I am not one, even though I am tied like this.

"Well I do need them but I am not interested in telling you." I smirked. But playing tit for tat or teasing my own self is not my kind of fetish.

"You think it's funny. You know that right this moment you are dying in the real world, do you still think you have time to play around." She kicked one of the legs of a chair making it unstable on its three footing alone.

I guess it worked. It really provoked her. This was just an investigative question. I wanted to confirm whether this person is really me or someone else. And I would say none. I would never get angry or frustrated on these kinds of replies. So is she some kind of shadow personality of mine.

Is it because of my dual swords, that these kinds of meetings happens between myself. But what is it that the swords want from me to make me go through this.

"Why aren't you responding." She again repeatedly kicked on the legs of the chair which shook it for an instant but was not strong enough to topple it. It's clear that she is not a friendly type.

I still remained quite I needed to sort my thoughts while I still had the chance. To think of a way to get past its Rot attack magic which always surrounds it like an invisible blanket. But nothing is going to work; my ways won't cut it this time. Even if I use the first ability of the Dual Blades and that the black sword is able to cut through magic and absorb it. It will be only for an instant and the Rot magic would activate on itself again.

"Anyway if you are going to die, and since you have made up your mind, I will kill you myself."

"Wait I never made up my mind to accept my death."

"What are you talking about; the whole point of being you here is that you accepted your death." This me, really hates talking, is too loud and is not at all behaving as how I would do.

Anger… we need to control it all the time. If I don't then it will probably make others hate me more, not that it would make a difference. And yet I was always averse to showing the feelings of anger and hatred. I never hated anyone, though I did get angry and sad of how people show their true faces to me and what people want from me. And yet I found it useless, because those cannot deliver solutions of my life problems to me.

"But why do you want to kill me?" well I ought to know the reason, if the killer is willing to offer it up himself, then I should probably not hold back.

"You are seriously asking me… shouldn't you know the answer already."

"No, I really don't know. So while we are at it, why don't you tell me as my final wish?"

She made a kind of annoyed face as if she was about to punch me anytime soon, if I pushed her even a bit more.

"Because it's all your fault. You did this to me…"

What!!! Did I do to her again, she is the one keeping me tied and….

Suddenly memories started playing like a film in my mind. Times when I was alone, when things were unfair towards me or when I had a problem and I wanted someone to help me out. Those were not exactly my memories at the moment but how this 'me' specifically clung to these memories. But why?

I thought I had already left all of it behind. So why they are so much hurting me?

"It's because you kept me closed up, all this time. Kept quiet, did not stood for yourself, it's all because of you I am so miserable and in so much pain. That's right I am your pent-up anger, you have kept stored up until this time and even now you are bottling it all up. But I won't allow it anymore." Her serious tone and the pressured anger which I was feeling from her now was enough to give me goosebumps.

I gulped, but decided not to be intimidated.

"So, what exactly you want me to do? Snapping out like you are doing now wouldn't have solved the problem it would have only worsened the situation."

"Don't sermon me on ways of peaceful noble life. If you can't make yourself happy you transfer all the pain to me while you sat back act all innocent as if nothing really happened. I want to let loose too."

The wooden floor of the room started shaking; the ceiling flickered as some of the white powder fell down from it. Well I already knew this room had a weak built, and it would collapse anytime during an earthquake.

But why is it moving so much, the windows cracked with shards of glasses flying into the room.

To my horror, outside the window, a huge raging storm of the same black miasma was forming that pulled me in here.

This dream-like or conscious world too was now being invaded by the black miasma.

"As each day passed, you gave up hope and decided that it couldn't get worse. While you kept quite I was tormented here, locked up in the corner. Why didn't you try to stop it? Why didn't you just destroy everything in your way?" this girl… even with so much going on the outside, she is still continuing with her nonsensical farce… but why does it hurts so much when she is speaking like that. I don't think it's true…or could it be that she has really been here all this time.

Because there is no reason for her to lie. She is just me…so why would she lie to herself.

"How can you even say that, when you know that is not the right way to do things? You can't just change people's thoughts about you, so it's better to stay away from than facing them." I still can't agree, if all one wants is to take out their anger on others.

"Yes you are right, maybe it could be better solved by killing everyone who stood in my way of happiness. It won't be that difficult for the current you. I know you too crave for it, I could tell because we are the same person. Just imagining all the ways to make them suffer and watch as they scream for help, already makes me wanting to do it." Her eyes narrowed as if they were being controlled by the evil residing inside of the miasma.

I needed to get out of here.

"Wake up! What are you doing, stop spouting nonsense, you know we can't hurt innocent people. So how can you say something like that?" I screamed at her. Maybe because she was me, I thought I could get angry with myself at least. No, one would get hurt, or dislike me this way.

"So, you too are going to stop me from doing what I want to. You couldn't speak up then, so why now. Don't go thinking that shouting at yourself would not hurt your feelings. You don't know what happiness is, so you ignored and snatched away my happiness too."

She came close to me and bending a little, pointing at my heart, she whispered in my ears. My eyesight began scorching, as everything turned fuzzy. The shock had rendered me numb to the extent that I couldn't feel the moisture that had surfaced in my eyes. I was burning from inside, because of the rage of this person who spoke in my ears -

"Because you will be the only one hurting the most. So burn with me."

At that moment the roof got torn like a massive storm and all other natural calamities had hit the place at the same time. Black miasma started seeping in from below the closed door.

It started hurting more and more as I screamed. I was really scared. Scared for my own life this time. Not knowing what would happen next and the only thing ahead I see is a blank, it made me more scared of taking another step.

So this is how she felt. With nowhere to go, nowhere to run, with no one to show you kindness and all on your own, she endured, all of this alone.

And yet again, she took it all upon herself, as I felt a sudden relief from the pain which was bursting inside me until now. Light returning back in my eyes – I looked for her.

Seeing that the girl was now drenched in a tornado of some kind of black mist as she stood there shouldering all of it on her own. I wanted to shift my gaze away, but her screams chased me down and knocked my ears. The debris of the roof, the burning effect of the black mist and my own unwanted feelings, she again took it away.

But why ―

"St…Stop… get away." This time I screamed at her because I couldn't look away anymore. Because I had left her abandoned and forgotten, she turned out like this. This side of mine, or even though I am just imagining things, maybe its right to voice your own thoughts, when you can avoid others from being hurt and specially when you are hurting yourself.

I did little to prevent the abuse, other than to refuse to react, presumably in the hopes they would tire of bullying me if they couldn't get any reaction from my side. But learning of her abandonment, it seemed common knowledge at the site that... over time, my ignoring the bullying backfired. So, I marked myself off as emotionless, to go along with them.

You cannot accept resistance from anyone if you are weak, and both the sides know very well about it. But I at the same time did not try to change things.

And even now this powerlessness is showing how laid back I have been and how hollow my dreams are.

"Don't sit and watch there. Run away. Don't die on me. And if you try to die again, before that I will kill you myself." I could tell from her voice that she was barely able to speak and was being tormented by that black raging mist, more than she is letting to show it on her face.

She stood so strong, while I gave up every time so soon…

"Run away. Leave me here. I won't die this easily. But we don't know what will happen to you if that black miasma continues like that." I begged her to stop going through all of this.

"Don't take pity on me. Now go."

I needed to move. I needed to save her. Specially now, when I think I have gotten stronger from before. And if I show my weakness again, it would be like lying to the hopes of people who have cared about me. So, let me move once more, even if I am feeling so helpless now.

The back ropes which were keeping me tied to my chair, suddenly burst open, as if I had finally broken through my own restriction binding me.

I ran closer to the other me, but with how dangerous the storm was, I couldn't seem to get closer to her.

"I am sorry! It's all because of me…"

"Don't come closer; this will take you in with me, run while you still have the chance." The words of her got muffled in inside the storm, but I still understood her.

"I am not running away. You suffered because you had to fight alone with my true desires. But not anymore, I am not going to leave you alone. If you stay here then you will definitely die."

"That might be true, but it won't be similar to your death if I die here. I will just disappear, like I always have been. But isn't it good, it is because I can die now, that I can appreciate life."

"I don't get what you mean. But since we both have same life, you have a heart too. That means you are already alive. You don't have to go this far to prove yourself and take all the burden."

"Dying will be a proof that I have a heart. And I can take more than this, this has nothing on me. Just remember that I existed within you and maybe sometimes get angry for yourself. Just maybe…"

I stood there for a moment and the next thing I knew; I was forcing my hand through the revolving wall of black miasma that stood between me and her.


"Wait! What are you doing? You don't need to die with me."

"I am not dying. Neither are you going to suffer anymore because of me. I am leaving this place and you are coming with me."

"Coming with you… get moving. I have always been here since the day I have known I existed. I don't think there's any else place I belong."

"You told me you were alone, but it could be the only reason that I came here to get you. You taught me that there's no reason to fight against it if it's your true desire."

"Now, I don't understand what you are saying."

"There's no need to. There is no reason to be here anymore. You said you wanted to get loose, but doesn't that mean you wanted someone's company too. So, isn't it the right time to be together!"

"Together … with you."

"Aahhhhaahhh…" the black mist was ripping my skin and burning at the same time. If I kept at it any longer, my hands might also be ripped apart.

"See, if you stay with me, you will get hurt more and more, and I don't know… whether this anger is controllable or not. I do realize now, that anger might be the cause of others hating me too and I don't know what I will do if you start hating me too."

"Just come with me because there's still so much you can do with me than better dying here. You might be just my imagination with different values of life attached to you. But there's no reason for you to be here. Grab my hand and let's leave this place."

"Fine then I won't hesitate, you asked for me and I will give you my power. Right then let us be together as one from here on."


My hands fumbled in the dark in search of her hand as she held out her own and grasped it. A special culmination of black and golden light surrounded her as it consumed the entire vicinity and the next the whole world around me.

The only thing I remembered from there was her confident smile and that I was finally able to understand myself a bit more.




/////////////// FLOOR – 100 /////////////////

Cold & Hollow. An infinite valley of darkness and the silence of death.

The soul reaper brandishing its huge long sword, beckoned through his hands as the gates of hell which he had summoned through his own power closed its doors upon this mortal world. The place returned to its quietness again and the intruder had been dealt with. The soul reaper stood in its place…

One could say that it was relieved by meditating in the peacefulness of its own creepy dark domain or it was sizing up the peacefulness before the storm would hit.

After a few seconds, as if there was an uproar among the souls inhabiting the black pool, but even though the source was untraceable, two streaks of bright light flashed upon the gate carving a cross and a white figure jumped out by slamming the indestructible gates of hell.

"Dual Wielding. ARANEOLUS Technique. First Form. QUAD SPECTA."

A powerful single concentrated quick draw attack from both my blades converging all my energy at a single point, I slashed the gates of hell open.

My sword left white and black traces behind as it flew forward and collided with the soul reaper's blade, sparks flying in every direction. But only the reaper was knocked backwards by the force of impact, leaving a huge gap in between.

I held my swords perfectly still before me and let a smile curl the corners of my mouth.

"I have come back for my sweet revenge."

The bones of the reaper again rattled and crackled as if one were putting salt through pyrolysis or playing a clam shell as a living instrument.

"By any chance, is your whole body like a music instrument in itself?" I tried to ask a question out of curiosity. I do hear some blowing instruments and organ pipes are sometimes made up of bones, and if for him it is natural then maybe he should join a band called 'Dead Beat.'

"Gyaaaaaahhhhh…" As if disturbed by my offer it led out a huge scream and refused to be a part of such a prestigious entertainment production group.

Responding to the cries of the soul reaper, the broken gates started submerging into the water, and thousands of souls flew out at the same time, forming black circular masses in the huge sky. They kept on growing in size until they were huge enough that they could destroy an entire building if allowed free fall.

The Reaper pointing his sword at me went for another piercing thrust aimed directly at my heart. At first I leaped in to face the enemy with my own blades, without missing a moment's guess. I blocked the sword which he swung hard at me with my white sword. As I was about to aim my black sword at his neck, I instinctively jumped back, leaving a space in between. Making a blue barrier over me, I blocked the huge black meteor of souls falling on me.

I knew the barrier couldn't hold it any longer, as several cracks have started appearing on it. But I had already a new ace up my sleeve.

I switched on the new skill of my black sword and making a piercing shot in a vertical direction a peaceful single touch of my black blade which was still much darker than the cumulonimbus of souls it dispersed and yet it reflected light as if conquering the darkness itself.

In that moment all the souls were put to rest altogether. The shadow of clouds which could have shadowed even the brilliant rays of sun was extinguished by a night's black spell of my sword.

This was the effect of the new second ability my swords had gained. The first ability, in which the black sword could absorb any magic and the white sword, could re-emit it. The second ability was even more fearsome, as if it was handing me down the very essence of life and death itself as the name of the skill stated. The white sword had the ability to kill anything whatever it touched if it is alive. While the black sword had the ability to kill anything or remove the existence of any non-living or dead. In simple terms a single touch from my sword meant game over.

My black sword since could kill any non-living thing – might be an undead, a skill or even magic itself.

As such, now the Rot Magic of the soul reaper had no effect on me at all.

Erupting in rage and unable to understand his attack failed the reaper cast a sharper, icy and dangerous glance at me with its eyes. The aura of darkness it exuded instantly thickened.

"How dare you steal my reaped souls…" that's what the eye of the soul reaper's says since he couldn't speak on his own. He was unable to understand how did I get past through his unique skill.

"Don't worry I am going to fix your problem of your raging heart for dead bodies and souls." I said smiling at him as I prepared myself for another close combat exchange.

"Quite I was made to rule the darkness. I am going to make this your grave." That's what the soul reaper's eyes said in return for my favour I was going to do to him.

The aura of darkness surrounding his being amplified again. I felt a slight fierce blowing form behind. The air, the water and the very being that might have made up this floor was being pulled towards him and absorbed into one entity.

Drenched in malignant darkness a new being merged out of the omnicoloured light, tendrils of darkness emerged forth behind him. At the same time the air cracked and two black feathered wings spread out, as if darkness burst outward to burn everything into it.

Holy Crap! He is really a messenger of death or rather a dark angel maybe!

"I am going to send you to a dark, cool and comfortable place." That's what his lit-up eyes were saying, pointing his huge blade at a young innocent girl like me.

"You don't have it in you to defeat me, you empty dead brain."

Both of us dashed in mid-air as our swords met in a stalemate again and again. Like a dance between total darkness and the light from my white sword and the radiance reflected from my black sword. I cut through its every attack as every time his sword came to a halt before scratching me with an eerie sound. Both of us knew a single scratch form any of our sword would mean an instant death now.

The White & Black swords rattled violently. While my weapons weren't being corroded, I could still feel the power of its Rot magic slowly making its way towards me. The closer he got, the harder it became to defend. For thin stick bones like him, his raw strength was astronomical.

Paying no mind to the few blows that the demon blocked, I continued with my attacks. Tightening the grip over my blades I went for a combo attack, a continuous flowing attack which increases in strength after each rotation I made on my foot.

Forming a twisting, swirling vicious flow of wind I blocked all the black projectiles he threw at me from all sides, while, I increased the number of strikes and made continuous slashes.

It was working, the black angel, seems that he couldn't maintain this form for too long. It might be putting too much pressure on him. He then again started to put distance between us by going himself on defensive and increasing his ranged attacks.

Dodging my next vertical cut it flew back and again made a rattling noise with its bones. It again started collecting power from its surroundings and was preparing for a final attack, which I could tell from the looks of it because he is pushing himself to accumulate more of it than usual.

He was at his limit, while I know I have grown stronger with this new ability, and had adjusted pretty quickly to this dense miasma now. But the rot magic even though being blocked by my black sword's skill, it still is not nullified. If this bag of bones has got a little brain, then he would probably put all his magical reserves in its unique skill and go for the instant final blow.

So, I needed to do the same. To respond its strongest attack with one of the strongest of my own.

"You are not leaving from here alive. It will be the end of you." That's what the soul reaper's eyes says as it roared while condensing all its magic power in a twist around its sword.

"You can't stop me. Anyone who stands in my way will die." I gave my final reply to him taking an offensive stance, with the deep trust in my swords. Before meeting her I might have frozen up with the power the soul reaper has been emitting this entire time, the press of death was lurking everywhere, and yet I could still feel a new flame of courage glowing brightly as a star even in this dark age.

"Dual Wielding. ARANEOLUS Technique. Second Form. Red Garden Tempest."

Magical aura shot forth from both of my swords and body, which burst forth in a nimbus of colourful vibrant light transcending all the powerful attacks I have used until now.

As if all the darkness evaporating from the black miasma pool, small buds started appearing on the surface. The malignance being absorbed as the nutrients to the new young buds, it blossomed into a beautiful red spider lily flower garden, covering the entire floor.

The soul reaper devastated with his magic supply being reduced and his domain snatched away, it burst into motion and so did I. Making a vertical downward cut from the top it wanted to slash me through between.

I leaped forward in the same instant, bursting ripples through the air, my white sword moved to intercept his sword mid-air.


Sparks flew, unstable release of magical energy due to our collision released almost immediately, devastated the whole area.

And when the smoke and tides of water fell back to its place, my black sword was piercing right through the middle of its chest, while the white sword ran through his sword, almost slicing it in half. It crumbled with cracks, shattered and fell to pieces on the ground.

The bones inside the black cape started turning into grey fairy dust, mixing itself in the steep water, never to be separated from its home.

My eyes fell on the ground, still flooded with water, but this time it had a clear luster to it. But my red spider lily garden was now all shriveled up, as its petals fell on the surface of water after purifying it.

Out of habit I swiped both swords and returned them to their scabbards placed alongside my waist, appearing and disappearing whenever I wanted. Just then the voice of mechanical Al rang through my head, as if declaring the end of the match and bringing it to a final conclusive chapter.






An unsavory feeling went past my head, as if all the energy was being drained and forced into me at the same instant. I knew I needed to go to sleep now. But I just can't fall asleep in water. With the remaining light in my eyes, I conjured a small room out of wood and earth, opened the door and fell on the not so fancy bed in the inside, in an instant.

Exactly after five days when I woke up and crossed the door of the tiny room I had conjured, I could see a clear blue ground of water with red spider lilies growing all over the place.

It was a sight to behold and to be engraved in one's memory, never to be forgotten.

Maybe it was a gift for defeating the Soul Reaper.

At the same time I remembered I had earned the title 'Shadow Lord'.

According to analysis skill, this title would actually fit what one would call a necromancer. But I think it's still different. According to the authority of title, I can turn a dead body into a special existence called a 'shadow'.

As for how it works, is by creating a soul copy form my gluttony skill and then overwriting its very being and giving it a physical form and ultimate loyalty to their master.

So it's not bringing back people to life but more like resurrecting the dead. I had the best test subject, the monster I killed just now.

"Arise." I said in a deep tone.

Wait! It's not like its necessary to speak this word, just imagining the use of authority makes it work. But I wanted to try saying it either way, at the same time I was upset with how stiff the title sounded. I would have liked something more along the line like the 'Witch of the Doom'.

Well it's not like the system allows me to file a complaint for its bad naming sense, but this new ability seems highly useful. If I consider all the strong monsters I have defeated and with their special abilities…. I can already have subordinates who can do things even my spider subordinates can't do.

For now, from my gluttony skill, which had absorbed the soul reaper, now started taking a new form, as a hazy radiant black smoke slowly converged into taking a flickering shape similar to the original appearance of the reaper.

There was nothing like the deep screams of the dead, or the scent of dead bodies, rather the place smelled fresh due to the red flowers and there were neither graves nor hands popping out. I am scared of watching horror movies, but at the same time my dreams and expectations might have been crushed with what the prospects I though this title might have entailed.

Making a bow and curling up both his hands, I was taken a bit back, with how the monster who was then out for blood of mine was now bowing to me.

'How could I ever repay your kindness, for bringing me back to life. Master.' A strange metallic voice reached my brain.

I looked straight up and it was probably from this guy in front using thought communication. Black bones, purple glowing eyes and a faint dark purple aura wrapped around its entire body; not to forget the noble, dignified robe he was wearing now.

If not for anything, he looked more like a priest than a messenger of death; the only difference was that he was actually dead now or maybe he was already dead, then I again killed him and again dragged him back to life. Anyways it's pretty clear to me that all death reapers have it rough when it comes to their personal life count.

'Please allow this insignificant one, to serve you for the rest of my life.'

"Wait, serve under me." Now that I think about it, it would be my responsibility now, since I brought him back to life.

'Please bestow, upon your insignificant servant a name.'

Wait. Wait. Isn't he going too fast with it? First a spider army and now I can see that I can summon an undead army. But I won't probably needing one now. If I think about keeping him as a servant, all he needs is my magic.

I stared at him, while he pushed his head more towards the ground, he won't ask for a salary neither complain for food or about living condition, because he can merge with any black spot. It doesn't seem to me the bugging type. If he can really follow orders and can really lend me his strength, then I see no harm but only the advantages. As for the name, let me think… better than calling him Mr. nobody.

"Nekros, how about that?"

'Hence forth, I will be called Nekros.'

I witnessed a sharp purple light lit in its hollowed black skull, which gave me the feeling that he might have liked the name. At present I wanted to think more about what to do with this power, but more than that I wanted to leave and get to the surface immediately.

"So, Nekros, do you know the way to get out of here."

'Yes if Master goes straight from here, then she would find an altar using it you can go back to the entrance of the labyrinth.'

Well, then off we go. Nekros merged with my own shadow reflected on the water surface. I made a final peek at the blue ground and the black sky, but now things might be just reversing.







LEVEL : 30















The Dual blade of Dawn & Dusk

White & Black swords



SKILL DESCRIPTION : Allows the user, to change the laws of magic up to a certain extent. The black sword devours all kinds of magic without exception. The white sword has the ability to transmit this magic and also copy the spell signature and recreate it for the user.

Allows the user with the white blade to kill any alive thing. While the black blade allows the user to kill or erase the existence of any dead thing, which further extends to non-living (like - skill effects, items and forces of nature.)



SKILL DESCRIPTION : The red scabbard provides body temperature maintenance in all situation and divine fire magic control. The blue scabbard provides special healing abilities and divine ice magic control.



Grants user to see other's soul core and interfere with their domain. Can also manipulate other's thought waves and take control over the soul realm if level authority exceeds or the individual is weak-willed.

Allows the user to implant new thoughts and foreshadow impressions of the world on target's mind.



Allows the user to give an alternate form to the souls and dead bodies. Also grant the power to communicate with these shadows.

Shadows also possess the skills and to some extent memories of their previous lives. The user has full control over the mind of the shadows and the shadows gains a personality of absolute loyalty towards the title holder.

Shadows since do that have a perfect physical existence, that means they are indestructible however weak to light magic.



For the first time since the age of Gods and during the Great Wars someone else other than those absolute beings, a mortal was able to stand against me in a fight.

Not to forget a mortal strong and bright enough to come back alive from my own purgatory and the gates of hell.

And finally, someone who had a pure heart, to cleanse this cursed water and purify my own heart. To break me free from this cursed demonic sword that made me mad with the thirst to steal away souls.

Not even Gods whom I once served as a messenger, tried to help me. But instead detesting me and falling to the disgrace of a fallen sealed my entire being as the guardian core of this labyrinth.

How! Beautiful, and grand is the purity of this lake where now beautiful flowers blossom, which was only once a mirage to me. A place of doom for the lost souls who escaped from the battlefield to here and were finally released from an eternity at such a scared sight.

If only I could know and learn more about this person who freed me from my fate and defied the very impossibility.

I have stayed in this place and in a world where life has no value.

I would like to see whether such an existence is an aberration or it would be a new beginning of hope for this world marred and built over blood of those who sacrificed themselves or were sacrificed to hold it.

Will this true light able to light the entire world or will it fade in the shadows of those who lust for power above all else.



Till now I have published from volume one to volume three for free. And I hope to continue so even now. It has really been an exciting work for me to narrate you the story of our main character who fights her way to the bottom of abyss with her magic and skills and will eventually storm the outside world.

From now I will start publishing volume 4 and hope to upload one chapter at least a week. Usually each of my chapter has an average word count of 10k and keeping the text error free takes a lot of revisions and consumes time, but no work is ever perfect. With your support and reviews I know that I have improved a lot in my writing.

And even now I am asking for a bit more that if you voluntarily support my writing then you can do it now by donating.

You can donate me at - https://rzp.io/l/LgC54Q3

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Even a little amount helps. I hope that you enjoy my work from now on and in knowing the interesting characters which will be constantly introduced to you in the story.

I hope that the next chapter too proves to be to your liking!

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