



After the match was over. The results were never brought out in the public or any of the spectators for that. They alleged of how the interference in the magic of the arena and the chaos from the dust storm made them unable to see anything, especially the ending of it.

Since Regis herself declared to everyone about how she wanted to accompany me, it was met with everyone's approval in her family. Though, the King might had been acting suspiciously gloomy as I could identify him as one of those who had comically lost a winning lottery ticket of theirs, from back in my previous world.

Since there was no carriage or coachmen, I used teleportation magic to take all of us back to the castle and everyone seemed to be flummoxed by such a strange transition in place, except for Regis who had already went through that phase. It would seem that teleportation was one of the rarest magic in this world, and no one in the Elf Kingdom could use it.

Later, I myself retarded back to my room (Regis's room). Regis expressed how she wanted to meet others before leaving so she had already left to do so and had asked me to put all her bags in my storage. I was speechless when I heard that she had already packed all her necessary belongings without anyone else knowing. And all I had to simply do was put them in my dimensional storage.

And I too needed to pack my bag or at least arrange all the items in my dimensional storage. From all kinds of gifts, I received from big sister Edith including those special clothes she specifically selected for me or the magical items she went out of her way to purchase for me in the market. Not sure I would ever wear those or don't even know how exactly to use any of those bizarre things for that matter.

But since they were gifts and dresses it was good to have some on a journey, than having none. I too needed to blend in on our travels, knowing that I was now travelling with a princess. It was better to keep low and move quickly.

It was a long trip from here to the port town, from where we had to specifically board a ship to the human continent and had some stops in between. Well, it was Regis who was well aware with our travel plans and I had left everything of that on her shoulders.

After few hours when Regis came, accompanied by big sister Edith and she invited me and Regis to Lia's dine-in. And I was more than happy to. In these few days; I had got to know Edith's friend Lia too well and also bagged a job offer from her. I think I am now doing pretty well in this world; things I always wanted to do and be part of.

Regis too seemed to be more motivated than usual for something which big sister Edith came up with. But at the end, I think it was something she would bring to curse herself for doing so, but that's a story for later.


////// REGIS ASCALON - POV //////

After the match concluded, I had no real interest in claiming that victory for granted. I was totally aware of how Alicia held back on me during the entire match. Otherwise, I had no real chance of defeating her. But one day I would be strong enough to go toe-to-toe with her.

And after this match I was sure of, that I could keep improving myself if I stay along with Alicia. And one day I could be proud of myself and everyone will be able to depend on me.

As father and mother had promised me, I was now given the permission to leave. Though father was strangely at odds with the results, and desperately asked for the name of the victor, which both I and Alicia had refused to do so.

In the end, I heard from Alicia what I had wanted to hear for a very long time. I also realized from this fight; I needed to focus on what I had to do the most.

More specifically it was something that her mother, my aunt Caroline might had asked of me, to do. I was not sure, but maybe she did not wanted for Alicia to fight unless she had to, especially when they were not monsters. And if there was ever the case, I wanted to be the one to stop her from doing so, even if it meant to continue that fight myself and take responsibility accordingly. That would have been my reason alone.

All that was left now was to finally say goodbye to everyone.


"So, why I am standing here again in the training ground?" I asked myself as I looked around only to find the rolled up ground and scattered cracks left due to my training practice here. The backyard of the castle where I had been training continuously for three days. I stood affixed to my place and I started remembering all the training practices I had in this time span. It goes without saying of how it was one of the most exciting and memorable part of my life now and it was also embarrassing with how close I had gotten to Will.

Maybe I only came here thinking that I would find him here by chance. It's not like I wanted to desperately meet him, but I did wanted to say him thank you for placing his trust in me and teaching me with everything.

Although I am pretty sure, he would just rub it off by saying that it was part of his knightly duties. Nevertheless, he is one of the few people I now knew well.

And also, because I wanted to see him for the last time before leaving and say goodbye. Would we meet again, and will he have new things to teach me after this. I better not say this in front of him, otherwise I would be invited to another training session today. And I think I had already spent all my chances at life during the fight with Alicia.

Knowing that there was nothing to gain by staying any longer here, I decided to leave…

"Princess Regis…"

I heard someone calling out to me, as I turned in circle to look back.

"Will!! What are you doing here?" I surprisingly said the name of the man I wished to see, suddenly appear before me.

"I think I came here because I did not wanted to be left behind." Will replied as his eyes narrowed lower. Not realising that he was being too vague and out of order, maybe because he came running…

"What do you mean?" I asked, not able to understand what exactly he meant by that, also because it was not like him to look so down.

"It's exactly what I said. After seeing you and Miss Alicia fight, I realised that there is a lot left for me to learn. It was simply evident to me that I wouldn't have been able to survive if I was to fight against such a force myself. That's why Princess you have done a very commendable job and your fight was most laudable."

"Yeah… I know… that already." I stated rather crudely, "And did you forget. Calling me by my name was not something that was limited only to those three days. It would be better if you still call me by my name. It's more comfortable that way." I continued in a most uneasy underlying tone, as if I lost all of my confidence I had until now. But it was pretty relaxing to see Will worried for some time, after he had himself seen Alicia's power. But it would have been more mind boggling for him if he met her, and realised she is just a kid at heart.

"I understand. Princess Regis. So, what brings you here?" Will dropped another bomb-shell question one me. Why is he making it so difficult to answer every question?

"I wanted to say thanks to you, because I will be leaving the Ascalon Kingdom tomorrow and set on a journey." I said holding together both of my hands in front.

"It was an honour to be your teacher even if it was only for a few days and you had been a wonderful trainee of mine." Will spoke as he made a small bow in my respect. Did I really deserve it, especially coming from him? Our conversation was drawing to an end and I had even more less to speak, or rather I did not wanted to, for not drawing out things any longer.

So, this was it. I wondered; would all of my journeys will be like this from now on.

"Princess Regis, if you ever get worried or are in danger. Just call me and I will come to your help." Will continued with his effective speech.

"Really, just for me?" I flinched as my eyes widened. Was he really worried about me, just now?

"Yes, me and the whole battalion will be there to help you out, no matter what."

"Never mind." I replied crossly. For some reason the conversation was going nowhere and I couldn't actually say what I wanted to.

"I see you two are having an interesting conversation here." A third person's voice came in as they approached me at the same time, and I could only find myself in a trance state.

Finding big sister Edith as she emerged from my back, it blew away all of my expression.

What is the meaning of that smirk on her face? Did she hear all of my conversation up till now.

What should she be thinking right now? Out of all people it had to be her alone. It's not like anything scandalous was going on or about to happen.

"Greetings. First Princess." Will said bowing properly.

Come on Will, aren't these the times you are meant to protect me. What are you doing?

"Why are you here, big sister?" I said in a disdainful way.

"Regis didn't you promise me that you will get me so many gifts when you finally come back."

"Huhhh… When did that happen." I first gave a little thought, but thinking that it came from her. It was high chances; no I am sure of it that I never made such a promise even in my sleep.

"You have forgotten already!" Edith said in a saddened tone, bringing her fingers on her lips.

Don't make me look like I am the bad person, by making imaginary stuff up. She is especially particular when she is nettlesome.

"Gifts from outside the Elf Kingdom, I would like to myself find something good if I ever set out." A keen voice bumped in.

"…" I was pretty amazed to think that Will would be so desirous of something.

"Fine then, I will get you a present, Will. But you will just have to make do with whatever I choose." I avowed.

"You really don't have to. Please don't bother with my simple opinions." Will said while rubbing the back of his head jauntily.

"But I was the one to first offer." I forcibly contended. I simply couldn't say that I did wanted to give him a gift per say.

"Will, I think you should generously accept my sister's kindness. It's not every day she is so willing, to do these kind of things purposefully." Big sister Edith spoke in her princessly aura, which was rare for me to see. And what did she really meant by it?

After Will gave it a small thought, he said, "Then Princess Regis I would humbly accept with whatever you will have to offer me."

"Exactly. I am going to get gifts for everyone in the battalion too. So you don't need to worry." Amused by my own declaration, I gave a boisterous laugh mainly to hide my own sheepish state.

"That would surely make all of us happy. And again I wish you and your comrade a happy journey."

I glanced a look at big sister, seeing her desperately pointing a finger at her own face beaming with hopes of getting her own way too.

"Fine I will get you one too. So what exactly are you here for." I surrendered myself to my sister's tenacity in getting what she wanted.

"Regis why don't you accompany me to the place where I had been wanting you to come with me?" Big sister Edith spoke with a satisfied look, since she had a promised gift now. But it goes without saying that it would be the first gift she would receive from me, so I too could be a little excited about it.

As for the invitation ⸺ "No." it was an undeniable and rigid decision on my behalf.

"Alicia will be joining us too."

"So where do we have to go?" I instantly agreed, but I also regretted that I sounded a bit impatient. It goes without saying that I too wanted to know what those two have been up to in these days when I hadn't been watching.

Both I and big sister started walking away, as I grabbed and pulled her away. It could be dangerous to leave Will and her alone, and what utterly rubbish thoughts she could spill at my back, even I wouldn't know.

"Regis aren't you forgetting something." Edith abruptly freed herself from my grip.

I without wasting a second, as if lightning struck me and not wanting to come to regret it later. I turned back to Will.

"Will, goodbye. I will meet you soon. And also Alicia is not my comrade, but a friend. My best friend." I shouted.

As I found Will, waving his hand at me with a gentle smile. ⸺ "I wish you best of luck on your journey, Princess." I immediately heard a recurring shout as it came in response to my own.

"Fufufu…" Edith crowed.

"What are you laughing at?" I grumpily asked big sister, who burst into laughter.

"Nothing. Now let's go to get Alicia too." Saying that big sister, came to hold my hand and took the lead in walking.

The invisible wall we had between us until a few days ago had now vanished, and there was no holding back anymore. I properly understood it, in that unspoken happiness ⸺ I felt exploding from inside of her.

I remember we used to walk the whole palace like this when we were little and things were not that chaotic with me.

After all she is the one who helped me in packing all of my stuff for this journey, since I was so busy. But now, I had all the free time I could spend with people around me before I left. And also because she kept Alicia's schedule busy, I was able to train with a free mind before the match.

To be honest, I really didn't knew what specific things to carry on a journey, seeing that both I and Alicia were novices. But big sister took care of those things decently.

Maybe she is not that bad after all and can be pretty reliable sometime.


"You are the worst big sister ever." I shouted as we were returning back from Lia's dine in.

"Now, now. Don't act like a spoiled kid Regis." Edith said carefree.

"Well, I have much better things to do, than killing my appetite by eating a special screwed up menu made of bug dishes." I scorned at her as I walked away quickly into the palace before the two could catch up to me.

After that I had decided to go to father, who had called in for me, where I also found mother waiting for me at the same time.

"Regis… here is your expenditure sum for your travels." Father said passing me a small storage ring, which I had given back for repairing after my bow broke in the match.

"Ohh…" I took a quick look and relatively finding that money too few, I complained.

"Now… now. You see I have been pretty low with funds recently…" Father coughed as if trying to hide something.

"But didn't you say that you were going to support me with everything you have got."

Father panicked and made a quick comeback, "We don't want to spoil you, so you need to be really cautious about money."

"Don't worry Regis, I have already taken care of that thing. But there is something even much better I have for you." Mother spoke in between as she came forward and tightly hugging me, she whispered. "I will miss you a lot. We all realized, that you have been maturing fast, even beyond our expectation. But no matter, you will always remain my adorable girl. So, come back home occasionally. I'll be waiting for you."

"…Yes. Mother." I was breathless to feel so alive.

But when we parted I realized there was something in the grip of my hands. A long red bow much lighter but sturdier than the previous one in my possession. It had such a unique design that I took an instant liking to it the moment I saw it.

"I made it specially for you. And it has got a unique feature and can to a great extent handle your large magic upsurges." Mother revealed to me its origins enthusiastically.

"I really like it."

She then explained to me what kind of special feature it was enchanted with. I had heard before that mother was a great magic engineer and craftsmen back in her time, but after becoming the Queen she had to leave that work behind. But she went out of her way and made this bow especially for me and I was going to make sure that I never lose it.

After that I went to have a long cheery chat with my parents, which continued for very long, well that's what the clock showed to me. But at the end it all felt ephemeral, the same time.

When I came out of the father's office, the prime minister suddenly approached me and handed me out a very large sum of money for my expenses on my travel, under the dispatch title of me being a princess. It was almost equivalent to father's three months' salary.

Is this what mother had been talking about, of being taken care of. Just what had been going on behind my back, when I was training out there. But I was thankful to her for arranging everything for me, even before I could have asked for. They were really the best parents for me in this world.

Until then it was almost night and I went back to my room, to make sure that we could set off as early as possible. Since we wanted to reach the nearest town in the south-east direction before night fall and it was possible that even then we won't make it that far. I was quite opposed to the idea of staying the night out in the middle of forest. The last time I tried doing it I was almost chased out by monsters and couldn't sleep.

And finally I was back in my room, only to find myself arguing with big sister who was already there. Now that I was back in my daily life, I needed to claim my turf and set the boundaries for her…

"Don't tell me you are envious of me Regis, but you see I have been doing this for Alicia for a long time. So I think I should stay here, even for the night."

"You better leave. If... if it's something that simple I can handle it." I looked at Alicia embarrassedly not knowing myself how I was going to do it.

"Alicia, your morals keeps on improving in a very wrong way." I shunned at Alicia who was the center of this fiascos and she had quite the satisfied expression on her face.

"You shouldn't blame Alicia if she is bad with hot food. Alicia is so small she might hurt her tongue if I don't cool her food for her."

"I am not… bad with…" Alicia tried to speak in between.

"You stay quiet over there." I forced her to stay out of this squabble between sisters, when it was necessary to draw the line, before it becomes too late to save her from big sister's corrupt influence.

"I will perfectly blow on her food and feed her with my own hands." Big sister Edith acted out how she wanted to feed Alicia with her own hands and it made me even more mad. Was this one of those things they had been doing without telling me? Alicia could have just asked me, if she really wanted something like that.

"I will do a much perfect job. So, thank you for nothing and you can leave. It's getting late and we have to leave early morning tomorrow if you are not dumb enough to remember that."

"Is that so. Then I will help you my little sister instead." There was an unexpected feral expression on big sister's face as she was about to drool on me. I thought I needed to run for my purity in case if things went out of hands.

Unexpectedly, a pained expression surfaced on her face.

"Ouch. Ouch…ouch… mother. Please leave it or... it will break." Big sister was practically about to tear up, as I saw mother twist her ears upside-down from behind.

"Don't you have anything else to say, Edith." I never saw such a scary expression on mother's face. This was the first time that I remembered about how father and Edith would keep on advising me to never annoy mother or they would had to bear the wrath worse than that of even the Great spirits. And now I exactly knew what they meant by it. Seeing is believing.

"Fine, we will have equal turns while blowing at our food. Now please leave me… I am not able to feel my ears anymore." But big sister's confession was only followed by more of her screams which mortified both me and Alicia and seemed to have chilled our nerves.

"Then how about you join us mother in dinner and then we can take turns."

"That's a good proposal. But I hate to say that it's already too late. You need to go back in your room and sleep on time, than goofing around in the castle." Mother reprimanded Edith with the most cold and desolate voice. It was evident that her fate had been doomed, the moment she came up on her ⸺ bother detector.

"Regis help me…." Edith bawled and it was my first time seeing her in such an apathetic state. Rather I was quite enjoying the very imagery. If only I knew some good painter… then maybe I could get a perfect portrait to liven the mood in my room. For a good change, of course.

"Sister Edith I think it's good for you to receive some pain, now and then." I genuinely responded with a genuine smile on my face.

"Alicia… I know at least you would…" Edith called out in her suffering almost brought down to her knees with the pain.

"Bye. Bye big sister. Now and then..." Alicia remarked as she too now was petrified to see our mother's dark side.

It was the kind of remark from Alicia where I might had to take pity on big sister, if no one else could.

"Alicia… Regis…." Edith gave out a final cry before she was dragged out of the room by mother.

For a second, I thought that she would have cursed our names, but we wouldn't have known until we had set out tomorrow.

So, my days here have finally ended, I made a new friend, fought against a dragon, saved the kingdom, trained under my teacher, survived a death match, took care of my wacko sister. And now I could finally rest side by side with her.

Was there anything else left to do ?

"Regis! I was so worried seeing you always returned so worn out until yesterday. So, I have cooked something delicious for you. Would you mind trying it out?" Alicia mumbled nervously.

I took a suspicious look at her.

"Don't worry its nothing crazy like the Lia's secret menu dishes. Just simple home-cooked food."

"Heck yeah. I am all up for it." I said excitedly as both of us then sat down for dinner. My appetite was back, and I could at most hold it until the plates were set on the table inside the very room.

"I hope you like the food!" Alicia said teeming with pleasure.

I thought I was about to cry just then. The matter of food in the recent few days had been a touch and go moment for me. But now I couldn't hold back my tears. As I saw a great number of dishes laid in front of me cooked by Alicia's own hands.

"Regis are you alright… you look like you are crying."

"No this food is just that tasty… I want to stuff all of it at once."

"I am glad to hear it."

"Fuuuu…Fuu.Fu. Say Ahhh…." I said pointing my spoon at Alicia.

"Haaahhh… Do I?" Alicia looked around as if no one was watching and she silently took a bite from it.

'Woahhh… so… cute.' Now I knew why Edith was so much into this.

If anyone else saw it happening, they would be tempted to do the same and it's even worse because she isn't aware of what she is doing!

But I needed to control my emotions and not end up an addict like my big sister and I would have more than enough chances to get used to this feeling.

This is the best!

Alicia on the other hand was worried for Regis's health for seeing her smiling to herself without any reason or rather she could not comprehend what caused it in the first place.

"It's probably for the best if we eat our own food and don't do that." Alicia requested, and I felt a little upset for not able to continue to do so.

"Ok fine then. I want to try all of your dishes today."

"Then be ready to be amazed." Alicia was too fired up. Maybe she really did enjoy cooking herself and I was all ready to try all of them, while seeing her cook for me.

That entire night we spent eating and cooking while I helped along the kitchen too. Even trying experimenting with new dishes of our very own, as we worked together hand in hand.

"Do you want to still keep going?" Alicia asked in her ever-perfect mood.

Confound it. I lost. I am full and its morning already and I could not sleep.

"Maybe its best, we start to get leaving before everyone shows up." I slouched on the chopping board itself unable to move a single limb.

We quickly cleaned up the room or, rather it was Alicia doing all of it with her magic while I watched in awe.

The feeling of being half-awake and half asleep was torturous but I could feel pretty relaxed after taking a bath and putting on my travelling attire.

And so did Alicia, rather she wore her multi-purpose white long dress, which suited her the best in my opinion regardless of what she did.

It was about time we set out…



It was no problem for me staying up the night. It was something I would typically pull out, without a second thought. Either pass it by reading books in my previous world and now it was while learning intricacies of magic back at home in the labyrinth.

But Regis looked pretty worn out. I enquired about her condition and recommended to take a break or delay our departure time. But she insisted on moving.

After we had taken care of the daily chores and completely cleaned our room, we were now standing outside the gates of the Elven Kingdom borders. Both the King and Queen and big sister Edith had come this far to bid us goodbye.

"Alicia we don't have anything special to give to you for solving our Kingdom's problems and saving us. Even if we wanted to celebrate your arrival, your existence is meant to be kept a secret and it will be proper for you too." King Ereg spoke in a serious tone a bit of uncertainty lingered in his voice.

"I understand. And I am grateful I got to know I had a loving family out here too. Otherwise, I would had been too…" But I was cut off before I could complete.

"That's why, our most precious, our daughter is now in your care. You two together look so adorable." The Queen stuttered while making her way through her own words, as the time of saying goodbye closed in.

"Don't say such embarrassing things, now." Edith spoke in a submissive bashed manner, which made all of us shake with laughter.

"Don't laugh. Am I probably the only mature one here? Alicia I won't let you do all of your things on your own from now on." Regis dictated to me, without a hint of compromise available in discussing over it.

Well, I didn't thinks things would be this simple from now on any way. The world always turns out to be a much bigger place every time I learned more about it, after all.

"Even though from now you both will be travelling on your own, you have got a long way until you are both full-grown up people. I want you to understand that there will be people who will be always ready to help and you should be able to sympathize with others who are in a difficult situation. And when you understand those simple things, you will quickly know what is the right decision to make when you really have to." Uncle Ereg, passed down his elderly advice onto us. A culmination of his wise ideas and inspirations from two generations.

We both fell silent, for a moment after hearing this. We really were not grown-up people, and I would have never wanted to make my family worry whether it was back in my previous life or in this new world. But how could I be so sure of it, that I wasn't doing it at the same time…?

"Don't worry you two are still young? So, no holding back and have lots of fun you two." Edith pounced on the two of us as she hugged me and Regis together.

"It's fine you got a lot of time to grow until you become an exceptional and wonderful adult like me." Edith knocked a flattened punch over her chest in self-admiration.

"We really don't have that on our mind." Regis retorted in a listless voice.

But then I heard an exasperated voice near my ears, as Edith this time totally ignored Regis's pun and came closer to me.

"What I really want to do more than anything now is to get my own bag and go adventuring with you two. But I already had my own share of adventures and I don't want to intrude my needs on your fun. So, keep going before I change my mind."

"…Huh." I looked in disbelief.

"Goodbye you two. Now keep going."

Waving hands to each other and of course as everyone smiled; I started my journey again in hopes of finding Athena.

Of course, as last time Mother, Father, then Lucia was smiling, and this time too. So, I smiled back.

Except for Regis whom I found hiding her face with her hands especially her eyes which were apparently draped red and was surely evident to all of us seeing and still oblivious to her own unspilled tears as they rested on her delicate lashes.


///// KING'S OFFICE /////

Ereg Ascalon, the current king of the Ascalon elven kingdom remained seated on his regal chair. While in attendance was the first princess, Edith Ascalon his elder daughter standing in front of him with a long report.

No matter how long they could have delayed this conversation until now but avoiding it would have never solved the problem. Though they knew there would not have been really much they could have done about it even after knowing the truth.

And after Regis and Alicia had left the Kingdom and the Dragon Island problem taken care of while the Genesis Tree was once again safe and under the care of the Queen Alva Ascalon. There couldn't have been much better time, to speak of this.

"So, what does your intuition has to say about the current situation? I was expecting you could tell me since your probability foresight level is higher than mine." King Ereg asked. To what he actually referred to was not only the expedition the first princess had been sent to but also an undercover mission to uncover the intentions and national affairs of the neighbouring kingdoms in both the demon continent and human continent.

"As it stands now, confrontation is be eminent. The premonitions of war lingers on us. Since all the eight demon lords under the absence of the True one, have gone insane and now want to move around independent. More like they are stray dogs on lose now. As for the human nations they remain the same war-mongering cult. The invasion about four years ago from the North almost destroyed the little hope we could have for them. And without a second notice they vanished afterward, destroying and rampaging over every little village they came across." Though Edith's face was neutral when she read through her report, but a hint of rage was still present in her voice.

"Hmmm…" The king focused. Not knowing what to say as a much bigger issue had cropped up. The tension between demons, humans and other races had been on the rise. The difference between cultures and strength on the demon continent while the supremist personality of the humas posed the biggest of all threat.

"And what are the chances that either faction would try to involve the elves into their future conflicts, if we speculate one to happen soon enough." Then king narrowed his thoughts to a mere single significant point.

"The most they could do is to force us to join them by threatening to launch an offensive otherwise. That goes same for the demons and humans. But this is most practical of all situations since the elf kingdom has been isolated and neutral to all international affairs thanks to a certain someone. And now they are afraid of us for joining on either side, increasing the strength of one faction, while comparatively decreasing that of the other."

In other words, Edith, meant to say that Ascalon kingdom might had been now lying on a double-edged sword, where co-operation could be advantageous and damaging at the same time.

"They can do what they want. Follow the impossible dream until they achieve total control whether its by making peace or declaring war. I have seen it countless times and it ended with the same results." King Ereg dictated his own ideas over Edith's assumptions.

"But I wouldn't be so sure of that. This report may all turn meaningless because I never factored her in the equation of my skill."

"I guess, even your skill overloaded and failed to assess her."

"She is a luxury for people like us after all."

"I think you are right it wouldn't hurt when you actually don't know the possibilities of the future around you." King Ereg scoffed.

The small conversation entailed a very important feeling which only those two shared in the entire world. {Probability Foresight} ⸺ A skill that allows them to have access to possibly calculate all the existing routes and result to future development.

Though they needed to be potentially aware of all the factors to process out the correct future. But since their skill overloaded every time they tried to take Alicia's power into account. They failed to dish out a proper answer.

Instead of being sad to not know, they were more than happy for the first time to witness a course of action they could have never thought of. And be finally excited about something. When it comes down to it ⸺ the fact of having known a possible future and still unable to change it for the better; it can be the most painful experience one could ever ask for.

People who usually possessed this skill either ended up in despair or couldn't move further in their life because it began to feel almost meaningless to them.

Pulling down the number of individuals who could effectively use this skill at its maximum, zeroing it to the royal family of the Elf Kingdom alone.

"It is a child's right to dream and until I have tried everything in my power to change the reality and make sure that everyone is safe in the Elf Kingdom. It's the king's job to take care of things and see it to the end making sure it happens. I have a duty to protect my family and this kingdom and in no way can I allow us to join the madness of the war once again. I have seen enough of that horror and gore two hundred years back. I won't let that ever happen again." The King avowed.

Edith who hadn't seen such compassion and vigour in her father, who usually was laid back, couldn't help but see him in a new light. Was this also a future that she possibly failed to perceive with her skill, she thought to herself.

She couldn't help but properly address her father even when they were alone and instinctively agree to his decision.

"Yes, your highness."


//// Note for Readers /////

So, with this chapter after a long time of three months when this began, the Elf Kingdom arc, officially comes to an end.

From next chapter the next story arc begins which is much more like a pre-arc to the next main arc.

I hope you all like it.

Also, you are free to tell me about how you felt about this whole visit of Alicia to the Elf Kingdom and her meeting with Regis as a friend.

Was it a satisfactory experience or turned out to be a dull moment for you?

Let me know in the comment section.


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_(ツ)_/ ̄ SUPPORT ME IN MY WRITING ̄_(ツ)_/ ̄

Till now I have published from volume one to volume five for free. And I hope to continue to do so even now. It has really been an exciting work for me to narrate you the story of our main character who fights her way to the bottom of abyss with her magic and skills and then eventually storms in the outside world.

Keeping the text error free takes a lot of revisions and consumes time, but no work is ever perfect. With your support and reviews I know that I have improved a lot in my writing.

You can support my writing by reviewing my book on the platform you are reading or especially rate my book on Amazon Kindle.

And even now I am asking for a bit more that if you voluntarily support my writing then you can do it now by donating me.

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Even a little amount helps. I hope that you keep enjoying my work and in knowing the interesting characters which will be constantly introduced to you in the story.

I hope that the next chapter too proves to be to your liking!

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