
Chapter 66 - LONDON?

Surprised. Martin immediately stopped his steps, before he managed to approach his sister who at that time he was very worried about her condition.

The presence of a middle-aged woman he didn't know made the 17-year-old boy feel bad for walking into the room. Not to mention Veronica's gaze, which seemed to show a displeased expression, of course made his feel even more awkward and embarrassed.

He thought that there were only Ellena and Lucas in the room. However, it turned out to be wrong. He should have checked first, before entering the room. However, it had already happened, he also couldn't possibly turn back time.

Silence. No one responded to Veronica's question, neither Ellena nor Lucas. Moreover, Martin did not feel he had the authority to answer the question of the middle-aged woman he did not know.

"Why are you silent, Elle?" Veronica asked again. "Do you know this young man?" Veronica seemed to be pointing at Martin who was already standing at the end of the patient bed.

"He ... he ...." Ellena seemed at a loss as to what to say. What if suddenly her mother-in-law is shocked to find out the truth about the real Ellena.

"Who is he?" Veronica increasingly put on a curious expression.

"He's Ellena's brother, Mom." Lucas interrupted, which suddenly made Ellena and Veronica turn to look at him, as did Martin who also did the same.

"Younger brother?" Veronica seemed to confirm again that what she heard was not wrong.

"Yes, his name is Martin. Two weeks ago, Ellena's mother and brother had just returned from London, but we forgot to tell Mommy." Lucas' statement this time managed to make Ellena widen her eyes at him. However, as quickly as Lucas' eyes flashed a signal for Ellena to remain silent and follow the game.

"London?" Martin looked confused when he heard his brother-in-law's statement. Yes, he had never even dreamed of going abroad, but why did Lucas suddenly say that he and his mother had just returned from London?

'What is really happening? Why did he lie?' Martin muttered starting to smell a fishy scent.

"When did I—"

"Martin, this is Mommy Vero, my mother-in-law." On reflex, Ellena immediately cut off Martin's words, before her young brother exposed Lucas's lies in front of his mother right then and there.

"Oh, so he's your brother!" Veronica exclaimed, smiling brightly. It seemed that she immediately believed her son's statement.

Ellena seemed to give a signal to Martin to immediately introduce himself and greet his mother-in-law. In the end, Martin did what Ellena wanted, even though the young man was still confused about what was going on right now.

"Hello, Mommy Vero, I'm Martin." Martin seemed to extend his hand which was immediately warmly welcomed by Veronica

"Nice to meet you, Martin." Veronica replied after they shook hands.

"Why didn't you tell Mommy when your mother came back from London? Mommy also wanted to meet your mother, Elle." Veronica grumbled later.

"Sorry, Mommy, we forgot." Ellena answered quietly.

"Then, where is your mother now? Mommy really wants to meet her." Veronica asked, a little enthusiastic about meeting the Ellena's mother.

Ellena lowered her head, before she answered the mother-in-law's question. After pondering for a moment, he looked up again at Veronica.

"Mother's condition is currently not okay, Mom," Ellena whispered, again putting on a sad expression.

Hearing Ellena's answer, Veronica was certainly surprised and immediately showed a worried look on her face. "What do you mean? Is your mother sick?"

"Yes, Mom." Elena nodded her head slowly.

"Where is your mother now?" Veronica seemed to be holding Ellena's arm while looking questioningly.

"Mother is in the ICU. Mother is in a coma due to a ruptured blood vessel in her brain," explained Ellena.

"God, I'm so sorry for your mother. Be patient, your mother will be fine. Veronica stroked the back of Ellena's hand as if she wanted to calm the feelings of her daughter-in-law who was certainly worried.

Meanwhile, Martin seemed to observe the two women who were talking in front of him. There was something still bothering him. Until this moment he still didn't understand what exactly Ellena and Lucas were hiding from him and his mother.

Martin saw his older sister so close to Veronica. In fact, he also saw that the middle-aged woman loved her brother very much, but why did the brother and her husband lie to the woman?

After a few minutes Martin wrestled with his own thoughts, he then brushed it all out of his mind and tried to forget about it for a moment.

Curious? Certain. He was very curious and wanted to immediately get an answer to what was bothering him. However, right now Ellena's condition was far more important and more curious to her than anything, because her original purpose in coming to the room was to see his sister's condition.

For Lucas and Ellena's lies he might be able to ask later, once the situation permits. Because he didn't know what they were planning.

"Sister, are you okay?" Martin asked, after he had gotten the thought out of his head.

Ellena and the others immediately turned their heads when they heard Martin's voice suddenly breaking in the room.

At the same time, Martin seemed to be walking towards Ellena. He walked to the right and stood right next to Lucas.

"I'm fine, just a little dizzy." Ellena replied with a small smile as if she didn't want to make Martin worry more about her.

"What exactly happened to you, Sist?" Martin asked curiously. Ellena also told Martin what had happened before she was taken to the hospital.

Martin looked serious while listening to his brother's story. He didn't expect that Ellena, who looked fine last night, suddenly collapsed and was admitted to the hospital. Yes, he understood very well what made his brother suddenly like that. It must have happened because of her mother's condition that made Ellena face excessive anxiety.

"Sister, don't think too much. Think about your health condition, don't make me worry like this. Do you remember? Mom doesn't like seeing you sick like this!" Martin advised, but in a tone that sounded a little naughty.

"Yes, Martin. You needn't worry." Ellena seemed to have a smile on her face. She didn't expect to have a sister who cared so much for her. Even though they are not born from the same womb, they still look like siblings who care for and love each other.

"Can Mommy see your mother?" Veronica asked which suddenly made Ellena and Martin both turn to look at her, as well as Lucas.

"Yes, Mommy." Ellena responded happily. Of course she doesn't mind if her mother-in-law visits her mother, as long as it won't interfere with her current condition.

"Okay. Lucas can you take Mommy?" Veronica seemed to shift her focus towards Lucas.

"Fine, Mom," Lucas answered without thinking. "I'm staying a while to drop Mommy." he added to Ellena.

"Okay," Ellena whispered curtly.

Lucas and his mother immediately left the place until in the room only Ellena and Martin were left.

As soon as Lucas and Veronica left the room, Martin immediately shot Ellena a probing glance. It suddenly made Ellena feel a little surprised and surprised.

"What are you looking at? Why are you looking at me like that?" asked Elena a little nervously.

Even so, Ellena actually understood the meaning of her brother's gaze. Yes, of course Martin was demanding an explanation from her for the lies she and Lucas had committed. Ah, how was she supposed to explain the truth to Martin? Really, she didn't know where to start telling her brother about it all.

"Are you suspicious of your brother?" asked Ellena a little annoyed at getting a stare from Martin who seemed to be judging her.

"Should I ask you again, Sis?" Instead of answering, Martin turned the question back to Ellena. "Isn't that obvious enough. You shouldn't have to ask again, should you?" He added later.

Martin stared blankly at Ellena's face. This was the first time he had behaved like that to his brother. Not because he was angry or resentful. He was really worried about his sister. What really happened that they got involved in a conspiracy to lie to Lucas's mother.

"What do you mean?" asked Ellena still pretending not to understand where her brother was talking.

Martin looked away for a moment, then looked back at Ellena with a smile on his face.

"I didn't think that my brother was a liar." Martin quipped.

To be honest, Martin really shouldn't have said that, especially when Ellena was sick. However, the curiosity that was raging in his heart was unbearable and forced him to ask that question right now, while Veronica was no longer there.

"In fact, you had the heart to lie to me and Mother. What actually happened to you, Sis?" rebuked Martin, when Ellena still didn't respond to his words.

Seeing Martin's expression, Ellena burst into tears at that very moment. Martin's words, calling him a liar, really hurt his heart. He was wrong, but Martin also didn't know what prompted Ellena to commit the lie.

"It's not like that, Martin!" Ellena tried to refute Martin's words while crying and shaking her head.

"You know me, don't you? I can't possibly do something without thinking it through. I must have good reasons for doing that. I beg you to believe me, Martin." Ellena explained, begging Martin not to jump to conclusions from what he didn't know. 

"I did all this just to save our family. I beg you, you can understand my decision," said Ellena later. However, Martin only raised the corner of his lips as if in disbelief.

"Did you marry for money?" asked Martin which suddenly made Ellena surprised and rolled her eyes.

Not only curiosity is now haunting Martin's mind, but also feelings of concern for his sister. He was thinking about his sister's fate right now.. 'Is she happy with the marriage?' He wondered again.

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