
Chapter 199 Trust

Once night came, the group began to move again. This time, they began to fly. Aline used the spirit of the wind to make them levitate toward the sky and then eventually head toward the area of the spell. Before long, the spirit of the wind began to fly at a diagonal angle, probably because it wanted to avoid the spell. The flying speed didn\'t decrease, but the angle at which they flew changed a bit. It became less curvy. 

"That guy certainly is annoying…" Emily said and then sighed.

"What is wrong?" Dante asked.

"He probably imagined that we would do something like this, so the shape of the top of the spell is full of deformations. We can\'t pinpoint the epicenter like this," Aline said and then facepalmed.

"They must have been using a crystal to expand the area of the spell, and the shape of the spell is determined by the shape of the crystal," Ethan rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "In that case, even if we find only the epicenter, we will only find the crystal and not actually where they are."

The group gathered together, their expressions marked with a troubled air. Ian\'s actions had caused them significant trouble, and the weight of his choices sure was annoying. They shared a collective sense of frustration, grappling with the repercussions of Ian\'s actions and the impact they had on their mission.

Their troubled expressions mirrored the complex emotions swirling within them. Ian\'s choices had thrown them into a state of disarray, challenging their unity and testing their resolve.

"Can you use your spirits to pinpoint the location of all the islands in this area?" Ethan asked.

"Yes, but some of them are too far away until under these circumstances," Aline explained.

"It is fine, just tell me where they are and keep your senses sharp if you notice anything weird afterward," Ethan said and then brought some javelins from his inventory.

Dante had seen Ethan using those before, he couldn\'t tell what Ethan was thinking right now. He sure hoped that it wasn\'t something too flashy or loud since they couldn\'t make themselves known on that planet.

Still, everyone felt like facepalming when Aline pointed in the right direction to the islands, and then Ethan began to charge his first javelin with a shit ton of mana. Neutral Enchantment, Explosive Impact, Sonic Throw…. Alongside with Berserker, Ethan threw the first javelin.

Ethan stood in the sky, holding a sharp javelin in his hand. The moonlit night provided a faint glow as he prepared to throw it. His companions watched, curious and anxious, as they sensed something remarkable was about to happen.

Without hesitation, Ethan launched the javelin downward with tremendous force. It whizzed through the night, emitting a piercing sound that made his allies cover their ears. The sheer speed of the javelin amazed them as it swiftly descended toward an island below.

Upon impact, the island trembled violently. Trees shook and toppled, and waves rippled across the surrounding waters. The force of the javelin\'s strike was evident in the scattered debris and the altered landscape.

Ethan surveyed the aftermath, a mix of satisfaction and concentration on his face. His companions, though momentarily stunned, quickly regained their composure. They witnessed firsthand the immense power at Ethan\'s disposal, leaving them in awe and admiration.I think you should take a look at

"Nothing? Where is the next?" Ethan asked.

"I suppose that the shockwaves won\'t reach the continent from this distance," Dante said. "Still, don\'t you think that this is dangerous to Ian and his family?" 

"It will be fine; they will have some other countermeasure where their base will be," Ethan said.

Ethan\'s belief in Ian\'s planning abilities puzzled the rest of the group. Despite finding Ian annoying, Ethan had complete confidence in his capacity to think ahead and make effective strategies.

The group couldn\'t quite grasp the reason behind this unexpected trust between Ethan and Ian. Perhaps there were hidden qualities in Ian that Ethan recognized, qualities that outweighed their differences and occasional conflicts. Or perhaps Ethan was just considering all that for when he has his chance to repay his debts for all the annoyance that Ian caused.

With a mix of intrigue and skepticism, the group resolved to keep an open mind and discover the true depth of Ian\'s capabilities. They hoped that by doing so, they would unravel the mystery behind his nature as well.

As Ethan stood on a high vantage point, he launched a barrage of javelins into the night sky. With a swift and powerful throw, the javelins soared through the air, each aiming for a different island below.

The impact was swift and devastating. The javelins pierced the islands with a thunderous force, shattering the tranquility of the night. One by one, the islands succumbed to the onslaught as explosions erupted and fiery shockwaves reverberated through the land.

The sound of destruction echoed across the waters, sending tremors through the surrounding islands. Trees toppled, rocks crumbled, and the once serene landscapes turned into scenes of chaos. The force unleashed by Ethan\'s precise throws created a domino effect, causing a chain reaction of destruction.

As Ethan\'s relentless assault on the islands reached its peak, one of his javelins deviated from its intended path. Instead of striking the island, it veered off course, flying back toward Ethan with surprising speed.

Almost caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events, Ethan instinctively reacted, stretching out his hand to catch the oncoming javelin. The force behind the weapon was tremendous, and as his hand gripped the javelin, it pushed him backward with immense force.

The impact was powerful, propelling Ethan through the air for dozens of meters. The force of the weapon\'s backlash sent shockwaves through his body, leaving him momentarily stunned and disoriented.

"Found ya," Ethan smiled when he stopped moving. "He is there."

Only Aline knew the island Ethan was talking about, but she soon guided everyone toward it. After a couple of minutes, they could see a massive island in the middle of the darkness of the night and the ocean, and at the beach in front of it, they found Ian.

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