
Chapter 205 Coral Golem

Ian didn\'t hold back and began to run around Ethan at insane speeds. His footsteps were so quick that they barely raised any sand from the ground. It goes without saying, but Ethan couldn\'t see him moving as well.

As Ian continued his lightning-fast assault, Ethan found himself sustaining a few scratches and minor cuts across his body. The sheer speed and precision of Ian\'s movements made it difficult to evade every strike completely unscathed. However, Ethan remained steadfast, relying on his defensive stance and quick reflexes to minimize the damage.

The scratches served as a constant reminder of Ian\'s relentless assault, but they did little to dampen Ethan\'s resolve. His focus remained unwavering, his mind calculating the timing and trajectory of each incoming attack. With every scratch, Ethan analyzed Ian\'s patterns, searching for any opening that he could exploit.

Though the scratches stung and drew a trickle of blood, Ethan did not falter. He knew that endurance and resilience were key in this battle. Each scratch was a testament to Ian\'s skill and speed, but Ethan refused to let them deter him. His determination only grew stronger with each passing moment.

As Ian\'s relentless assault continued, he couldn\'t help but feel a tinge of impatience growing within him. Despite his lightning-fast movements and precise strikes, he realized that he was unable to cause significant damage to Ethan without leaving himself vulnerable to a swift counterattack.

The scratches he inflicted on Ethan\'s body were superficial, not dealing any critical blows that would hinder his opponent\'s ability to fight back. Ian understood that he was expending precious time and energy with little to show for it. The impatience gnawed at him, urging him to find a breakthrough, to deliver a decisive blow that would bring an end to the battle.

However, Ian was also aware of the risks involved in pushing too aggressively. He knew that Ethan\'s defensive stance and keen reflexes posed a significant challenge. Any opening he left could be swiftly capitalized upon, turning the tide in Ethan\'s favor. The impatience clashed with his strategic thinking, creating a frustrating dilemma.

In a moment of impatience and desperation on Ian\'s part, Ethan\'s eyes blazed with determination. Channeling his mana into his sword, he infused it with the power of Electric Enchantment, crackling with raw energy. With a sudden burst of force, he propelled the weapon high into the air, unleashing a dazzling display of lightning bolts that arced and crackled around the battlefield. He learned that after watching Dante on the previous day…

Ethan seized both of Ian\'s arms in a calculated maneuver, immobilizing him with surprising strength. The lightning bolts continued to dance around them, illuminating the intensity of the moment. One of the bolts struck Ethan, causing a momentary jolt of pain, but he gritted his teeth, refusing to let it deter him from his objective.

Ethan targeted Ian\'s vulnerable area with a swift and well-aimed kick, delivering a powerful strike that left him incapacitated and unconscious. The intense pain rendered Ian momentarily helpless, his grip on consciousness slipping away as darkness engulfed his senses.

The battlefield fell silent as Ethan stood over the fallen Ian, panting heavily but triumphant. The crackling energy dissipated, leaving only the faint scent of burnt ozone in the air. The clash had reached its climax, with Ethan emerging as the victor through a combination of strategy, lightning-infused power, and a well-timed strike.I think you should take a look at

"Hmm, this wasn\'t as satisfying as I had thought…" Ethan thought. "I guess making him pass out only once wouldn\'t be enough to repay my debt."

As Ethan stood amidst the serene beauty of the beach, a sudden and unexpected trembling sensation jolted through the ground beneath him. His senses heightened, and he turned his attention towards the source of the disturbance, his gaze fixated on the vast expanse of the sea.

As if rising from the depths of a forgotten realm, an enormous figure emerged from the churning waves. It was a majestic coral golem, a creature of immense proportions and awe-inspiring power.

The golem\'s massive form towered over the shoreline, its body adorned with intricate coral formations that shimmered with vibrant colors. Ethan\'s eyes widened as he took in the sight of this primordial entity, its presence commanding respect and reverence.

The coral golem\'s every movement radiated a sense of ancient strength and wisdom. As it stepped onto the land, the very earth trembled beneath its weight, accentuating the magnitude of its power. The waves crashed against its imposing frame as if acknowledging its dominion over the sea.

"It must be Anna\'s doing," Ethan thought.

Ethan\'s gaze darted across the island, searching for any signs of Ian\'s sister, the mysterious creator of the colossal coral golem. Despite the immense presence of the golem itself, there was a noticeable absence of any visible human presence on the island.

He strained his senses, attempting to pick up any trace of mana or the familiar aura of a living being. Still, the island remained eerily silent and devoid of any detectable life. It was as if the very essence of Ian\'s sister had blended seamlessly with the surrounding environment, concealing her presence from prying eyes.

Before Ethan could find anyone, the beast began to move. The colossal coral golem, driven by an unknown force, lunged at Ethan with a devastating punch. The sheer power behind its attack sent shockwaves through the beach, causing the ground to tremble beneath Ethan\'s feet. As the monster\'s massive fist crashed toward him, the impact stirred up clouds of sand, creating towering curtains that obstructed the view.

Ethan\'s instincts kicked in, and he swiftly leaped to the side, narrowly evading the monster\'s powerful strike. The tremors from the attack continued to reverberate through the beach, making it challenging to maintain balance and focus amidst the chaos. The sand curtains billowed and danced in the air, obscuring Ethan\'s vision and disorienting him for a brief moment. As the sand curtains enveloped the beach, the colossal coral golem relied on its heightened senses to detect Ethan\'s presence. 

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