
Chapter 208 Trade

As Ethan contemplated Anna\'s remarkable ability to create potions for various purposes, he couldn\'t help but find it suspicious. How could she possess the knowledge and expertise to craft such a wide range of concoctions? It seemed unlikely that she had acquired this extensive knowledge through conventional means.

However, as he entertained this theory, Ethan acknowledged the irony of his own situation. After all, he possessed the unique ability to absorb mana and memories from any living being he touched. This granted him access to a vast array of knowledge and experiences. If he could harness this power to expand his own understanding, why should he question Anna\'s abilities?

"If you agree to help us, I am willing to give you the Pandemonium Sword and the knowledge of the potion," Ivan said.

"It seems that you aren\'t that close to completing the potion as you have said, considering that you are asking for help now," Ethan shrugged. "What exactly do you need?" 

"We need the essence of a creature that is able to harness time as well," Ivan explained. "We have a magic circle that connects this world to another that has such a creature, but capturing it is proving to be more difficult than we had planned. We aren\'t the only ones that are searching for it either."

As Ethan observed Ivan closely, he couldn\'t help but feel a sense of doubt and skepticism. Ivan\'s motives and intentions left Ethan to question if he was truly sharing all the relevant information or merely selectively disclosing what suited his purposes. It was a nagging suspicion that lingered in the back of Ethan\'s mind, causing him to approach their interactions with caution.

Additionally, Ethan had encountered individuals in the past who possessed the ability to manipulate time. These encounters had proven to be quite frustrating, as he found himself locked in a seemingly endless loop, unable to deliver a decisive blow when on the verge of defeating his opponents. It was as if these adversaries could rewind time at will, thwarting his every attempt to claim victory.

The memory of those encounters served as a constant reminder of the challenges that lay ahead. Ethan understood that facing someone who possessed control over time would require careful planning, adaptability, and a willingness to think outside the box. It would demand more than just brute strength or sheer determination.

"All right, give me the pandemonium sword, and then I will get the essence that you want," Ethan declared. 

As Ivan observed Ethan once again, he couldn\'t help but be intrigued by the young man\'s presence and aura. There was an air of maturity and wisdom about him that seemed beyond his years. Ethan carried himself with quiet confidence, displaying a level of experience and knowledge that surpassed what one would expect from someone of his age.

Ivan couldn\'t ignore the fact that Ethan\'s decision to offer his assistance had come rather swiftly. It was as if he had assessed the situation, weighed the risks, and made up his mind without hesitation. This level of decisive action was both impressive and slightly suspicious to Ivan. He wondered what motivated Ethan to involve himself in such a complex and perilous endeavor.

Despite his reservations, Ivan recognized that he needed all the help he could get to achieve his goal of reviving his wife. Ethan\'s unique abilities and experience could prove invaluable in their quest. Ivan couldn\'t deny the potential benefits of having someone like Ethan by his side, someone who had faced formidable adversaries and prevailed against the odds.

However, Ivan remained cautious and kept a watchful eye on Ethan. He was aware that there might be more to him than met the eye, and he couldn\'t afford to let his guard down completely. There were still unanswered questions and uncertainties surrounding Ethan\'s true intentions and the extent of his capabilities.

"Do you want some sort of assurance?" Ethan asked. "I guess you don\'t interact with trustworthy people on a daily basis… I can\'t use the full power of that weapon yet, but even so, it should be pretty scary to imagine me with it."I think you should take a look at

"No… that won\'t be necessary," Ivan declared and then made the Pandemonium Sword appear from the back of his armor before he tossed it toward Ethan. "You have a lot more to lose if you were to betray us."

"Is that so?" Ethan asked when he grabbed the sword. 

"Yes… while not a holy sword, the Pandemonium Sword can only show its true might in the hands of someone worthy," Ivan said.

"Really? I can\'t see that," Ethan said while checking the status of the sword. "If anything, with this name, the weapon, in theory, should benefit more those who are assholes."

  Pandemonium Sword (Legendary) (+19)

Attack: 1500 – 2400

Durability: 1000/1000

Effect: (Absolute Vampirism) It divides the damage caused by two to restore your health, mana, and stamina. 

Requirements: 1500 STR, 500 END.

"Come with me," Ivan said. "Your friends should arrive here within a day. Unless you want to give them some explanations, we will have to work fast.

Ethan, with his own goals firmly in mind, wasn\'t overly concerned about explaining his intentions to his friends. He understood that his actions were driven by his own personal motivations and the path he had chosen to follow. While he valued the companionship and support of his friends, there were certain aspects of his journey that he preferred to keep to himself.

Ethan knew that his decisions might seem peculiar or even questionable to others. Still, he had learned to trust his instincts and judgment. He had his own reasons for getting involved in Ivan\'s quest and assisting him in reviving his wife. The driving forces behind Ethan\'s actions were the pursuit of knowledge, the exploration of his abilities, and the desire to face formidable challenges.

At times, Ethan found solace in the independence of his choices. He didn\'t feel the need to justify himself to others or seek approval for his decisions. While he valued the input and perspectives of his friends, he knew that he had to stay true to his own path and embrace the consequences of his choices.

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