
Chapter 255 Dark Lightning

Ethan, however, wore a thoughtful expression, his mind immersed in the memories and information he had acquired. He understood the weight of the impending threat and the need for a decisive plan. While the others yearned for immediate details, Ethan remained cautious, aware of the complexities and intricacies involved.

While the group yearned for more explicit details, Ethan cautioned against revealing too much prematurely. He explained that divulging the complete plan could jeopardize its effectiveness, especially if the liches were to intercept the information somehow.

As the group continued to prepare for the imminent confrontation with the liches, a sense of unease settled among them. While they had placed their trust in Ethan\'s leadership and respected his abilities, the sudden change in his demeanor and the withholding of information troubled them.

They couldn\'t help but notice the uncharacteristic silence that enveloped Ethan, his normally open and communicative nature replaced with a brooding introspection. The group had become accustomed to his forthrightness and honesty, so this sudden shift in behavior was disconcerting.

Questions swirled in their minds as they wondered what Ethan could be keeping from them. Was there something more significant at play? Were there details he believed were best kept hidden until the opportune moment? Doubts and suspicions began to surface, fueled by the absence of transparency.

In any case, just as planned, the group moved until morning and stopped to camp in the middle of the human realm. They still were exhausted, so they quickly fell asleep. Thanks to the forgotten voices, Ethan had a hard time doing that, so he made it do by resting while using Mana Force.

When everyone woke up, Ethan explained what he was planning to do. He would go ahead and attack the enemies from above, and the others should join once the dust settles. They can\'t move before that since they might suffer damage as well.

"You need to elaborate on that kind of plan," Dante said.

"There is nothing to elaborate on; the vampires had planned to attack the liches by surprise if they had to like that," Ethan said. "A large attack that will decimate most of the liches. I will drop a meteor on their camp."

As Ethan\'s words hung in the air, a collective gasp echoed through the group. The surprise on their faces was palpable, evident in their widened eyes and dropped jaws. It was a bold statement, one that seemed beyond the realm of possibility considering their current circumstances.

Dante, Aline, Emily, Mary, and Ian exchanged bewildered glances, their expressions a mix of astonishment and disbelief. The idea of Ethan summoning a meteor to obliterate the enemy\'s camp seemed far-fetched, even by their standards. They had witnessed his incredible abilities and prowess, but this suggestion stretched the limits of their imaginations.

A series of skeptical murmurs filled the air, accompanied by furrowed brows and perplexed expressions. The group couldn\'t help but question the feasibility of such an audacious plan. How could Ethan possibly accomplish something of that magnitude? It seemed almost too grandiose, too fantastical to be true.

"I know that you are learning magic to be able to control your power, but if you can\'t do something like that, how can you summon a meteor?" Emily asked.

"I will use Sephroth\'s black material and then summon it; you will see," Ethan replied with a forced smile.

They couldn\'t help but notice the subtle change in Ethan\'s demeanor, despite his valiant attempts to mask it. While he tried to maintain his usual lightheartedness and make jokes, it was evident to those who knew him well that something weighed heavily on his mind.

His smiles seemed forced, and his laughter lacked its usual genuine quality. Once bright and lively, his eyes now held a hint of weariness and concern. It was clear that he was struggling to maintain his usual self, perhaps burdened by the weight of the responsibility he carried.

Dante, Aline, Emily, Mary, and Ian exchanged concerned glances, their brows furrowing with worry. They knew that Ethan was shouldering a tremendous amount of pressure. They understood that his silence and uncharacteristic behavior stemmed from a deeper struggle within him.

As the group watched Ethan soar into the sky with his bat transformation, a mix of awe and anticipation filled their hearts. They stood together, their eyes locked on the dark silhouette growing smaller and smaller against the expanse of the heavens. It was an extraordinary sight.

As the group watched Ethan soar into the sky with his bat transformation, a mix of awe and anticipation filled their hearts. They stood together, their eyes locked on the dark silhouette growing smaller and smaller against the expanse of the heavens. It was an extraordinary sight,

Time seemed to stretch as they waited, their gazes fixed on the sky where Ethan had vanished. The anticipation and tension hung in the air, a palpable energy that mirrored their collective resolve. They trusted in Ethan\'s plan, though they were uncertain of its details. They believed that he would return, bearing the means to decimate the liches and secure their victory.

As Ethan ascended higher and higher into the atmosphere, the air grew thin, and the lack of oxygen became apparent. He struggled to draw breath, his chest heaving with effort. Despite the discomfort, he pressed on, determined to complete his mission.

Realizing that he needed to return to his human form to withstand the extreme conditions, Ethan released his bat transformation. He began to plummet toward the ground below. The sensation of freefall surrounded him, the rush of wind roaring in his ears.

With a surge of mana, he activated Lightning Armor, the crackling energy enveloping his body and granting him increased speed and agility. His descent became a blur, a streak of lightning streaking across the darkened sky.

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