
Chapter 257 Sparks

Since the others didn\'t have to use their mana, they headed West to face the skeletons while flying. Aline used her wind spirit to make everyone fly like that. It gave them the chance to rest their bodies for a while longer. Still, they decided to stop again when they reached the area instead of dashing ahead toward the enemies. The reason for that was the fact that despite being completely healed, Ethan\'s arms were extremely red. As if his wounds weren\'t only physical.

"I am going to scout ahead and see what the enemies are up to," Ian declared.

The army of skeletons that the group encountered was not merely a mindless force of undead. To their surprise, they discovered that these skeletons were being led by a group of humans who had chosen to transform themselves into such creatures. It was a disturbing revelation, one that hinted at a dark influence that had manipulated the populace into embracing this twisted existence.

Ethan\'s memories provided some insight into the events that had unfolded. It seemed that the leaders of this group had managed to convince their people to willingly undergo the transformation into skeletons. The exact method or reasoning behind this persuasion remained unclear. Still, it was evident that these leaders held significant sway over their followers.

The presence of souls within the skeletons added a layer of complexity and danger to the situation. Unlike mindless undead, these skeletons retained fragments of the consciousness and essence of the individuals who once inhabited those bodies. This combination of souls and skeletal forms made them more formidable adversaries, as they possessed a degree of intelligence and retained certain skills or memories from their past lives.

The process that had transformed these humans into skeletons was likely a result of a combination of magic and technology. The details of this transformation remained a mystery. Still, it was evident that the infusion of magic had played a significant role. The fusion of the soul with the skeletal vessel seemed to have enhanced the physical capabilities of the skeletons, making them stronger, more agile, and less susceptible to the usual weaknesses of the undead.

However, this infusion of souls also came with a cost. The skeletons seemed to be less independent as if their actions were guided or influenced by the lingering remnants of their former selves. This presented a challenge for the group, as they had to contend not only with the physical prowess of the skeletons but also with the remnants of individual personalities and emotions that could impact their behavior in unpredictable ways.

"How are you feeling?" Emily asked while using healing magic on the arms and not seeing any changes.

"I am fine," Ethan said and then closed his eyes to meditate and then used Mana Force and tried to change it again.

Emily let out a deep, weary sigh as the words echoed in her ears once again. "I\'m fine," they would say, but she knew that behind those words were unspoken burdens, hidden pains, and silent struggles. It seemed like everyone was putting on a brave face, pretending that everything was okay when it clearly wasn\'t.

She had grown tired of the facade, weary of the masks that people wore to shield themselves from vulnerability. She longed for honesty, for genuine expressions of emotions, and for a safe space where they could all admit that they were not fine without fear of judgment or dismissal.

Emily understood that sometimes people uttered those words as a reflex, a way to avoid burdening others or to maintain a semblance of strength in the face of adversity. But she believed that true strength lay in acknowledging one\'s vulnerabilities and seeking support from those around them.

"Hey, you," Alone said.

"... My name is not hey you," Emily furrowed her eyebrows. "The hell you want?" 

"You should help your friend more than just being a waste of space and air," Aline said. "I can tell that he helped you a lot, so try to make yourself useful for a change."

Emily felt a twinge of annoyance at Aline\'s words as they hit a sensitive spot within her. She had been frustrated with Ethan\'s recent behavior, his withdrawal from the group, and his apparent refusal to open up about what was truly bothering him. Aline\'s suggestion that they should try to help him more resonated with Emily, even if it wasn\'t easy to admit.

She knew deep down that Aline had a point. It was true that they were a team, bound together by shared experiences and a common goal. In times of difficulty, it was their responsibility to support and uplift each other. And yet, she had allowed her own frustrations to cloud her judgment, pushing her away from the empathy and understanding she knew she should have shown.

Taking a deep breath, Emily acknowledged the need to set her annoyance aside and approach the situation with a renewed mindset. She understood that it wasn\'t easy for Ethan to open up about his struggles and that perhaps he needed a gentle nudge and a patient ear to truly express what he was going through. She realized that her role as a friend and teammate was not only to offer support but also to actively listen and create a safe space for him to share his burdens.

Emily patiently waited for Ethan to finish his intense mental training, watching as he focused all his energy and concentration on his exercises. The hours seemed to pass by slowly as she sat nearby, her eyes filled with a mix of concern and determination. She knew that reaching out to him would require patience and understanding, and she was prepared to offer both.

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