
Chapter 266 Unknown Forces

"Leave the clean up here to Mary and the officers in the area. They should be able to pull it off," Hannah said and then teleported Ethan to Phoenix.

Ethan glanced around at the police officers who had valiantly stood their ground against the onslaught of wargs. He could see the exhaustion etched on their faces, and he knew that this was not their typical line of duty. The officers, armed with their standard-issue firearms, were doing their best to fend off the vicious creatures.

Though the police officers lacked the supernatural abilities and training that Ethan possessed, they fought with a determination born out of their duty to protect and serve. Their shots rang out, their aim true as they aimed for the wargs' vital spots. Some managed to find success, while others faced the daunting challenge of reloading their weapons as the relentless beasts closed in.

Ethan couldn't help but feel a mix of admiration and concern for the officers. He knew that they were ill-equipped to face such formidable adversaries. Still, circumstances had thrust them into this dire situation. Their bravery and willingness to put themselves on the front lines were commendable, even as they faced a threat far beyond their usual encounters.

As Ethan surveyed the chaotic scene in downtown Phoenix, his eyes widened in disbelief. The city streets were filled with towering golems, their massive forms moving with a mechanical precision. But what surprised him, even more was the realization that these golems were not the enemy—they were fighting against the lizardmen.

The golems, created by human hands, were now standing as stalwart defenders of their city. Each golem was a formidable force, constructed from sturdy materials and armed with powerful weapons. Their movements were calculated and efficient, their attacks precise and devastating. The lizardmen, with their reptilian features and savage nature, posed a significant threat to the humans. Still, the golems were relentless in their defense.

"It was about time for you to show up," Anna's voice echoed from behind, and Ethan turned and saw her mixing some items in a potion. "Those guys let me out today just to help, and they expect me to have enough potions to deal with something of this scale… good grief."

"In exchange for making you produce a bunch of potions for me to restore mana, what do you need to make your work here easier?" Ethan asked.

"This isn't the right time to do business…" Anna said while furrowing her eyebrows. "We still owe you, so I will send you a ring like the one we gave to Emily… just hurry up and finish the lizardmen."

Ethan nodded and then jumped toward the battlefield. Soon he saw the enemies at close range, The lizardmen, armed with a variety of weapons, emerged from the shadows with a primal ferocity. Their reptilian features accentuated their predatory nature, and their scaled bodies glistened in the dim light. Each lizardman wielded a weapon suited to their formidable strength and agility.

Some carried long, barbed spears, their sharp points glinting ominously. With swift and calculated movements, they thrust their spears forward, aiming to impale their human adversaries. The spears allowed them to maintain a safe distance while striking with deadly accuracy.

Others brandished wickedly curved swords crafted from a combination of bone and metal. The blades gleamed with an eerie sheen as they slashed through the air, seeking to cleave through flesh and bone. The lizardmen's proficiency with their swords was evident as they delivered swift, precise strikes, aiming to incapacitate their human foes.

A few lizardmen opted for large, double-headed battle axes, their massive size, and weight reflecting the brute strength possessed by these reptilian warriors. With each swing, they aimed to inflict devastating blows, capable of cleaving through armor and causing immense damage. The resounding thuds echoed through the battlefield as the axes clashed against the golems.

Ethan sliced through the lizardmen's ranks with unparalleled precision and skill, his sword cleaving through scales and weapons with ease. As he fought, his mind raced, wondering about Ian's whereabouts and the unseen presence lurking in the shadows.

Amidst the chaos of battle, Ethan's keen senses searched for any sign of his ally. He maneuvered with agility, dodging incoming attacks while simultaneously striking back with deadly force. His blade moved with a fluidity that belied his years, cutting through the air and leaving a trail of defeated foes in his wake.

While focused on the immediate threat, Ethan's mind remained alert and aware of the larger danger at hand. He knew that someone was watching, observing their every move. The thought annoyed him, urging him to warn his comrades and ensure their safety.

"I don't have to hide this anymore, and time is of the essence," Ethan thought.

In the midst of the chaotic battle, Ethan's determination surged within him. He activated his Lightning Armor, enveloping his body in crackling electrical energy. With incredible speed and agility, he darted through the battlefield, swiftly striking down the lizardmen with precise and powerful blows. His lightning-infused sword cleaved through their defenses, beheading them one by one. 

The crackling energy surrounding him protected him from their feeble attacks, allowing him to move freely and overwhelm his enemies. The battlefield fell into silence as the last of the lizardmen fell, leaving Ethan standing among the fallen foes. 

As Ethan surveyed the aftermath of the battle, his sharp eyes caught sight of a peculiar sight atop an energy pole. There, at the pinnacle, he noticed a source of the space-time rift that had unleashed the lizardmen upon the city.

His mind raced with questions. How had someone managed to place such a thing at such a precarious location without being noticed? Even at night, it wouldn't be something easy to hide... even more so when there were so many things that could detect mana nowadays. Who was behind this orchestrated chaos? As he studied the rift, he could feel an unsettling energy emanating from it. More than usual...

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