
Chapter 270 Understanding

In the end, Ethan made his choice since those monsters weren\'t using magic, and they were still causing a lot of destruction. They probably had skills that would benefit Ethan a lot, and his guess wasn\'t wrong.

Ethan stopped at the top of his head at a giant monkey-like creature and then used his hands. The monster began to tremble all over while its energy was being drained.

You obtained 1.000.000 experience points.

You obtained 1.000.000 experience points.

You obtained 1.000.000 experience points.

"... All this just because they used human souls to energize themselves…" Ethan thought while furrowing his eyebrows.

In the end, Ethan didn\'t get any skills… the true power of the monsters came from the souls that they absorbed… it seemed that, just like vampires, he couldn\'t get that kind of trait, but Ethan was fine with that. He didn\'t want to suffer any mutation, after all.

Ethan made quick work of those monsters, and they didn\'t have the chance to hit him even once. However, despite the fact that he fought as fast as he could, Ethan was unable to prevent more deaths… a few dozen more people died in the meantime, and several buildings were destroyed as well.

"Can you give me a hand with your healing skills until Hannah sends you somewhere else?" Emily asked when Ethan approached.

"... Sure," Ethan replied.

Emily worked tirelessly, her heart filled with compassion and determination as she rescued as many people as she could from the wreckage of the fallen city. With each person she pulled from the rubble, she witnessed the devastating toll that the giant monsters had exacted upon the innocent inhabitants of Orlando.

The sight of the injured and traumatized weighed heavily on Emily\'s soul. She knew that despite her best efforts, she couldn\'t save everyone. The sheer force and destruction unleashed by the monsters had left a devastating impact, leaving many trapped beneath the debris, their lives hanging in the balance.

With unwavering resolve, Emily dug through the rubble. She maneuvered with a delicate precision, slowing down the flow of time around her to ensure each movement was calculated and effective. She worked swiftly, extracting people from the wreckage and carrying them to safety.

But as Emily rescued one person after another, she couldn\'t escape the heart-wrenching reality that some would never walk again, forever bearing the physical and emotional scars of the catastrophe. Limbs lost, lives forever altered by the cruel twist of fate. The weight of their suffering pressed upon her heart, fueling her determination to bring hope and healing in any way she could.

The scenes of destruction and suffering stirred a familiar ache in Ethan\'s heart, taking him back to the early days of his summoning when he was thrust into a world of chaos and violence. It was a time when witnessing death and injury had become a grim reality, one that he had reluctantly grown accustomed to.

In those first few months, Ethan had struggled to reconcile the horrors he witnessed with his own humanity. The sight of people dying or being grievously wounded had initially unsettled him, evoking a deep sense of sorrow and helplessness. Each life lost or shattered served as a stark reminder of the fragility of existence and the cruel nature of the world he now inhabited.

But as time passed, Ethan found himself adapting to the relentless cycle of life and death. The frequency of such tragedies dulled the initial shock, replaced by a solemn acceptance of the harsh realities that surrounded him. He became desensitized to the scenes of devastation, his emotions buried beneath layers of resilience and survival instincts.

As Ethan observed the overwhelming devastation and the countless lives left shattered in the wake of the ongoing chaos, he couldn\'t help but feel a sense of despair for Emily\'s aspirations. The weight of the current situation made it clear that her pursuit of learning time magic and mending her parents\' relationship had been relegated to the periphery.

It pained Ethan to think that the dreams and hopes of his young friend were being overshadowed by the harsh reality of their circumstances. The magnitude of the crisis demanded their immediate attention, leaving little room for personal pursuits or the resolution of familial conflicts. It was a bitter truth that he knew he couldn\'t share with Emily without dampening her spirit even further.

Deep down, Ethan yearned for a world where the weight of their responsibilities was not so crushing, where the pursuit of personal goals and desires could coexist alongside the necessary fight for survival. But the harsh reality of their situation forced him to acknowledge that sometimes sacrifices had to be made, priorities shifted, and dreams put on hold in the face of greater challenges.

"Hannah sure is taking her time," Emily said when they were about to finish healing the last of the people that they rescued. "I know that she is sending others to help, but… I don\'t think there are many like you who can close the rifts."

"True," Ethan said.

"... After thinking for a while, I realized it," Emily suddenly said when the last survivor left. "Your power to absorb mana and memories have more demerits, right? That is why you haven\'t been like your usual self. How is it affecting you?"

As Ethan observed Emily\'s discerning gaze, he couldn\'t help but admire her perceptiveness. It seemed that she had caught a glimpse of the internal struggle he had been grappling with. At that moment, he felt a mixture of gratitude and unease.

Ethan had always been reluctant to reveal his vulnerabilities, especially to those close to him. He believed in projecting strength and resolve, wanting to be the pillar of support for his friends and loved ones. Yet, Emily\'s keen perception had pierced through his facade, leaving him torn between the desire to be honest and the fear of appearing weak.

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