
Chapter 276 You Never Fail

As Ethan crossed the area, he saw a lone warrior facing a giant army of giant humanoids with scales. It was Dante. He seemed to be doing well for himself considering that the enemies truly were a cut above the other types of monsters they faced until now.

Dante, with his back against the wall, faced the onslaught of the demi tyrants with unyielding determination. The claws of the monstrous beings lashed out toward him, aiming to tear him apart. At the same time, their mana cannons unleashed scorching beams of destructive energy in an attempt to keep him alive.

Dante evaded the deadly claws with lightning-fast reflexes, his movements a blur of agility and precision. He danced around the battlefield, narrowly escaping each swipe, his keen senses guiding him through the chaotic fray. His survival instincts, honed through countless battles, kicked in as he anticipated the movements of his adversaries.

As the air crackled with the searing energy of the mana cannons, Dante relied on his years of combat experience. He expertly maneuvered his way through the onslaught, ducking, weaving, and somersaulting to avoid the devastating beams. His body moved with fluidity, seemingly one with the chaos, as he evaded the deadly attacks.

With graceful agility, Dante dodged the slashing claws of the demi tyrants, their deadly strikes missing him by mere inches. His movements were fluid and calculated, a dance of evasion that left his adversaries grasping at thin air. He knew he had to pace himself to conserve his energy for the arduous battle ahead.

Like a blur of motion, Dante struck with precision. His sword sliced through the air, leaving trails of faint lines as it cleaved through the enemies\' flesh. One by one, their heads were severed in a swift and methodical manner. Each precise strike found its mark, leaving behind a trail of thin lines in the wake of his blade.

"I guess he has got this, but it will take a while for that to end…" Ethan thought.

The battlefield was engulfed in a sea of demi tyrants, their menacing forms stretching as far as the eye could see. They moved with a coordinated precision, attempting to surround Dante and overwhelm him with their sheer numbers. It was a daunting sight, but Dante remained resolute in his stance, ready to face the oncoming onslaught.

As the first wave of demi tyrants closed in, Dante\'s reflexes kicked into overdrive. He spun, twisted, and lunged, deftly evading the grasping claws and snapping jaws of his adversaries. The air crackled with the intensity of the battle, the ground beneath him trembling with the weight of the approaching horde.

A purple spear of light hurtled towards Ethan, forcing him to divert his attention and defend himself. Ethan focused his energy, calling upon his Lightning Armor to shield him from the incoming attack.

The clash of thunder and the crackle of energy filled the air as Ethan deflected the spear with a burst of lightning. His focus shifted back to his own task at hand, determined to fulfill his role in the battle. The sea of demi tyrants continued to surge, their relentless onslaught showing no signs of abating.

"Calm down, little Drag\'drath. "Ethan muttered when he blocked the attack with his arms. "I am going to play with you again… I have some issues to deal with you as well since without you trying to take over the world, I wouldn\'t have to have this damn curse… it is tit for tat."

Drag\'drath and his army had yet to join the fight; they didn\'t want to deal with Dante for one reason or the other. He should be quite the opponent for them, but that asshole and his army only wanted to fight Ethan.

When Ethan crossed a mountain, he found a large area ahead where a massive time rift was Open.

In the midst of the open snow field stood a massive space-time rift, towering fifty meters tall and emanating a palpable aura of otherworldly energy. The rift shimmered with iridescent colors, swirling and undulating like a tempest frozen in time. It cast a foreboding presence over the pristine snow, its sheer magnitude a testament to the power it contained.

The rift seemed to tear open the very fabric of reality, revealing glimpses of distant worlds and dimensions beyond mortal comprehension. It pulsed with an eerie glow, beckoning with a mysterious allure. The air crackled with an electric energy, and a faint hum resonated from within its depths.

Amidst the snow-covered landscape, an army of demons loomed, their grotesque forms striking fear into the hearts of those who beheld them. Among their ranks, there were demons with six arms, their sinewy muscles rippling with unholy strength. Their bat-like wings stretched wide, casting ominous shadows upon the icy ground below.

These demons possessed multiple horns that protruded from their misshapen heads, twisted and jagged, like wicked daggers ready to strike. Their bodies appeared unnerving, with patches of exposed flesh that seemed devoid of a protective layer, pulsating with an otherworldly energy. The sight of their pulsating skin sent shivers down the spines of those who dared to gaze upon them.

Their presence exuded a malevolence that filled the air, suffusing the surroundings with a palpable sense of darkness. Their eyes, burning with an infernal glow, bore witness to the countless atrocities they had committed in service to their demonic overlords. A sulfurous vapor escaped their twisted mouths with each breath, tainted with the essence of damnation.

"You guys never fail to make me feel grossed out," Ethan thought while looking at the demons.

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