
Chapter 285 Similarities

She glanced at the map spread out on the table before her, tracing her finger along the marked locations of recent demonic activities. The dangers they faced were immense, and the challenges they encountered seemed to grow with each passing day. But Hannah knew that they couldn\'t afford to shy away from their duty.

Ian and Anna gathered their supplies and equipment, ready to embark on their important task of creating as many mana potions as possible. They understood the urgency and the need for a steady supply of mana potions to support their team in their battles against the forces of chaos. With determination in their eyes, they set off to their makeshift laboratory, eager to contribute their skills and expertise.

Mary joined Ian and Anna in their mission. She understood the importance of having an ample supply of mana potions to sustain their efforts. With her alchemical knowledge and swift hands, she worked alongside Ian and Anna, ensuring that the potions were brewed efficiently and effectively.

Meanwhile, Emily and Aline took on the task of assessing the situation and providing their valuable insights and opinions. Their keen intellect and analytical minds were instrumental in understanding the complexities of the challenges they faced. They reviewed the available information, analyzed the patterns and trends, and shared their findings with the rest of the team.

"My power was given to me by that world… a world where I only have bad memories of," Ethan thought. "And yet, my power is a lot similar to chaos. Why? I thought that the energy that the world uses is the inverse of that, so how?"

Ethan pondered over his power, the curse that had plagued him for so long. He realized that his inability to control it was what made it a curse. If only he had the knowledge and understanding to harness its potential, it could be transformed into a blessing, a source of power that he could use to help others.

The thought of using his power to give rather than take resonated deeply within Ethan. He imagined a world where he could bestow strength and abilities upon those in need, empowering them to overcome their own challenges and protect what they held dear. It was a vision of a different kind of power, one that brought hope and positivity rather than pain and suffering.

But to reach that point, Ethan knew he needed to unlock the secrets of his power. He needed to learn how to control it, to direct its energy with precision and purpose. It wouldn\'t be an easy journey, for the path to mastery was often fraught with obstacles and challenges. Yet, Ethan felt a renewed sense of determination to explore his abilities and seek guidance to unlock their true potential.

"Maybe if I focus a bit more on my ability to edit memories…" Ethan thought.

Ethan followed Emily\'s suggestion and attempted to infuse his mana with the ability to control his memories. He closed his eyes, focusing his energy and attempting to manipulate the flow of his mana. However, to his disappointment, his initial attempts proved futile.

Controlling one\'s memories further was not a simple task. It required a deep understanding of the intricacies of the mind and a level of mastery over mana manipulation that Ethan had not yet achieved. It was a complex and delicate process that eluded him at the moment.

Frustration welled up within Ethan as he realized that he couldn\'t achieve the desired result with a simple effort. It was disheartening to face the limitations of his current abilities. He knew that true mastery would require time, patience, and dedicated training.

"Let\'s focus on one voice and see if I can erase it alongside its memories," Ethan thought.

As Ethan delved deeper into his exploration of his own abilities, he decided to venture into uncharted territory by attempting to focus on the forgotten voices that resided within him. The whispers and echoes that had haunted him for so long had remained a mystery, an enigma that he had yet to fully understand.

With a mixture of trepidation and curiosity, Ethan closed his eyes and directed his attention inward. He reached out to the depths of his being, seeking a connection with the forgotten voices that lingered within him. As he did so, he felt a sudden shift in his consciousness, as if being pulled into a whirlwind of chaotic energy.

The voices surged around him, a cacophony of overlapping whispers, shouts, and cries. It was as if he had entered a vortex of countless souls clamoring for attention, each with their own stories, emotions, and desires. The intensity of the experience was overwhelming, threatening to consume him in its maddening symphony.

"... I can only fail so many times… I need to keep going," Ethan thought.

Ethan was putting his training aside for a bit, but that also would help him. After failing countless times, Ethan felt like giving up, and when he opened his eyes, Emily was there watching him.

"No good luck?" Emily asked. "You aren\'t training like usual, so I imagined that you were trying to control your powers."

"Yes," Ethan replied while massaging his temples. "It feels like I am almost there, but then all of a sudden, I am not."

"I have been thinking about what Luneria said. "Since you can take the energy that can be either negative or positive from the enemies, aside from their mana, wouldn\'t that make you a perfect vessel for both types of energy?"

"... I thought that my power was more on the chaos side since I only hear the bad memories and screams of the forgotten voices," Ethan replied.

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