
Chapter 292 Final Battle (4)

Chapter 292 Final Battle (4)


As Ethan pressed forward, his words intended to challenge and provoke the hidden enemies, but there was no immediate response. The ominous presence continued to linger, shrouded in darkness, refusing to reveal itself. The sense of being watched persisted, growing more unnerving with each passing moment.

Though his words were filled with determination, Ethan found no visible enemies emerging from the shadows. It seemed as though the malevolent force that watched him remained patient, biding its time, perhaps reveling in the anticipation of the confrontation to come.

"Damned cowards," Ethan said. "For someone willing to cause so many problems, you guys don\'t have balls, huh."

Ethan leaped from one floating island to another, his agile movements guiding him through the ethereal landscape. Each leap propelled him across the vast expanse, his feet landing lightly upon the suspended chunks of earth.

As he traversed the floating islands, Ethan\'s keen eyes searched for any sign of the hidden adversaries that had been watching him. He leaped with purpose, his movements fluid and controlled, navigating the peculiar terrain with a blend of grace and urgency.

However, despite his efforts, the enemies remained elusive, their presence still veiled in the shadows. The silence that surrounded him was broken only by the sound of his own footsteps and the occasional creaking of the floating earth beneath him.

"They are waiting for something… since they joined the enemy\'s side for power, they wouldn\'t want to start a fight when the upper hand isn\'t on their side," Ethan thought.

As Ethan pressed forward, his thoughts drifted to his friends, their well-being at the forefront of his mind. He couldn\'t help but wonder about their current whereabouts, hoping that they were safe amidst the enigmatic landscape that surrounded him.

Yet, as he continued his journey, his attention was abruptly drawn to a haunting sight ahead. Floating in the distance, he spotted the bodies of enormous, slain monsters. The once-mighty creatures, now lifeless and suspended in the ethereal realm, appeared as surreal spectacles in the otherwise desolate expanse.

Curiosity mingled with caution as Ethan approached the floating bodies. Their gargantuan forms, filled with grotesque details and menacing attributes, bore witness to the ferocity of their existence. He marveled at the scale of the fallen creatures, their presence dwarfing the floating islands that surrounded them.

As Ethan approached the bodies of the fallen monsters, he was struck by the sheer enormity of their size. They defied all conventional expectations, stretching for kilometers in length and height, casting an awe-inspiring shadow over the ethereal landscape.

One of the giant creatures, resembling a reptile that walked on two legs, caught Ethan\'s attention. Its dark red skin contrasted starkly against the surreal backdrop. Still, upon closer inspection, he noticed that its flesh had been utterly mutilated. Deep gashes and wounds marred its body, telling a tale of fierce battles fought.

Beside it lay the body of another immense creature, a four-legged being with metallic silver skin. It possessed two eyes, but its lack of a nose, mouth, or ears gave it an otherworldly appearance. Its presence seemed to emanate an aura of mystery and power, leaving Ethan to wonder about the nature of its existence.

And then, there was a creature that bore a resemblance to Luneria in her giant form but with a noticeable difference. Its body lacked the grace and elegance of the moon goddess, appearing more brutish and menacing. Its claws were curved and sharp, ready to rend and tear, and its feathers took on a deep shade of purple, adding an air of dark majesty to its form.

"They look menacing… the type of extremely hard side boss that one could face at the end of an RPG," Ethan thought.

As Ethan stood in the presence of the immense fallen monsters, a wave of confusion washed over him. The surreal landscape that surrounded him was not supposed to be a graveyard. Yet, the colossal bodies lay before him, silent and lifeless. It was a perplexing sight that left him pondering the mysteries of this ethereal realm.

Questions swirled in his mind as he tried to make sense of the situation. Why were these massive creatures present in a place that seemed detached from the realm of the living? What had transpired to bring about their demise in this ethereal expanse?

As Ethan pushed forward, he chose to set aside the lingering questions about the fallen monsters and focus on the task at hand. The atmosphere around him grew increasingly ominous, with each passing step amplifying the sense of foreboding. But his determination remained unyielding, driving him deeper into the ethereal landscape.

Suddenly, as if emerging from the very fabric of the floating islands, numerous figures materialized before Ethan\'s eyes. They had concealed themselves amidst the surreal environment, remaining hidden until now.

The enemies that had remained hidden were not the monstrous creatures he had expected. Still, instead, they were hundreds of summoned heroes—boys and girls of his own age, with a few appearing slightly older.

These summoned heroes emanated an air of determination and power, their gazes fixed upon Ethan with a mix of intensity and purpose. Ethan felt a mix of conflicting emotions as he took in the sight of these summoned heroes. On one hand, their sheer numbers and collective strength posed a daunting challenge, an army standing in opposition to his cause.

"You finally showed yourselves, huh," Ethan said. "I was wondering when you guys would show up, but I am only puzzled now."

As the summoned heroes prepared for the impending confrontation, the atmosphere crackled with an ominous energy. Dark purple clouds billowed forth, swirling and coalescing into a myriad of menacing forms. The clouds transformed, gradually taking shape and solidifying into an array of formidable weapons.

Ethan\'s eyes widened as he recognized the distinct forms emerging from the dark clouds. The weapons, numerous in number, bore a striking resemblance to his very own Pandemonium Sword. The sight sent a surge of mixed emotions through him—a combination of awe, apprehension, and a strange sense of connection.

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