
Chapter 295 Final Battle (7)

"It seems that their bodies were recreated in order to make them use the energy of chaos…" Emily said while showing a complicated expression. 

"They can be revived… but it doesn\'t seem that the enemy is planning to do that," Ethan furrowed his eyebrows.

As the events unfolded, a realization began to dawn on Ethan and his companions. The enemies they faced, the summoned heroes of D rank and those still residing in other worlds, were pawns manipulated by the insidious influence of chaos. Their recruitment by chaos was not accidental; it was a deliberate choice rooted in the vulnerabilities and aspirations of these individuals.

Chaos, in its cunning nature, understood that those with lesser potential or unfulfilled ambitions could be easily swayed by promises of power. It sought out those whose skills did not possess the same level of innate potential as Ethan and his friends. These summoned heroes, yearning for validation and recognition, became ripe targets for chaos\'s manipulations.

The allure of power, coupled with the tantalizing prospect of transcending their limitations, proved to be a seductive temptation for these individuals. Chaos played upon their desires, enticing them with promises of greatness and fulfillment of their deepest aspirations.

By luring the summoned heroes with the prospect of elevated status and abilities, chaos effectively turned them into instruments of destruction. It exploited their vulnerabilities and their longing to be recognized and esteemed and twisted them into agents of chaos\'s malevolent agenda.

"Let\'s move," Ethan declared. "Ian, watch our backs. Dante and I will lead the group since the enemy is most likely in that direction. Still, there is a chance that we might be surprised."

"Some surprises have already arrived…" Ian said while looking ahead. 

As the group\'s gaze scanned the ethereal realm, their attention was drawn to the emergence of three ominous figures. Cloaked in darkness, these figures seemed to float effortlessly, their presence radiating an aura of malevolence and familiarity. Recognition sparked within Ethan, and he realized that these were the very enemies he had encountered during his mission in Ghana and his temporary alliance with Ivan.

A sense of unease settled over the group as they beheld the figures. Memories of past encounters flooded their minds, reminding them of the treachery and chaos that these adversaries had unleashed. The wounds inflicted by their actions, both physical and emotional, were still fresh in their collective memory.

He understood that their reappearance was no coincidence; it was a direct challenge from chaos itself, a reminder of the battles they had fought and the sacrifices made along the way.

"I see… it makes sense now. You all have been moving behind the scenes to cause chaos," Ethan said. "You are literally agents of chaos."

"You all have come to a place that you shouldn\'t be; now, you all will pay the consequences of it," the three cloaked figures said in unison. 

As the cloaked enemies raised their hands and spun them in a calculated motion, an unsettling energy crackled through the air. Their movements invoked ancient incantations, and the ethereal realm responded with a shudder. The very fabric of the dimension seemed to splinter and fracture, creating rifts that tore through the once-stable expanse.

The rifts, like jagged scars in the fabric of reality, opened wide, revealing glimpses of other realms and dimensions beyond. They pulsed with a dark and chaotic energy, casting an eerie glow that tainted the surrounding space. The sight sent a chill through Ethan and his companions, for they knew that these rifts held untold dangers and uncertainties.

As the rifts continued to tear open, a menacing silence settled over the fractured dimension. Suddenly, a horde of powerful enemies emerged from the depths of the rifts, their presence radiating with an overwhelming aura of darkness and malevolence.

Among the onslaught were the demon king and his generals, towering figures of immense power and undeniable authority. The demon king, a towering behemoth wreathed in shadow, exuded an air of commanding dominance.

The demon king\'s eyes glowed with a malevolent intensity, his gaze piercing through the veil of reality itself. The generals, equally imposing in their presence, brandished weapons imbued with dark energy, ready to unleash devastation upon anything that stood in their way.

Judging by the looks of surprises of everyone, Ethan assumed that they knew and faced a lot of those guys… they were the ones that had been revived and were sent to help, and now they were here.

"This will make things easier for the people on Earth… but a lot harder for us," Ethan said. "I guess this time, I can\'t hold back."

"I am going to enjoy this very much so," The demon king said. 

"Sure, I always knew that you were a masochist," Ethan said and then took a deep breath.

Ethan\'s aura, once steady and defined, began to shift and transform. Colors danced and mingled within the mana surrounding him, creating a mesmerizing display of vibrant hues.

The man, charged with Ethan\'s inner energy, shimmered and glowed with an intensity that defied the constraints of the visible spectrum. It pulsed and undulated, a vibrant tapestry of hues and shades that illuminated the surrounding space.

As the colors continued to merge and interweave, a remarkable transformation occurred. The mana surrounding Ethan became transparent, almost ethereal in nature. It distorted the space around him, creating a small area where reality itself seemed to warp and bend.

Ethan\'s body, encased in this ethereal manifestation, appeared as if bathed in a radiant light. The transparency of the mana created a stunning effect, giving him an otherworldly presence that seemed to defy conventional perception. His form was both solid and insubstantial, a testament to the immense power coursing through him.

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