
Chapter 299 Final Battle (11)

His body reached unimaginable heights, stretching towards the heavens. The once-human visage of the Demon King was replaced by a monstrous countenance that struck fear into the hearts of all who beheld it.

His physique was imposing and muscular, adorned with intricate and darkened armor that seemed to absorb the surrounding light. His skin was ashen and marked with ancient symbols that glowed with an eerie, ethereal glow. Fiery crimson eyes pierced through the darkness, radiating a malevolence that could freeze even the bravest souls.

From his broad shoulders, he extended massive, imposing wings covered in sleek black feathers that seemed to absorb the very essence of light. Each movement of his colossal frame sent shockwaves through the battlefield, causing the earth to quake beneath his feet.

"Don\'t take me wrong on this, but size isn\'t everything… I feel like I will regret saying this forever," Ethan said and then sighed. "I guess I will just try to erase the memories of the girls if they heard this, they can endure this much."


The bellowing roar of the Demon King echoed through the dimension, shaking its very foundations. His primal fury surged forth as he lunged forward, delivering a devastating punch aimed at Ethan. In a display of unwavering resolve, Ethan raised his sword, meeting the force of the blow head-on.

The clash of their powers reverberated through the air, causing a shockwave that rippled outward. The impact sent tremors rippling across the dimension, the sheer force of their collision threatening to tear apart the fabric of reality itself.

Ethan wasn\'t surprised by the fact that he was pushed away. Instead, he was counting on that, and it would be disappointing if that didn\'t happen, considering his plans.

The Demon King\'s fists rained down upon Ethan with relentless fury, each blow delivered with an intensity that shook the very ground beneath them. Despite the strength and resilience of Ethan\'s defenses, the force behind the Demon King\'s punches threatened to overwhelm him. With each strike, the weight of their rivalry became palpable.

A twisted smile spread across the Demon King\'s face, his eyes gleaming with a malevolent triumph. The surge of power he had harnessed fueled his arrogance, as he believed he now possessed a strength that rivaled Ethan\'s. The repeated onslaught of his punches aimed to break Ethan\'s resolve, to prove that he could overcome his adversary. Ethan\'s body absorbed blow after blow, the impacts resonating with each strike. Yet, beneath the onslaught, his resolve remained unyielding.

"Ethan is being pushed away… we need to help him," Dante said while the others and he were being attacked by the enemies from all directions.

"... That idiot," Emily said after a long sigh. "We need to hurry up. Otherwise, he will absorb the entire energy of the demon king."

It seemed that Emily was worried about the wrong thing, but soon everyone realized what she was talking about. A little at a time, Ethan was being less pushed by the attacks of the demon king. Ethan still absorbed his energy while they didn\'t keep contact for long. 

A growing unease settled among Ethan\'s companions as they witnessed the gradual transformation of his aura. The touch of chaos energy had left its mark, altering the very essence of his being. They felt the subtle shifts in his energy, a change that hinted at a precarious balance teetering on the edge.

The realization dawned upon them that time was of the essence. They understood that if they lingered too long in the face of the Demon King\'s onslaught, Ethan\'s transformation could escalate into something far more sinister. The encroachment of chaos energy threatened to consume him, distorting his essence and pushing him toward an unknown fate.

As if things weren\'t bad enough, the giant creatures finally had been restored back to life, and they turned to see the battlefield. The revived giant monsters emanated a suffocating and malevolent aura, shrouding the battlefield in a palpable darkness. As the dark energy seeped into the air, an ominous presence enveloped the area, causing an unsettling sensation to crawl beneath the skin of Ethan and his allies. It was as if invisible needles relentlessly prodded at their bodies, a disconcerting reminder of the immense power possessed by these monstrous beings.

The dark aura acted as a tormenting force, pricking at their senses and threatening to drain their strength. Each breath became heavier, each movement laden with a newfound weight. The relentless assault of the dark energy sought to weaken their resolve, to chip away at their determination in the face of overwhelming odds.

"I guess I can\'t play with you anymore…" Ethan said while showing a cold glint in his eyes.

The effects of the Berserker power surged through Ethan\'s veins, causing a dramatic transformation in his Omni Armor. As his rage intensified, the once-transparent armor underwent a dark metamorphosis, shrouding his body in an ominous and impenetrable aura. The pitch-black energy enveloped him, concealing his form and leaving only the piercing white of his eyes visible, like beacons of unyielding determination amidst the darkness.

The sight of the transformed Omni Armor struck fear into the hearts of those who laid eyes upon it. The aura exuded a foreboding presence, a tangible manifestation of Ethan\'s unleashed rage and indomitable will. The pitch-black shroud became a symbol of the depths to which he was willing to descend, a testament to the unyielding power that surged through his being.

No longer content with solely defending, he unleashed a relentless assault against the Demon King. His sword became an extension of his will, slashing through the air with incredible speed and precision.

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