
Chapter 827 Barracks Trip: Patient Checkup

Lee Seng yawned as he picked the tea cup up and sipped on it. Zixin, Keng, Manny, Lily, and Ritsuka sat on the couch, quietly sipping and/or eating their breakfast. Lee Seng glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. Fae, River and the soldier recruits had left almost an hour ago. They weren't to return until lunch time, which gave Lee Seng and the others some time to relax while Zixin's men kept watch of the recruits and for beacons.

"Well, we got  some time before anyone shows back up." Keng sighed. "They're out for awhile, so I kinda want to nap."

"We gotta prepare the food for their return." Lily reminded him. Keng groaned and slunk deeper into the couch.

"I'll help you." Lee Seng stood and stretch. He followed Lily into the kitchen and the two checked what was left from yesterday. "We could warm this up and whoever wants to eat it, can eat it while we prep for lunch." The two began prepping for lunch. Lee Seng heat up the leftovers and set them on the table. His friends and Zixin helped themselves, slowly waking up as time went on.

Keng and Zixin moved outside, occasionally, chatting and checking for beacons. Olivia and Manny moved in to help, only for Lee Seng to push Manny away. Ritsuka and Liz tried to help but Olivia simply told them they were 'recovering' and to 'rest.' Lunch came and a bunch of food was lined up and ready to eat. The large temple doors opened and troves of people came through the door.

"Just in time!" Zixin smiled. The recruits looked a bit worse for wear, but none seemed to be suffering from any serious injuries. "Line up and eat! Lunch was made by Savior Leader Lee Seng and Savior Lily. Thank them for their hard work!"

"Thank you!" The recruits shouted as they rushed to line up.

"Do you think we'll have to make lunch after this?" Lee Seng asked Lily.

"I'm pretty sure we'll switch." Lily guessed.

"Oh!" Lee Seng looked at Lily. "What about those in the infirmary? Should we get some for them?" Lee Seng and Lily lined up behind the chatty recruits and hungry seniors. The two scooped little bit of everything and headed to the infirmary. "Knock, knock!" The door swung open as Lee Seng poked his head in. Three recruits were engaged in conversation, turning to look at Lee Seng.

"Hello, Savior." The recruits greeted them.

"Who's hungry?" Lily asked. The kids shuffled excitedly. They were confined to their beds for rest and talking to each other could only pass so much time. Lily and Lee Seng handed out food to each recruit. Lee Seng slipped a large cup of water onto the stands near them.

"Thank you for the food!" The infirmary recruits shouted with glee. They dug into their food and Lee Seng and Lily couldn't help but smile. The recruits asked questions and engaged with the Saviors while they stayed. Lee Seng and Lily gathered that the recruits in the infirmary were excited to be out of the Holy Village for once. They wanted to see more of the world but it was short lived when they were all injured.

"Well, you still have time to enjoy the forest." Lily told the kids. "Just heal up enough so you can walk around and look around. I'm sure the others will wanna show you around." Rudy knocked on the open door, drawing everyone's attention.

"Ah, I see the Saviors got here before we did." Rudy chuckled. Ena strolled in after Rudy with two plates in his hand. "I guess we didn't make it in time to feed y'all. Is everyone doing alright?"

"Yes, sir." The recruits answered.

"When will we get to walk around?" Girl 1 asked. "I'm tired of sitting here."

"It's only been a day." Ena commented. "When the doc says you can leave, you can leave."

"C'mon, it's boring Senior Ena!" Boy 1 groaned. "I wanna look around!"

"Yeah! We're not that hurt!" Boy 2 added. "Please?" Rudy and Ena sighed. Ena looked at Rudy, who looked at Lily and Lee Seng.

"I can see what the doctor says." Lee Seng replied. The kids excitedly jumped for joy on the infirmary beds. "You guys wait here, alright? I'll see if he's done eating." Lee Seng excused himself and headed back to the living room. Recruits were sitting everywhere. They sprawled across the enlarged living room and the gentle afternoon breeze blew through the opened windows and temple doors. Lee Seng found Manny sitting outside with the others.

"There you are! Where'd you go?" Ritsuka asked. Lee Seng stood slightly away from the group, folding his arms together.

"Went to feed the patients." Lee Seng answered. He looked at Manny. "Manny, the kids wanna walk around. Can ya check on them and see if they're fine?"

"Sure. I'm done here anyways." Manny stood up and spun Lee Seng around and walked with his arm around Lee Seng. "How are you feelin'? Doin' okay?"

"I'm fine." Lee Seng answered. "Why? You worried I'll have energy problems, again? I've been fine for a while."

"Never hurts to ask." Manny patted Lee Seng's back before pulling his arm away. The two entered the temple and snaked through the recruits. They eventually made it back to the patients where Nixie was checking up on patients.

"Come on… The quicker we do this, the quicker you'll be out of here." Nixie was knelt down next to Girl 1, holding a strange bowl concoction in her hand.

"It tastes nasty every time. I don't wanna drink it." Girl 1 shook her head. The others seemed to be in similar signs of distress. The concoction was a mixture of plants, water, and energy berries. It was supposed to help regulate energy growth and expedite the healing process for the recruits.

Girl 1 didn't want to drink it while the others were staring at their bowls. Boy 2 and Girl 2 took a brave leap and raised their bowls and gulped the whole thing down. They finished it, almost coughing it out as they wiped their mouths.

"The doc's here." Ena announced. Girl 1 and Boy 1 looked over to Manny, who smiled and naturally went over to Girl 1 and knelt down besides Nixie.

"I'm trying to give her the medicine but she won't take it." Nixie told Manny. Manny nodded and took the concoction and held it in his hands.

"Y'know, I was wondering why you guys didn't like it." Manny sniffed it and scrunched his face. "It's cause it smells bad and probably tastes bad, hm?" The girl nodded. Manny sighed and bit his lip as he thought for a moment before continuing. "Do you like fruits?"

"Yeah." The girl nodded.

"Okay, why don't we mix this with some fruits Lee Seng brought back? We'll put that in the drink and you can chug it." Manny suggested.

"Chug it? What does that mean?" Girl 1 asked.

"It means you'll drink it fast." Manny answered. He looked over at Lee Seng who nodded and walked out of the room. He came back with a pitcher and a couple cups. He poured some juice and handed it to Manny, who dumped the concoction into it. "Can you mix it, Lee?"

Lee Seng made a mixing motion in the air and Girl 1 and the others watched as it mixed. When it was done, Manny handed it over to the girl.

"Smell it." Manny told her. Girl 1 lifted the cup to her nose and took a whiff. She couldn't smell anything. "Nothing?"

"How is that possible?" Girl 1 asked. "It smells like… the fruits."

"Lee Seng brought some in yesterday and he smelled like fruits the whole time. I think they have a strong sense of smell and they taste good together in that drink, so why not mask the medicine with this? Drink up." Manny stood up and moved over to the remaining person who hadn't drank it. Boy 1 lifted his concoction up to Manny.

"I  want one." Boy 1 told Manny. Lee Seng poured another cup and handed it over to Manny. Manny poured the concoction into the drink and Lee Seng stirred it for a bit.. Manny handed it over to the boy and motioned for him to drink it. Boy 1 and Girl 1 drank their drinks, tasting the medicine at the end and scrunching their faces up.

"Not bad, hm?" Manny asked them.

"I can still taste the bitterness…" Girl 1 coughed. Boy 1 wiped is mouth and looked at Manny.

"Can we go outside now, doctor?" Boy 1 asked.

"Yeah, can we? Seniors said it was up to you! We're all better now!" Girl 2 chimed in. Manny smiled and sighed.

"Let me check on you guys first. If you're okay, we'll take you outside to get some vitamin D, alright?" Manny said.

"What's vitamin D?" Girl 2 asked.

"It's essential for you body to grow and be strong." Nixie answered, standing up. She took the cup from Girl 1 and turned to look at the other recruits. "Do as the doctor says. If he says you can go outside, we'll go outside."

"Yes, senior Nixie…" The group mumbled. Nixie smiled and turned grabbed the other cup. She headed out, nodding at Manny and Lee Seng as she passed.

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