
Chapter 211 Sea of Monsters

Chapter 211 Sea of Monsters

The air in the temple grew thick with tension as I made my way toward the exit.


The ominous sound of approaching creatures reverberated through the chamber, echoing like a haunting symphony of impending doom.


My Mana Perception continued to guide me, revealing the sea of more than a thousand creatures closing in from all directions. The mosaic of mana threads painted a vivid picture of their presence, each creature a unique combination of colors and patterns, but all sharing an undeniable aura of malevolence.

'That's quite a lot of monsters...'

My thoughts raced as I considered my options.

Retreating was out of the question; the temple's exit was my only escape route, and I couldn't afford to be cornered. I needed to make a stand, protect myself, and find a way to navigate this overwhelming wave of monsters.

Gripping the shadowy trident in one hand and my Authority-enhanced longsword in the other, I steeled myself for the battle ahead. The trident's allure still tugged at my curiosity, but now was not the time to dwell on its mysteries. It was a weapon, and I would later sell it anyway.


The sea of creatures drew closer, their collective presence casting an eerie shadow over the temple's entrance. I could see the diversity among them - some resembled the lizardman I had just defeated, while others were grotesque amalgamations of various creatures, their forms twisted and unnatural.

Tap... Tap...

As I descended the temple steps, the monsters became more distinct. There were hulking brutes with muscles that bulged unnaturally, swift and agile creatures with razor-sharp claws, and even ethereal beings that seemed to flicker in and out of existence.

My Mana Perception allowed me to anticipate their movements, granting me a precious fraction of a second to react to their attacks. The first strike came from a swift, serpentine creature, its venomous fangs bared.


With a precise thrust of the trident, I deflected its attack, sending it writhing back into the approaching horde.

I could see dark blood oozing from its wound but the monster drowned in the sea of its comrades, disappearing from my view completely.

The relentless horde closed in on me, their growls and hisses blending into a cacophony of malevolent intent. It was a battle against overwhelming odds, but I couldn't afford to falter now. With every step they took, my heart pounded in my chest, each beat a reminder of the life-and-death struggle that awaited.


A towering brute lunged at me, its massive fists aimed to crush me beneath their weight.


With a swift sidestep, I narrowly avoided its attack, the ground shaking from the impact. My Mana Perception guided my every move, allowing me to react with lightning speed.

The trident danced through the air, its shadowy prongs striking true. With a triumphant shout, I impaled the brute, black blood spurting from the wound. But there was no time to revel in victory as more creatures closed in.

Swish... Swish... Clang...

My longsword and trident became extensions of my will, a deadly symphony of steel and shadow. I parried, slashed, and thrust, each movement a calculated dance of survival. The horde pressed on, relentless in their assault.

"Come on, you ugly bastards!"

I yelled, my voice echoing off the temple walls. My words were both a taunt and a challenge.

With each monster that fell, a surge of exhilaration coursed through me. But the sheer number of foes was staggering, and fatigue gnawed at my limbs. I had to be strategic, conserve my energy, and pick my battles.

A screeching monstrosity with wings swooped down from above, talons outstretched. I rolled to the side just in time, narrowly avoiding becoming its prey. My heart raced, and a bead of sweat trickled down my brow.

"By the gods, this is insane!"

I muttered, my breath ragged but giving up was never an option.

An idea flashed through my mind as I noticed a narrow corridor to my left, partially obscured by rubble. It could serve as a bottleneck, a place where I could even the odds.

With determination, I dashed toward it, my weapons at the ready.

The creatures followed, their hunger for my demise unabated. As I reached the corridor, I turned to face the approaching horde, my back against the ancient stone wall.

"Alright, you want a piece of me? Come and get it!"

I roared, adrenaline coursing through my veins.

The narrow passage forced the monsters to funnel in, limiting their numbers. With every swing of my trident and every strike of my longsword, I felled another foe. Shadows and blood mingled in a gruesome dance.

The confined corridor became my battleground, a grim theater where I fought for my life against the relentless tide of monsters. Their grotesque forms pressed in on all sides, their eyes burning with a hunger for my flesh.

"Come on, you fiends! Is this all you've got?"

I shouted, my words laced with defiance.

My trident and longsword became a blur of steel and shadow, a dance of death that left a trail of mangled bodies in its wake. With every strike, I could feel the surge of power from the shadowy trident coursing through me, enhancing my attacks and keeping the monsters at bay.


A hulking brute charged at me, its massive fists swinging with brute force. I met its attack head-on, the clash of our weapons echoing through the corridor. The impact reverberated through my arms, but I held my ground.

"You're not taking me down that easily!"

I growled through gritted teeth.

With a powerful shove, I pushed the brute back, sending it crashing into its comrades. The domino effect left a pile of writhing bodies in its wake. It was a small victory in a battle that seemed never-ending.

The creatures kept coming, their relentless assault pushing me to my limits. My breath came in ragged gasps and sweat-drenched my brow. But I couldn't afford to falter. My life depended on it.


A swift and agile creature lunged at me, claws gleaming with deadly intent. I ducked just in time, the creature's attack narrowly missing my head. With a quick counter strike, I impaled it on the trident, its screeches of agony filling the corridor.

"Die, you wretched beast!"

The monsters' screeches and growls blended into a nightmarish symphony of chaos, but I couldn't let them overwhelm me. Every moment, every decision, was a matter of life and death.

A chorus of curses escaped my lips as I continued to battle. The profanities were a release, a way to channel the frustration and fear that threatened to consume me. It was a brutal fight, and I knew that if I didn't find a way out soon, I would be overwhelmed.

Tap... Tap...

Each step I took backward was a calculated retreat, ensuring I didn't get surrounded and overwhelmed.

"Gotta keep them at bay..."

I muttered through gritted teeth, my voice carrying the weight of determination.

With each backward step, I unleashed a deadly dance of steel and shadow. The trident and longsword sliced through the air with precision, finding their mark on any monster that dared to approach too closely.

"Fuck off!"

I cursed, a fervent command to keep the relentless horde at bay.

A grotesque amalgamation of various creatures lunged at me, its many limbs flailing wildly. With a swift sidestep, I evaded its attack, but it wasn't quick enough. One of its appendages grazed my arm, leaving a stinging wound.


I cursed, feeling the burn of pain. There was no time for distraction; I had to stay focused.

Swish... Swish... Thud...

I struck back with renewed fury, my weapons cutting through the monstrosity's misshapen form. Dark ichor sprayed in all directions as it fell, twitching and lifeless.

Step by step, I continued my retreat, the corridor providing a crucial advantage. The monsters were forced to funnel in, limiting their ability to swarm me. It was a brutal and methodical battle of attrition.


As the horde closed in, I could see a mix of fear and frustration in their eyes. They were not used to being challenged like this, and it showed. I seized the opportunity to strike at their morale.

"Is this all you've got, you pathetic excuses for monsters?"

I taunted, my words dripping with contempt.

It was a risky gambit, but it worked. Although the creature didn't understand what I was saying, the tone of my voice and the confidence in my words seemed to rattle them.


The creatures roared in anger, their determination renewed. They charged at me with even greater ferocity, but it was exactly what I wanted.

With a series of swift strikes, I dispatched several more foes, their lifeless bodies piling up in the narrow corridor. But the battle was far from over. The monsters pressed on, their numbers seemingly endless.

I retreated further, step by step, my back now almost against the ancient stone wall. There was no room for error. Every swing of my weapons had to count, every step had to be deliberate.

A sinister creature with gnarled, bony limbs and a grotesque maw full of jagged teeth lunged at me, its stench of decay overpowering. I parried its attack with the trident, using the longsword to slash at its exposed throat.

"Die, you abomination!"

I hissed, my words filled with loathing.

The creature fell with a gurgling shriek, and I took a moment to catch my breath. But there was no time to rest. The sea of monsters was relentless, their eyes filled with a hunger for my demise.

However, their numbers were beginning to thin out.

I needed to just survive for another few hours.

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