
Chapter 15 - The Sneaky Tentacle Venus Flytrap.

[You have killed a Blue Marlin Fish- Level 9: You have gained Experience.]

[You have gained 2 Adaptation Points.]

[You have gained an additional 1 Adaptation Point for killing a fish of new species.]

[You have gained 4 Skill Points.]

[Congratulations! You have leveled up to level 5.]

[You have gained an additional 2 Adaptation Points and 2 Skill Points.]

A bloodied Sebastian let out a bubbly roar of fulfillment after finally killing his prey. The Blue Marlin being higher leveled than him gave him a hard time, its bills punctured a lot of injuries through his body already.

Gaining 4 SP after killing it did not surprise him at all, he expended a lot of effort and used his skills a lot before the opponent finally succumbed to his deadly bites.

Hearing the notification that he just leveled up only made him more frenzied.

According to the information that he learned for the past few days, after getting to this level, all he had to do was fill it up with experience to prepare for the great divide breakthrough.

He felt excited, but he held himself back from acting impulsively as he was currently heavily injured. His fellow clan soldiers were battling hard with the Sting Tailers, he had to recover and join them fast.

Quickly bringing his head down, he started chomping on the flesh of the Blue Marlin fish. In just a little more than a minute, he finished the whole food.

[You have eaten the flesh of a new fish species: You have unlocked basic profile information of the Blue Marlin fish.]

[You have gained an additional 1 Adaptation point for eating a fish of new species.]

Eating could not heal him, but it could energize him and it would make his self-recovery organ kickstart and begin its work. This way, as time went on, he would slowly start recovering his health.

As the war was going on for 5 minutes already, lower-level members of the Sting Tail clan that were not soldiers were already coming to join the show. These were the easy prey.


[You have activated skill: Bite.]

[You have activated skill: Tail fin attack.]

[You have killed a Salmon Fish- Level 6: You have gained Experience.]

With just one bite and his tail fin attack, Sebastian easily dissected the Salmon fish into 2. He didn\'t eat it immediately though, activating his swim skill, he rapidly swam to meet other prey.

He kept on biting left and right while complimenting his attacks with his dorsal and tail fin attack skills as he killed enemy fishes without a care of the world.

With his electroreceptor skill always active, none of the filthy enemies could ambush him. He moved like he was omniscient and could see everywhere, his prints were everywhere on the battlefield.

A crab tried to stab and tackle him from below but with his dash skill, he quickly dodged, coming back he bit down viciously.


It didn\'t go through, but no problem. He bit again and the crab\'s shell cracked further, before it could attack, Sebastian bit for the third time and it finally succumbed. With one crunch, he ate its delicious meat.

As Sebastian wreaked havoc on the battlefield, he noticed that the plant that was underneath was causing him and his teammates a lot of trouble. Especially Spankster, she was unimaginably irritated now as she has not been able to kill the much younger viper since.

Seeing this, Sebastian being the only rational one among the soldiers decided to make the rational decision. He left the battlefield and swam lower to look for the plant.


He reacted fast, activating his dash skill to escape the attack as the tentacle-like branches of the plant quickly lashed out at him.

Keeping his dash skill active while activating both his tail fin and dorsal fin attack skill, he dove down straight through the tentacles, cutting his way through like nothing in the world could stop him.


Whip! Whip!

The originally harmless branches that only dragged prey suddenly grew sharp barbs after Sebastian swam deep enough. He hissed as the barbs viciously cut into his sharky skin, but this did not make him retreat.

Chomp! Chomp!

The noise sharply swept past his ears as he bit savagely back at the tentacle branches. This was one of the rules of Oceania that he learned during his 2 days here; blood for blood, bite for bite, the weaker one succumbs.

Ignoring the blood that was gushing from his body, he bit, cut with his tails as he swam deeper to locate the main body of the plant. It retaliated hard but he did not stop for once.

About 2 minutes later, he finally located it. It was like a Venus flytrap, the only difference was the tentacle branches and that it was far bigger.

Not here to watch a movie, Sebastian quickly dashed at it. The mouth of the plant tried to snap him shut-in when he came close, but compared to a plant, his teeth were far sharper and deadlier.


A few minutes later, he swam back up bloodied all over again.

[You have killed a Tentacle Venus Fly Trap- Level 13: You have gained Experience.]

[You have gained…]

Ignoring the notifications, he went back up to converge with his teammates and continue their war. As soon as the plant died, the effects became obvious immediately.

He and his teammates steamrolled their opponents, chomping down left and right as they cleared a path through their blood and flesh.

Spankster let out a victorious cry as soon as she punctured the young Viper to death, her magic power surrounding her bill only made her look more powerful and dreadful.

Despite feeling full of herself, Sebastian was surprised to know that she recognized what he did. She thanked him for killing the plant before bolting forward to catch more prey the next moment.

They battled for 4 hours, killing prey wantonly through the region of the Sting Tail clan. They would have continued the war, but Spankster ordered an immediate retreat when the army of the Sting Tailers finally mobilized.

They retreated, but they were undoubtedly the winners of the battle. And Sebastian was super happy, this war brought him a lot of benefits like the current notification of the system.

[Congratulations: You have reached the limits of the 1st level cap; you can proceed to attempt a breakthrough. Your chances of success are 75%.]

Sebastian was practically grinning like a fool as he helped his clan members carry the food that they hunted back to the clan, the war resulted in a haul of food that could take them long to devour completely.

Overall, the war was a complete success.

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