
Chapter 127 - What Sh*t Luck Is This?

Though he didn\'t use his Water Transmutation skill in the previous battle, the fact that the jellyfish was about to last so long against the 3 of them told Sebastian all that he needed to know about the strength of the jellyfish.

Individually, his team could trash it as easily as crushing a bug but when it came to hundreds of them swimming across, escaping was the only choice. Sebastian had no second thoughts about his decision.

"Swim!" "Swim!"

Tosh and Shanks did not dare to tarry for one second longer, they both turned and swam as fast as their tails could carry them.

[You have activated skill: Triple Reverse Swim.]

As Sebastian escaped, he felt the need to activate his advanced dash skill to go even faster but seeing the pitiful Shanks, he could only sigh in resignation.

Though he was escaping, this did not make him ignore this anomaly. 

It was normal for a group of Jellyfishes to be swimming together, but for hundreds to be together and to be swimming at such a high speed like they were escaping from something was definitely an anomaly.

Whatever made these jellyfishes to be escaping in such a frenzied manner was something that Sebastian didn\'t want to mess with, but his slower team member was making him have second thoughts.

This was especially so when the jellyfishes were proving faster than them. He didn\'t know what freaking adaptation they had that made them so fast, even faster than a Great White Shark. 

Sebastian looked one last time at Shanks who was struggling to swim faster, then back at the jellyfishes who were rapidly closing the distance. He needed no more evidence, this pushed him to make a tough decision.

His electroreceptors rapidly blasted around, outlining his current environment to him as his eyes quickly turned to focus in a direction.

At this moment, they were already deep inside the boundless water trapped inside the middle of the cliff but the cliff walls were still visible to them. They hadn\'t strayed too far away from it in consideration of their safety. 

As Sebastian looked at the cliff walls, an idea formed in his mind.

"Swim towards the wall!" He ordered which his team members unconditionally obeyed without asking any questions.

Tro! Lo! Lo! Lo!

The jellyfish rapidly closed the distance but Sebastian no longer felt panicked on how to protect his little team member, his heart became calm like a real predator\'s after he came to his decision.

It took only about 2 minutes before they arrived at the wall and at this time, the jellyfishes were already frightening close.

"Shanks, form a blockade with your water control skill".

"Tosh, form your torch jaws teeth".

Neither of the 2 sharks answered with their mouths, they answered with their actions as Tosh and Shanks immediately went to work.

Shanks, though a little panicky was able to still control his water domain magic. The water before them immediately started coming under his control as it compartmentalized to form something like a blockade shield against the jellyfishes.

Due to Shanks\' low level, the shield was not too sturdy but it was sufficient to do the job that Sebastian intended it to do.

Clearly, the jellyfishes were not specifically targeting them as some of them started turning to swim in other directions after detecting that swimming forward would lead to colliding against the cliff wall.

Only those with the best eyesight detected this though, the other brainless ones moved towards that single direction, uncaring about what was blocking their way which meant that Sebastian and his team still had to deal with a lot.

As Shanks took control of the water, Tosh controlled his magic to form what seemed like beacons of lights shining down from heaven.

These beacons of lights brightened in intensity before forming what seemed like shark jaws made out of pure light magic, and these shark jaws contained the goods which made sharks fearsome, the rows of deadly teeth.

"Scream!" Sebastian ordered one last time.


"Fuck! No! I mean roar!"


Relieved, Sebastian went to work and started the attack.

[You have activated skill: Sound Reflection.]

After his experiment with this skill during his battle against the Mammoth Crocodile family, it already gained favorability with him which was showing now.

The skill did its work perfectly, gathering both the sound waves induced by the 2 sharks\' roars and the flapping pulsating sounds made by the jellyfishes as they rapidly swam across to form the deadliest sound attack.


Even Sebastian himself was shaken as the sound waves rapidly rippled across, spreading sound force and death with them.

The massacre began.

[You have killed a Stinging Jellyfish- Level 12: You have gained Experience.]

[You have gained 8 Skill points and 5 Adaptation points.]

[You have killed a Stinging Jellyfish- Level 13: You have gained Experience.]

[You have gained…]

[You have killed…]

[You have killed…]

"Attack!" Sebastian commanded again, letting both his shark companions loose as Tosh and Shanks unleashed their all against the jellyfishes.

Under Shanks\' control, the water blockade turned into something akin to a mill grinder as it steamrolled through the jellyfishes. For Tosh, under his control, the shark jaws made out of light magic snapped their rows of teeth fearsomely.

Boom! Boom! Crunch!

The jellyfishes started dying in droves under the calculated attack run motivated by Sebastian. They died at the frequency of moths flying towards fire, but their numbers hardly dwindled.

Despite the despair-inducing numbers that they had, under Sebastian\'s leadership, Tosh and Shanks held, massacring the jellyfishes with impunity.

From fear and dread, they both started feeling excitement and bloodlust. For once, they felt that fighting together was actually better than doing it all alone which was manifesting currently.

Their massacre didn\'t continue for long though, this was because like Sebastian speculated, the predator causing the jellyfishes to escape in such a frenzied manner finally appeared. Precisely, it was predators.

The 3 sharks kept their attacks to hold the jellyfishes at bay, but they could not help but swim upwards a bit to get a better look at these 2 new predators.

At the back of the escaping jellyfishes were 2 Giant monsters, giant predators that signified death itself. At the back were a Giant Squid and an enormous Sperm Whale embroiled in combat.

From one look, Sebastian got his answer to why the jellyfishes were escaping like a group of school kids being pursued by their seniors and the answer was not pretty at all.

His face fell. "Why do I always encounter monsters like these? What sh*t luck is this?"

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