
Chapter 318 - Change In Priority.


At the end of the extremely long mechanical structure, the hatch opened up as a great amount of gravitic energy escaped with a loud whooshing sound.

Gravity was always present, but originally this was a force of nature that needed special circumstances before it could be observed with the naked eye. This time though, Sebastian saw the gravitic forces escaping in the form of thick smoke.

It was a strange but eye-opening encounter.

The phenomenon behind how clown fishes of all organisms were able to advance so much technologically remained a mystery to Sebastian.

As soon as Sebastian swam out of the long mechanic structure alongside the other pilgrim predators, a sweet but sharp voice interrupted his thought process.

"Welcome to Anemone Domain!"

"A kind reminder to all our esteemed purple tier visitors. A low tier visiting ticket which costs 15 clown credits can only enable you to stay for 3 days". 

"A middle-tier visiting ticket which costs 50 clown credits extends your staying time to 10 days, while a high-tier visiting ticket which costs 500 clown credits extends it to 20 days".

"Note that each predator must leave after the days stipulated in his visiting ticket expires before he can contemplate buying another ticket".

"To skip this inconvenience, you can simply pay 30 clown credits as a renewal fee for your low tier ticket which easily does the job. The same applies for the middle tier and high tier visiting tickets respectively".

"Also, remember to read the rules and regulations and strictly adhere to them. I wish you all success in your endeavors".

"Do have a nice stay in our anemone utopia!"

With that, the sweet but sharp voice ended its transmission.

Only a few of the visiting predators stopped like Sebastian to listen to the voice transmission, the others were veteran predators who already understood everything so they did not need to hear it all again.

Of the new visiting predators like Sebastian, most of them stopped, perhaps confused about what to do next while the others went on with their goals.

They had a limited number of days to fulfill their goals and they had to take complete advantage of it. The voice transmission only made things stop temporarily, the buzz of activity quickly reignited in this busy city.

It took a few minutes before only Sebastian was left in the area around the drop point of the long shuttling mechanic structure.

He felt confused and uncertain.

Looking at the massive city that was before him, the boisterous ecosystem, the bustling industry, the massive network of foreign relations, and the unique take of life by the clownfishes, Sebastian felt overwhelmed.

This city was an extravagant one. With the beautiful mutated sea anemones that towered above everyone else and the lavish display of revolutionary technology, the take on the layout of the city was unique. 

When he started his journey to the anemone domain, Sebastian thought that he already knew what to do once he got to the clownfish city and how to do it but clearly, he was wrong which reflected through his confusion.

Perhaps, he was rattled up by all the bright colors and luxurious displays that he was unaccustomed to since transmigrating into this world.

Sebastian was confident that this was the most harmonious, bright, and happy city or region that he had even been to since his transmigration.

This may just be a façade, but his senses already appealed to the city and this was what kind of affected him.

It was at this moment that he knew how inadequately prepared he was. He made his plans without knowing what the anemone domain would look like, now he was paying for it.

His 3 priorities were getting information about the myth realm, the motherf*cker lord, and the temple of enlightenment but the problem was that he didn\'t know where to start from.

He couldn\'t just swagger into the streets and start asking any clownfish or visitor that he saw if they knew about his queries, right?

This was a completely different city from what he envisioned. The activity here was so systemized and organized that he was caught off guard.

The perfect example of this was the clown credits. Though Old Mak introduced a system of shark points in his clan, and he already heard of currencies from Tonado, he simply failed to attribute it to this clownfish city.

Fish, perhaps this was the term that he underestimated. In his previous world, though he was a marine enthusiast, he unknowingly grew accustomed to instinctively looking down on fishes.

The more exciting things were the sharks, so why should he focus on fish? It was this mentality that he brought here, and the outcome was no good.

Without the 5 Mako sharks, perhaps, his dream of entering this city would have remained a dream unless he resorted to robbing others for their clown credits.

After thinking of all this, Sebastian finally relaxed as he started conditioning his mind to adapt to the unexpected scenario that he met here.

His expectations and plans changed as he quickly improvised on the spot. From the little that he already saw, without clown credits, he was a poor bloke who could do virtually nothing in this city.

To get talking and purchasing power, he needed clown credits. This was why his priority here changed from his 3 mains to finding how to get clown credits.

If possible, he wanted to earn enough clown credits to extend his stay here. For some reason, he felt that 3 days would be nowhere enough for him to fulfill all the objectives that led him to seek out a high-grade rural settlement.

Thinking of this at this moment, Sebastian felt weird. Nothing about this city felt rural to him, the Empires at the top really held themselves at a high pedestal to refer to everything below them as rural settlements.

He wondered when he could reach that height of a pedestal.

Sebastian quickly snapped out of his daze least he became too drawn into it. 

He easily decided that his priority was now to find out how to get clown credits, and also to swim around the whole city, if possible, to know it more which could help in his future planning.

He had 3 days to do this or he would be booted out.

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