
Chapter 152

The ground trembled heavily and that made Trevor awake. He sat up and he still has the exhausted buff on him. He slowly stood up and Azrael looked at him happily while wiggling its tail. Trevor looked around and it surprised him that everything was in more chaos than before. The city was filled with holes and everything around him was on fire.

Trevor looked at Shazjae's status.

[Shazjae (Extraterrestrial Boss World Event) (Enraged)

Level: 100.000

HP: 82.915.876

STA: 74.017.922

ATK: 900.000-1.100.000

DEF: 240.000

MDEF: 350.000]

"They barely do any damage compared to before..."

Everyone was busy fighting Shazjae. Kingstar was at the frontline with all the clan leaders including Ivonna. They were all trying to climb up Shazjae's legs and some of them even had already on Shazjae's shoulders and head. Then the flare was shot, Kingstar and the others immediately ran away from Shazjae and those who were already on Shazjae's body, they all held on to something as strong as they could. Then hundreds of bolts and boulders were fired onto Shazjae's legs.

Trevor watched them from afar and then walked as far as he could while staring at the sky. The sun was right on top of his head. He knew that it was almost time for him to switch with them, but because the exhausted debuff is still on him, he tried to get a bit more rest somewhere where he could be seen or spotted easily by them so they could wake him up when the time comes.

Kingstar covered his eyes from debris and dust.

"Is everyone alright?"

They all answered and it seemed that everyone was fine. Kingstar then looked at Ivonna and they both nodded.

Ivonna raised her lance toward Shazjae's legs.

"44th team! It's your time to climb! You all have 15 minutes to reach his knees. If you think you won't make it in time and are still halfway from his knees, just jump off. You will be fine, but if you already reached more than halfway, just keep climbing and hope the bolts and boulders won't hit you because if you jumped off from there, you will be dead from the fall damage."

Ivonna screamed.

"Go! Now!"

Hundreds of players ran toward Shazjae's feet and started climbing.

Kingstar looked up at Shazjae, and he saw Shazjae is scratching his body with his left hand to remove the players from his body.

"How many players do we have now?"

Hundreds of players fell to the ground from Shazjae's body. Queenstar looked at those freefalling players and shook her head.

"I don't know. Maybe around 40% to 30% left now."

Kingstar sighed.

"That low? It's only 5 hours and we lose that much? I know that half of them are dead because of Shazjae's attacks, but what happened to the rest of them?"

Hundreds of players kept falling from Shazjae's body. Queenstar pointed her thumb to where all those players' dead bodies at.

"Uhh... that?"

Kingstar sighed and shook his head.

"Other than that."

Queenstar looked around while pointing at the debris of the buildings.

"Maybe they all died from the debris of the buildings and buried in there. We don't know and we don't have the time to check on every remaining of those buildings to find those players. So I guess those players already respawned to their last save point since nobody came to resurrect or even help them."

A flare was shot, it surprised Kingstar because he wasn't paying any attention to the time. He ordered everyone to leave the area as fast as they can, and the bolts and boulders were shot toward them and one of the bolts barely missed Kingstar's head. The wind hit his face and he was so shocked that Queenstar had to drag him away.

Ivonna ran toward Kingstar and Queenstar.

"Hey! What are you two doing! We are the last ones to try to climb! Let's go!"

Kingstar looked at Ivonna for a few seconds without saying a word and then he nodded and he's still in shock from the bolts that almost hit his head.

Kingstar, Queenstar, Ivonna, Francesca, Emma, Chelsea, Michael, and William ran as fast as they could to Shazjae's left foot. They started climbing and they were struggling to climb Shazjae, except for Emma, she climbed up without breaking a single sweat and she even helped Francesca and Ivonna reached the top of Shazjae's foot.

They all managed to reach the top of Shazjae's foot and immediately ran toward the ankle. Again, Emma was the only one who could easily climb the leg and waited for everyone. They didn't know how could Emma be so good at climbing and it amazed all of them.

They climbed up to Shazjae's knee and then the flare was shot up into the air. Emma turned around and used her legs to hang on the spear that was stabbed as a foothold. Emma who saw the flare started to scream and tell them that the signal has been shot. They all started to climb faster, but it made them sloppy.

Emma looked around and then gasped while pointing at the left side of her.

"Boulder coming toward you all! Brace for impact!"

They all looked right at where Emma was pointing at, but it was too late and the boulder hit right at Shazjae's knee. They tried to hold on to something and unfortunately, Queenstar's hand slipped. When Queenstar was about to fall off, Francesca removed her hands so she could fall down to catch Queenstar. Francesca managed to grab Queenstar's right arm, and then she stabbed her dagger into Shazjae's skin.

Francesca groaned while holding Queenstar, then she looked down.

"Can you hold onto something? Do you know that you're heavy?!"

Kingstar offered his hand and Queenstar pulled herself up and then grabbed Kingstar's hand. Kingstar and Francesca pulled Queenstar up and she grabbed on one of the spears to hold on to.

Queenstar looked at Francesca.

"Thank you..."

Francesca raised her eyebrows.

"No problem."

Ivonna looked at them from above.

"Are you guys alright down there? Let's keep moving. Our journey is still far ahead and it will take us at least 30 minutes to reach Shazjae's shoulder."

The three of them nodded. Ivonna then started climbing and took a deep breath.

"Let's hope we are able to reach the top before we get exhausted."

They were about to reach Shazjae's shoulder, but they all got the exhausted debuff. They couldn't do anything but keep on climbing. When they reached Shazjae's shoulder, they sat down and looked at the view from there. It was beautiful, but they had an important job to do, so they kept climbing.

Once they reached the top of Shazjae's head, they looked around to find a perfect spot to tie a rope. The reason why they all tried to climb up Shazjae's body is to create a pulley system so everyone can easily climb up to Shazjae's head, and the main reason why they want to build a pulley system is to bring the barrels of acidic sulfur up onto Shazjae's head and then try to blow his head with hundreds of that thing.

They all agreed on making the pulley system on the back of Shazjae's horn because his horn is the most sturdy and a perfect spot without having to worry about getting slapped by Shazjae's hand and its on his blind spot. They grabbed the rope from their inventory and started to tie the rope on his horn.

After they were done making the pulley system, they tried those ropes they made themselves by going down to the ground. They were climbing down Shazjae's back but then William looked at something weird that is on Shazjae's nape. It looked like a cave or a hole that can be entered by a human.

William looked at Ivonna while pointing at the hole.

"Miss Ivonna, can you look at that thing? What do you think that is?"

Ivonna stopped climbing down and then squinted her eyes.

"Is that... a hole?"

Ivonna then informed the others to check on the hole that William found. They all jumped to where Ivonna was at and then stared at the hole. They were all surprised to see a hole that looks like a cave on Shazjae's nape.

Ivonna looked at them.

"Should we check that out?"

Kingstar nodded.

"Yes, we must check that out."

They all then tried to climb to that cave.

They stood in front of the hole and everyone looked at each other. Kingstar then moved to the front and entered the hole first. They were all surprised to see what's inside the hole, it was a massive area that looked like a dungeon. They kept on exploring the inside of Shazjae's body until they saw something interesting. A glowing dark green wall blocked their path.

Emma touched the wall and then immediately pulled her hand.

"That thing is squishy like a tissue..."

Kingstar and Ivonna looked at each other and they both had the same thought about it. Kingstar then looked around.

"This is the perfect place to put the barrels. We don't know what's on the other side, but we must wait until tomorrow because if we tried to open this path now, there's a chance that Shazjae might notice us and it could make him angrier. So let's go all out when Grisell is done with the preparation."

Everyone nodded in agreement. Kingstar then touched the wall.

"This might be the answer to our problem."

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