
Chapter 182 - Episode 182: The Power Of Being An Apostle.

Jariel is looking at Avriel and he looks so sad after what she said to him, but on the other hand, he's doing the same thing and he doesn't want to betray his friend who saved him during his days back then. He's very concerned with the result that might endanger Avriel's life. All his men are already outside the pub and ready to ambush me. I don't know how many of them are out there, but based on Avriel's words, there should be at least 40 people.

I look at Jariel.

"How about we make a truce and let me kill all the Headless Cult? There's no point for you to protect that cult since the friend who saved you is no longer here with us. Those people in the Headless Cult is not his family anyway, they're just a bunch of killer that lives for gold and kill for fun."

Jariel scoffs.

"We promised to protect each other and I am a man of my word. It does not matter if they killed people for fun or for gold, but we will never betray each other and will protect each other even if it cost my own life."

I look at Avriel and she raises her eyebrows. I sigh and look at Jariel.

"I guess there is no point in talking with you anymore..."

I stand up and unlocking the door. I turn my head and look at Jariel from the corner of my eyes.

"I will not fight you, but Avriel will. I'm going to kill all the men that are loyal to you like a dog they are. They will die because of your stupid promise that you can't even fulfill. What is more disappointing than a man with his word that doesn't even have the power to prove it."

Jariel grits his teeth and clenches his fists.


Jariel appeared behind me and when he's about to stab his dagger on my back, Avriel leaps toward him and knees his right ribs. The sound of bones breaking can be heard and then Jariel is thrown to the wooden pillar and hits his back. Avriel grabs her dagger on her waist and swings it around while staring at Jariel with a blank expression.

Jariel is groaning and holding his right ribs. He tries to stand up and looks at Avriel.

"Avriel... you have becomes a lot stronger than I thought..."

I look at Avriel and use my [Understanding] skill.

[Name: [Mask of the Moon] Avriel Scarlettblood

Level: 800

HP: 136.930

STA: 20.568

Status: [Trevor's Apostle]

STR: 500+316 [ATK : 2316+300] [DMG : +81.6%]

AGI: 900+616 [ASPD : +151.6%] [SPD : +151.6%]

DEX: 500+232 [CRIT: 73%] [SDMG: 73%] [CDMG: 200%]

INT: 50+209 [MATK : 259+0] [WIS : 259]

LUK: 200+535 [DDG: 36.7%] [LCKY: 0.73%]

VIT: 200+118 [DEF : 818+200] [MDEF : 218+100]

CHR: 200+109 [REP : 309] [FAME : ???]

ART:200+109 [SMIT : 10%] [ARTIS : 1%]


[Apostle (Lv.Max)], [Eye of the Moon (Lv.Max)], [Marksmanship (Lv.Max)], [Critical Mastery (Lv.Max)], [Dagger Mastery (Lv.Max)], [Poison Mastery (Lv.Max)], [Camuflage (Lv.Max)], [Shadow Walk (Lv.Max)], [Illusion (Lv.Max)], [Mirror-Image (Lv.Max)]....]

I smirk.

"It seems that my power run through your veins is working perfectly."

Avriel raises her eyebrow.

"Thanks to you, I can handle my own father now. Just go and handle those people outside, I will be fine here on my own."

(2 hours ago)

I was messing around with my skill and look at my status screen because I want to increase my stats since this week has a double stat value event and I didn't want to waste it. My [LCKY] stat that I have multiplied used buffs food and drinks, I also used [Frenzy] and equipped 2 [Lazy Luck Dagger] to make it worth. I had 80 Status Points, and I thought that was enough.

I managed to get +200 All stats from using 80 Status Points.

[Name: [Indomitable] Trevor

Level: 300

HP: 14.610

STA: 926

Status: [Lucky Potion (U)] [Master of Apostle (2)] [Double Status] [Celebration Drink (LCKY)] [Celebration Food (LUK)] [Divine Aura] [Frenzy]

STR: 2336+1230 [ATK : 3378+940] [DMG : +320.9%]

AGI: 2336+1271 [ASPD : +339.7%] [SPD : +363.7%]

DEX: 2656+1231 [CRIT: 100%] [SDMG: 369.3%] [CDMG: 50%]

INT: 2180+1231[MATK : 3411+0] [WIS : 3411]

LUK: 5352+510 [DDG: 100%] [LCKY: 10.81%]

VIT:2360+1231 [DEF : 3591+140] [MDEF : 3591+40]

CHR:2180+1231 [REP : 3411] [FAME : Eminent]

ART:2180+1231 [SMIT : 100%] [ARTIS : 10.2%]


I reread the [Master of Apostle] again and then I was interested in the skill details. I tilted my head and looked at Avriel and Krestan. I tried to use the skill on Krestan since the details said not particularly exclusive for players, and it was said to the character as well. Suddenly a notification appeared in front of me.

[Character [Krestan Glowglens] is not met the requirement to become your Apostle because your affinity toward the character [Krestan Glowglens] have not reached 100%]

"Wait, what?!"

Krestan and Avriel were startled and looked at me weirdly. I looked at Avriel and used [Master of Apostle] skill on her and then a notification appeared in front of me.

[Do you really want to choose character [Avriel Scarlettblood] as your Apostle? The character will receive 10% of your base status immediately when the character becomes your Apostle]

[Are you sure?]

[Yes] [No]




[Since [Avriel Scarlettblood is not a player, you have to ask her to be your Apostle orally]

[Waiting for [Avriel Scarlettblood] confirmation]

I looked at Avriel.

"Avriel, do you want to become my Apostle?"

Avriel tilted her head and furrowed her forehead.


I nodded.

"To put it simply, you will receive a tenth of my power. I think you will need it."

Avriel raised her eyebrow.

"What is the drawback of being your Apostle?"

I shook my head.

"There is none. You can live the way you want, it's just that you will become my Apostle, that's all."

Avriel hummed and looked at me for quite a while. She then nodded.

"Then I accept your offer."

[Congratulations! Characters [Avriel Scarlettblood] has accepted your request and is now officially your Apostle!]

[Your base status has increased by 2.5%!]

A beam of light came down toward Avriel and she looked up to the sky. She could feel the power that running through her and she looked at her hands and arms. She looked at me with disbelief and scoffed while she shook her head.

"This is... amazing..."

(Back to present)

I break the door and go outside. I can see so many players and NPCs that are looking at me weirdly. I look around and I can tell that there are so many suspicious NPCs gathering around the pub. The players notice me and when they're about to approach me, a group of NPCs is running toward me with daggers in their hands. The players are shocked and immediately back away. 

I swing my sickle around and throw it and wraps one of the NPCs' necks. I pull my sickle and his head rolls over on the ground. All the players are shocked when they see me killing NPCs. I grab my sickle and use [Afterimages] then immediately swing around my sickle and hit them. Thanks to the double status value, I can easily kill them. The more I kill, the more NPCs are coming from all directions.

I smirk and wrap my sickle around my arm. I summon Azrael and look at him.

"You can kill the rest of them. Go."

Azrael growling and looking at the NPCs. He leaps and bites one of them, then he jumps to the others. I can just relax and sit on the chair.

(Inside the pub)

Jariel is leaning on the wall with so many cut wounds all over his body while Avriel doesn't even have a scratch on her body, he's so overwhelmed by Avriel's strength. Strevan is slashing his dagger at Avriel's face but Avriel easily dodges his dagger by tilting her head and then Avriel ducks and stares at him while stabbing her dagger on his chest right into his chest. Avriel grabs Strevan's right bicep using her left hand so he can't move and pushes the dagger deeper into his heart and then she pushes it down to his gut while keep grabbing his bicep so tightly. Avriel pushes the dagger to his side and then she removes her hand from him. Avriel walks past him while Strevan is staggering and trying to stop the heavy bleeding from his chest and down to his stomach and side. His blood is all over the ground and then he falls to the ground and dies.

Jariel still can't believe what he's seeing. His own right-man can easily be killed like that. He doesn't know if he should be proud of his daughter or be terrified by his daughter's skill. Avriel wipes the blood on her right arm using her shirt while walking toward Jariel. She's playing with her dagger and staring at his own father like a stranger.

"Father, I have found the person that I want to follow... I'm sorry that I have to do this."

Jariel is smiling.

"Do what you must, Avriel..."

Jariel closes his eyes and Avriel is standing in front of him.





Jariel falls to the ground on his knees and Avriel is looking at him and closes her eyes.

"I will never be able to kill you, but I hope you can live peacefully without having to dirty your own hands again... I will take care of everything from now on."

Jariel's wrists and heels are cut open. Jarie looks up and looks at Avriel's face, he smirks.

"Take care of my men then, Avriel. You will be the new leader of the Dark Side of the Moon..."

Avriel sheathes her dagger and turns around while walking away.

"I will take care of all of your men and I will fulfill your unreached dream. Goodbye, father..."

Avriel and Krestan leave the pub and Jariel then falls to the ground unconscious.

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