
Chapter 190 - Episode 190: The Wanderers.

(At the 150th floor in the Land of Sigrid)

Ivonna, Kingstar, Aspen, Diamond, and Lothair are gathering around after they have introduced themselves to the 100.000 Heroes of Orion. They were all looking for the right mentor for themselves. They agreed to meet each other on the 150th floor 7 days after they started to introduce themselves to the Heroes of Orion and inform the others about their decision either they have found the right mentor or not.

They're sitting at the small round table and looking at each other, Kingstar then puts his arms on the table and looks at Ivonna.

"So, Ivonna, have you found the right Hero to be your mentor?"

Ivonna is humming and shaking her head.

"No, I have not. How about you?"

Kingstar crosses his arms and smiles.

"I have found the right mentor. His name is Eilasor Navah, he used dual broadswords, and as soon as I saw him using those broadswords, I admired him immediately. I will take his trial when we are done talking here."

Ivonna is nodding with understanding, then Ivonna looks at Diamond.

"Did you find your mentor, Diamond?"

Diamond nods.

"I did, at first, I was thinking the same thing like Kingstar, I was looking for a mentor who has the same style as me since I'm a dual wielder, but then I saw Rehtra Lenard. She was amazing and she gave me a new meaning of wielding a sword. I'm learning so much from her and I want to be her mentor because of that."

Lothair is staring at him with disgust.

"Are you sure not because she's beautiful and you're hoping that you can become something more than just her disciple?"

Aspen is snorting and holding his laughter. Diamond is squinting his eyes and sighs.

"Whatever dude... but I really do like her swordsmanship. What about you? Did you find one?"

Lothair is smuggling and nodding.

"Yeah, his name is Regue Ennozeus. The same as the two of you, when I saw him, I'm interested in his way. He used his pure strength and achieved something that I never thought possible. He told me that a weapon is only as good as the person who wields it, no matter how good my weapon is if I don't even have the strength, it will be pointless. At that time, I knew that he's the one that's worthy to be my mentor."

They're humming with understanding and then they look at Aspen, then Kingstar nods up at him.

"How about you?"

Aspen is raising his eyebrows and then shaking his head.

"I'm not interested in those Heroes."

They're all raising their eyebrows and tilting their heads. Lothair is furrowing his head while looking at Aspen with confusion.

"What do you mean? Are you planning to not taking one of them as your mentor?"

Aspen smirks and shakes his head.

"I do want to find a mentor, but not them."

They're getting more confused with Aspen's statement. Diamond is raising his eyebrow.


Aspen is looking at them and leans on the table.

"I have dug enough information and I'm interested with The Wanderers."

Ivonna raises her eyebrows,

"The Wanderers?"

Aspen nods and then rests his head on his hand.

"The Wanderers or the Heroes of the Orion called them the Fallen Heroes. They're still Heroes, but not all of the Heroes of the Orion are good people, some of them are even far from being called Hero. They're just a villain who accidentally or pretend to be one and the Betelgeuse chose them as a Hero. When they ascended to the Land of Sigrid, they didn't want to be living on the same roof as those heroes who lived to serve the people, so they left and wandering around the Land of Sigrid outside the tower. That's why the called them The Wanderers. They're out there and living their own life without bounded by rules, and I heard that there are a lot of them who are stronger than those who are here, so I'm planning to leave the tower and searching for them. Of course, it's fine by them and they're not hating those Wanderers since they're Heroes as well, it's just that they don't bother to look or making a contact with them."

The four of them are looking at Aspen without saying a word, but their expressions are showing that they're judging his decision. Aspen sighs and stands up.

"We are done here, right? I'm going to log out for a moment and get something to eat and take a shower then I will go back here to find The Wanderers. Later!"

Aspen then logs out from the game. The four of them are looking at each other and then Kingstar stands up while sighing.

"I guess I have to take the trial now, I will see you guys later."

Diamond and Lothair then stand up and do the same. It's just Ivonna left at the table, she's leaning on the chair putting her hand under her chin while thinking about Aspen's decision. She starts to realize that Aspen is not the person she thinks he is, and she rethinks her decision to bring him to help with her Godly quest and she doesn't want to be close to him.

(A mile away from where Ivonna is at)

Three women are standing next to each other under the tree. They're Obrellian, Eveth, and Loslathan. The three of them are facing in the direction where Ivonna is sitting at. Obrellian is looking at Eveth and raises her eyebrow.

"What are we doing here again?"

Loslathan is looking at Eveth.

"Eveth is interested with Ivonna. What is your plan on doing with her, Eve?"

Eveth is still staring at Ivonna who's a mile away from her.

"She reminds me of someone."

Obrellian is raising her eyebrows.

"Who? She reminds you of yourself? Well, I can agree with that. What she did during the invasion took my attention, especially when she sacrificed herself for the lives of the others, but sadly she is not the person that I am looking for."

Eveth smiles and shakes her head while keep staring at Ivonna.

"No, she reminds me of the person who I wanted to become. She has achieved something I have been wanting during my lifetime in the Orion, but I could not achieve that until my last breath. She achieved that thing as easily as flipping her hand, and I admire her pure heart."

Lostlathan looks at Eveth.

"If you really want her, then take her as your disciple."

Eveth is shaking her head, but then someone lands behind them and it startles the three of them. They look back and see Ezira is looking at Eveth with an irritating expression. Ezira then wraps her arm around Eveth's neck.

"Stop being so complicated, Eve. If you want her then go to her. I really hate people like you, you know? Being gloomy and sad, wanting the other to be happier than you. What are you going to do when that girl regretted her decision and chosen the wrong mentor while you are standing like this, a mile away like a creep, and then what? You are going to comfort her but in the end, it was your own fault for not reaching to her in the first place."

Eveth smiles and shakes her head.

"No, I will let her make her own decision first, and if she still hasn't found the right mentor for her, then I will go and offer her to become my disciple."

Ezira rolls her eyes and sighs. She removes her hands from Eveth's neck then walks away.

"Whatever, I don't care, and I hate you for being such a complicated person."

Obrellian and Lostlathan are looking at each other and just shrug. Ivonna stands up and then looks around then starts wandering around the 150th floor. Eveth sighs and then leaves with Obrellian and Loslathan following her from behind.

(Inside Aspen's house)

Aspen leaves the bathroom with just a towel covering the lower part of his body. He walks to the kitchen and grabs a bowl and a cereal. He turns on the TV while grabbing milk in the fridge, his phone is vibrating and he looks at his phone on the table in the living room. He pours the milk inside the bowl of cereal and then walks toward the living room, he sits down and grabs a spoonful of cereal while looking at his phone. Notification of a trending video on Utube is on his feed, then he clicks it right away.

Aspen is watching a video of Trevor killing NPCs and players outside the pub. Aspen immediately stops eating his cereal and looks at Avriel and another NPC standing behind Trevor, but then he just realized that so many emails in his inbox and they're from Jake and Jacob, when he read the email, he drops his spoon and immediately runs to his bedroom and wear clothes. He's hurriedly going to his pod and log in to the game.

He's inside the tower and looks around. Nobody is there with him and he immediately goes to the first floor of the tower and then leaves the tower. He looks at the email while clenching his fists and gritting his teeth.

[From: Jacob

Aspen! The Headless Cult is gone... almost all the cult members have been killed by someone, and there are only a few of us left. Please reply and go to the Headless Cult's Lair, we need your help!]

"So, that's why you sent us here, Trevor. I will make you regret..."

Aspen looks at the notepad screen and it's a direction and coordinate of a map.

"Baltizar... I will find you and I want you to make me stronger...."

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