
Chapter 246 - Episode 246: The Lost Dynasty, Mauron Empire. (2)

We enter the castle, and this place reminds me how annoying this stage was. It took me more than 100 tries to get past this stage, Becker and I were trying to clear this stage but we were lacking people and wasted all of our chances on the 2nd or 3rd door. In the end, Becker used his cheat ability so he won't die from the death traps, but in the end, we couldn't clear the dungeon no matter how hard we tried. This is the only dungeon that I couldn't clear even the easiest difficulty of the dungeon just because of this stage and the last boss skill.

A notification appears in front of my screen.

[The Keeper of Time is amazed that you managed to survive the first stage, The Keeper of Time acknowledges your ability and will, but it does not end here, instead of punishing you for entering his place, The Keeper of Time has prepared another challenge for you to overcome. Will you be able to survive the challenge?]

[You have 3 chances to clear the Second Stage]

[The chances you have left from the First Stage will be added]

[You now have 6 chances!]

[You have entered the Second Stage: A hundred doors to the Underworld!]

[There are 20 doors in front of you, find the correct door that will lead you downstairs to the second level. There are 15 doors that will lead you to a death trap, 4 doors that will lead you back to the random levels of previous levels that you have been through. You have 15 minutes to reach level 10 of the Second Stage, for every 1 minute, the walls will be shrinking and will destroy the doors and when the right door is destroyed, it will be randomly moved to the remaining doors on each level! Those who are left behind when the timers run out will be immediately teleported to the outside of the dungeon]

[You have 10 minutes of preparation before the Second Stage started]

[May the Betelgeuse Bless you!]

A total of 200 players are moving forward and standing in line at each door, I'm looking at them with confusion, but I guess that's how they clear this stage. The Ophiuchus is standing in front of them and giving them a short briefing, I'm just standing on the side watching and listening to the briefing.

Kingstar is looking at each one of them.

"Alright, you guys already know your task. I'm going to remind you all for one last time, the number next to your name in your party screen tab is the number of the door you will be standing at. Look at the names of the players above and below you, and they will be standing in between them. As soon as you managed to reach the next level, report to me immediately using the clan chat. Just give me the code and I will guide the players, and make sure you don't hesitate and waste the time we have because if you wasted just a second, hundreds of players might not make it out to the 3rd stage, do you understand? Their lives are depending on your quick-witted. So make it count and good luck."

The players nod with understanding. So all these 200 players are from the Supremacist Clan, I never thought that he would let his own men be the sacrificial lamb, but I guess it's easier that way since he's the one who leads and takes control of the raid. They're all looking ready and waiting for the notification to appear in front of their screen, Kingstar is looking at the time and patiently waiting for it as well.

The notification screen has finally appeared, the first 20 players who are standing in front of the door immediately grab the handle and open it. Kingstar is looking at the clan chat then he yells.


Everyone writes it down on the note, all the Ophiuchus are entering the 4th door and I'm following them from behind with all the players. The next 20 players open the 2nd level doors, and Kingstar is waiting for one of their responses.


We are all running toward the 16th door. It keeps going on like that until we are all on the 10th level and entering the 12th door, we are all waiting for the rest of the players to reach the end of the level with only 20 minutes left. We are looking at the door behind us and we see dozens of players entering the door, then hundreds, then thousands of them are here with us. I look at the timer and they have 5 minutes left, and there are still more than half of them that haven't reached the hall.

Kingstar is tapping his foot and staring at the door.

"How many players do you think will fail in this stage?"

Leo is looking at the time and tilts his head.

"One-sixth of the total players if we are lucky."

In the end, we lost more than 60.000 players because quite a lot of them chose the wrong door since they were panicking and got lost at the level that they had no idea where they are since all the players that were waiting on each level already left to go to the 10th level.

[You successfully survived the second stage!]

[The second stage will be closed in: 120 minutes]

Kingstar looks at the gate that leads to the 3rd stage.

"Now, this one is a pain in the ass. I hope this time we manage to bring half of the players with us to the 4th stage."

I look at them and their method of clearing the 3rd stage is not really the best but it does the work, unfortunately, it cost a lot of lives of the players. I mean, they have no idea that there's an easier way to clear 3rd stage, but I guess I just have to keep it quiet for now and see how it goes.

We are entering the gate and a notification appears.

[The Keeper of Time enjoyed the show, and he wished to see more of you die on the Second Stage, but he appreciated your outstanding method. The game is not over yet, and it is still halfway from the end. The Keeper of Time is waiting for you on the Fourth Stage and he wanted to see the people who are disturbing his place.]

[You have 3 chances to clear the Third Stage]

[The chances you have left from the Second Stage will be added]

[You now have 9 chances!]

[You have entered the Third Stage: A Path of Suffering!]

[You will have to walk past the 300 meters narrow walls that are filled with death traps. You have 1 hour to make it through the narrow walls, but be careful, for each trap that you activate will reduce the timer by 1 minute. Do not worry! At the end of the narrow walls, there is a lever that will stop the timer and the inactivated death traps will not be activated even if you touched or stepped on it once the lever has been pulled, but unfortunately, the death trap that has been activated will not stop and the rest of you have to walk the Path of Suffering. The number of death traps on the narrow walls is unknown, so be careful!]

[Weapons, Items, and Skills are prohibited in this area!]

[May the Betelgeuse Bless you!]

At this stage, I can easily walk past it and I would still have 9 chances since my dodge rate is already 100%, but if I show it to them, it will only make them start to be suspicious of me. The only people that know about this are Emma, Ivonna, and her friends. I would do it if there are only 10 of us in the dungeon, but with these so many players around me, I don't even want to think about it.

Hundreds of players are in line and standing in front of the narrow walls. They're all looking at Kingstar and waiting for his signal, Kingstar then nods and points his hand at the narrow walls.

"Good luck!"

They all start running in line and the 5 players at the front immediately lose 1 life because the arrows come out from the wall and hit them. They immediately switch places with the players behind them to let the others spend their lives on the next trap, and as soon as the new players run on the front, they lose a life because of the spikes that come out from the ground. Traps are activating and all of them are low on lives, but the guy on the front is clutching it and jumps over the last trap which is the right way to do because the last trap is activating a brick of wall and block the path and there's no way that the rest of us from the other side of the area can walk past that.

Kingstar is yelling in happiness.


Everyone is cheering for the guys on the other side and they're all smiling and clenching their fists. Kingstar looks at us and nods.

"Alright, time to move and be careful."

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