
Chapter 312 - Episode 312: God Slayer.

The three of us are standing in front of the Holy Temple and then Kingstar and the others come out from the portal. They're all immediately surrounding Ivonna and ask about the godly item she got, Ivonna shows them the necklace around her neck and they're all in awe of how amazing the necklace looks. Kingstar looks at all of us while crossing his arms and nodding.

"Alright, let's not waste our time here, we should inform the Saintess about the godly item."

We all nod with understanding and enter the Holy Temple.

All the priests and priestesses are staring at Ivonna as if they know that Ivonna possessed something divine inside her. We ask one of the priests about Saintess Aria's whereabouts but before the priest can answer our question, Saintess Aria hurriedly walks toward us and is followed by the Archbishop and all the High priests and priestesses.

"Lady Ivonna!"

Saintess Aria immediately bows down to her, and then all the priests and priestesses are following her and bows on their knees toward Ivonna. Everyone is surprised and so confused about what's going on but then they might know the reason why they're all bowing down to her. Saintess Aria stands up and immediately looks at the necklace on Ivonna's neck.

"Is that it? The godly item that you were all mentioning?"

Ivonna grabs the necklace and shows it to her.

"Yes, this is Heugron's Necklace, Saintess Aria..."

Saintess Aria is pressing her hands on her chest while smiling and crying, it's a cry of happiness because she be able to see the true divine power and it makes her more believe in herself and the divine power that she has been devoting all her life.

I look at Kingstar and the others while crossing my arms.

"Don't you guys have something to do now?"

They're all looking at me with confusion, Kingstar raises his eyebrows.

"Something else to do? What's it?"

I tilt my head while raising my eyebrow.

"Well, don't you guys want the players to know that we are going to kill Alucard? Why don't you make some kind of announcement and live stream it when we are going to kill Alucard?"

Everyone is looking at each other and they all are nodding in agreement, Kingstar is humming understanding.

"That's true, we should announce it and live stream it so everyone can know that the threat is no longer here."

They all nod in agreement and they're all immediately busy to inform all their clan members and tell them to announce about the execution of Alucard as a title.

I walk toward Ivonna and Saintess Aria looks at me while smiling.

"Master Trevor, thank you for bringing this purest and holiest divine power into Orion."

I smile and shake my head.

"No, it's my job as a hero to protect the people of Orion because Lady Ezira trusted me with this responsibility and I don't want to disappoint her."

Saintess Aria walks toward me then grabs my hands so firmly and gently, she lifts my hand while staring at me in the eyes.

"Even long before you became a hero, you saved the people and you saved my life knowing that you put yourself in grave danger. You have become a hero in my heart the moment you came to save me."

[Affinity towards Trevor increased by 37%]

[Aria Skardine (100%)]

[Your bond with Aria Skardine cannot be broken!]

[Aria Skardine believes that you are the one and only savior of the people of Orion, she wants to give you something special but she possessed nothing but her faith in the Betelgeuse.]

[The Betelgeuse heard her prayer and will give player [Trevor] a worthy reward for making the Orion a better place.]

A beam of light strikes down and I'm standing in the middle of it, everyone is backing away because it startles them. Saintess Aria's eyes are watering and pressing her hands together while closing her eyes. This is the first time I see something like this and I look up and see the blinding light coming from the sky. I can see a dot descending from the sky while I'm slowly backing away, the dot is getting bigger and bigger until it lands in front of me.

A silver box is sealed with chains and everyone is looking at it with confusion, Michael looks at me while raising his eyebrows.

"What's happening? What did you do this time?"

I shake my head while staring at the box.

"I don't know, it's just my bond with Saintess Aria has reached a hundred percent."

Everyone is glaring at me with disbelief, Kingstar grabs my shoulders and shakes them.

"What?! You can make a bond with her?! How?!"

I remove his hands from my shoulders.

"I think it's because I saved her during the invasion so that might trigger it."

Ivonna tries to grabs the box but a pulse is released from it and making everyone gets thrown away. Everyone looks at the box and they're all surprised that it can do something like that but the most confusing part is that Ivonna, Saintess Aria, and I are not affected by the pulse. This thing might contain something similar to divine power.

Ivonna looks at me while offering the box.

"Open it."

I touch the box and immediately the chains fall off and the box is slowly opening, something bright is blinding my eyes. I cover my eyes with my hand while trying to grab the thing inside the box, it's some kind of ball of glass with a cloud of smoke floating inside it that produces the bright light. I grab it and show it to everyone the item.

[Contained Purification Energy obtained!]

[Contained Purification Energy: A power that allows the player to purify all can of debuff status and everything that can harm the player in an instant. Break it and the purification energy will cleanse all the harm on the player. (Can only be used once and the item will disappear as soon as the player that the effect of the purification)]

This is somehow good but bad at the same time since I can only use this once. I'm not sure why something like this exists since it would be a waste to even use it for anything since it's too precious to use. I decide to put it in my inventory and I think I would never use it and keep it in my inventory forever.

Kingstar walks toward us grabs our shoulders.

"The words have spread, everyone is waiting."

We both look at each other and nod, we then tell Saintess Aria that we will try to kill Alucard with the power of the godly item, she nods with understanding and leads us the way.

We are inside the room where Alucard is chained, I can see that his stats are already raising very significantly and I'm glad that we are here on time or even earlier than I thought.

Alucard chuckles while keep staring at the floor.

"You finally came back. Let me guess, you all want me to spare your lives?"

Nobody is answering his question and so he slowly looks up and when he sees the necklace on Ivonna's neck, his eyes are wide open with disbelief.

"What?! How did you manage to possess that necklace?!"

We are all ignoring him while looking at Grisell, she gives us a thumbs up and tells us that she's live on stream right now.

Everyone looks at Ivonna and she nods with understanding and walks toward Alucard.

"You brought chaos to Orion, and you killed innocent people for your own greed. You made a huge mistake to come back here, Alucard, we will kill you once and for all."

Alucard is trying his best to free himself from the chains on all his limbs and he's strong enough to free himself but it will take time. Ivonna looks at me and I nod in agreement, she points her hand toward him and uses [Purist Aura]. Alucard screams in pain and agony and we all can see him taking massive damages every second.

Alucard's screams are echoing throughout the room and it really hurts our ears until he's finally out of breath and strength. I can see that his health is around 10.000 and he's weakened right now, I look at Kingstar and the rest of Ophiuchus.

"It's time, let's all of us take a part in this and kill this thing."

Everyone nods and unsheaths their weapon.

We are all surrounding Alucard while he's begging for his life but none of us are going to let that happen. I look at everyone and nod they all raise their weapon and stab him on his chest, back, and stomach. Alucard is screaming once more and his health drops to 3.000, I grab my [Ezira's Sickle] and swing it around.

"Goodbye, Alucard."

I throw my sickle at him and once it's stuck on the back of his neck I pull it toward me and his head falls to the ground.

[Voice of the World]

[Alucard of the Abomination has been defeated! You all have prevented the chaos in Orion! All the players who participated during the event are rewarded and received [5.000.000] EXP, [5 Unique Mysterious Boxes], [5.000] Fame, and Unique Title [Chaos Preventer]. The players who defeated Alucard will receive an Exclusive title [God Slayer]]

[May the Betelgeuse Bless you!]


[Disciple Quest #2 (Completed)]

[Ezira Alexus is pleased with your achievement, she will be waiting for you inside the Land of Sigrid for your extra reward for defeating Alucard!]

[5.000 Disciple Points Received!]

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