
Chapter 297 296. What Really Happened. (2)

(AN: edited)r

"Almost half of your soul was stuck on mine." I revealed, but I didn\'t receive the surprised look on Isha\'s face that I was expecting, meaning that she knew, and she intentionally did something like that. I didn\'t know why she did what she did, but the small smile on her face indicated that whatever she was trying to do, she succeeded in doing so.r

"I need an explanation." I demanded. r

With a long, deep sigh, "I..." Isha began to explain her reasoning.r

"I just wanted to "reincarnate" in which ever world you were going to reincarnate in." She explained, and knowing that there was more, I simply continued to stare at her.r

"But I hadn\'t expected nor thought about what would happen if the cycle of rebirth didn\'t consider my existence as a whole. I just thought that if we reincarnated into the same world, then you being you, you would have definitely searched for me, and when we become...." Isha explained, but turned beet red when her words neared the end. Though confused by her behaviour, neither I nor my other half spoke.r

"W-w-when we b-be-become "one," m-my s-soul would have healed itself, completely." She said, even though I understood what she was trying to say, I couldn\'t help the urge to tease her, andr

"What do you mean by becoming "one?"" I asked, and my other half, who had his cheeks and ears red, pressed his lips together, trying to hold back from chuckling.r

"Y-yu-you!!!!" She roared with a red face.r

"I mean, I haven\'t been in touch with the human domain for a "lot" of years, so I don\'t know what you younglings are talking about." I acted like an old man with a small smile on my face.r

"Intercourse!!! I was taking about intercourse!!!" She yelled in a huff, with a flushed face.r

"Hahahahahaha, in... hahaha, intercourse!! Hahaha!!!" Unable to hold his laughter any longer, my other half laughed his a*s off, not literally.r

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After a few minutes, a deep, eerie silence descended upon the world of consciousness.r

So, I decided to continue on with my story. "Well, I didn\'t know that at that time, so I, in a crazed killing spree, continued to hunt through the gods, just to die again, and again, and again, until I had gotten numb to pain and death, gotten rid of the emotions, such as fear of death, fear of loss, feelings of love, affection, almost everything, except rage, and stood at the apex of the gods, and I was even close to annihilating all the gods from their existence, but I wasn\'t able to at the end, and I died again." r

"Enraged by that fact, my body busted out all the divinity in my body together with the killing intent, which was just as intense as the divinity that I accumulated over the years of fighting against the gods. Unbeknownst to me at that time, with both of my powers oozing out, something unexpected happened, and both of them merged together, gaining me a new ability called Divine Intent. None of the gods themselves knew what that was, and not understanding how to use my divinity with my killing intent, I continued to use it however I saw fit. Later, I learned that, as long as I had divinity, I wouldn\'t be able to kill the gods entirely."r

"As long as divinity exists, the gods will be resurrected, no matter how many times I kill them."r

"But after far, far, far long constant hunts and deaths, I understood that it wasn\'t the divinity nor the gods that mattered, but the laws of the divine. The divine laws had proclaimed my existence as a threat to the divine realm, so no matter what I did, nothing but death awaited me. It doesn\'t matter if I annihilated the gods except for a single god; the divine laws would put a halo of 100% luck on the god, only to get me killed. After learning about the entire truth, I died, but I didn\'t ascend to godhood after regressing; instead, I began to think of ways that would guarantee my survival in my war against the gods, as I lived amongst the mortals of planet Antinoüs while deriving a foul proof plan. After thousands of failed plans and after learning about the planet Antinoüs inside out, I finally managed to create one, a single plan with no plan B, and I acted on it."r

"The plan had a single goal, and that was to make it so that the worldly restraints on me would be broken. The requirements for that plan were me, a world of the lower realm, and an existence that had already defied at least a minor law of that world."r

"Exactly when that last thought popped up in my mind, my novel\'s character, Vassago, came to mind. It was a character that had defied the laws of the world by defying the most basic demonic law, and since that existence, Vassago had a "host" without even forming a contract with the host first. Such a thing shouldn\'t be possible, well, a lot of things shouldn\'t be possible in my novel, but that\'s besides the fact."r

"With such thoughts in my mind, I decided to "create" a world, Earth to be precise, and since a world was the most basic requirement according to my plan, I created a world with my novel as its outline."r

"Every piece of the puzzle was in place, except for one: me."r

"It was at that moment that I got greedy.... Since I was creating life, defying the divine laws, I thought, why not? Just why shouldn\'t I create an existence that\'s strong enough to hold Isha\'s soul? Though it wasn\'t complete, I, at least, had the most of it. Maybe it was that greed of mine that kept me afar from her?"r

"With that, I created the world resembling Earth and my novel; I gave it the "value" a "world" deserves; I gave the world a past and a present; but the moment I was about to give it a future, my divinity had almost depleted; with a last push, I managed to give that world a future up to a certain limit; but after connecting my existence into that world, I noticed my consciousness slip, and that was it."r

"By the next moment I woke up, I had turned into a chained rabid beast."

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