
Chapter 18 - I Am Jealous

Ashton's POV

I hate that Megan lost her self-confidence because she thought she doesn't have the right to fight back with Lauren and her friends. After all, she doesn't belong to our society. But even if Megan is not the daughter of a millionaire or billionaire, Meg has a right to be treated equally by those girls, and I hate that they do this to her. Megan is intelligent and a bright student, but she was so afraid of them because she thought he is just a scholar of our school. And I can tell that my girl is so afraid to lose her scholarship if she talks back with them or tells them to back off. I already speak with Lauren, and I couldn't believe that she will do this to Megan again.

I know one of the sponsors of the scholarship in our Academy is Lauren's parents, and of course, my parents too, and many more from our society. And I can tell that is also one of the reasons why she doesn't want to date me because I am Gregory Pritzgold's son. And it is known to everyone that my family owned the most prominent international shipping company in the entire country. And I want Megan to understand that I am not the owner of that company because it was my dad's company. I know deep inside my heart I know what I wanted ever since I was younger. I desire to become a professional football player, and running our business is not part of my plan. So. technically, I don't own that company, and there is a big chance that my father will disown me if I do not follow what he wants. 

I don't want to break my father's heart, but I want him to understand that I want to follow what I want in my life, and that is to pursue my dream of becoming a famous quarterback. And I don't have any idea how to tell him about it after my high school graduation. I already talk to some scouts, and there are so many out there who are willing to take me. And it is up to me to choose the university that I want, and all I need to do is select the best. I can't blame Megan for feeling that way because I can tell the rich kids are always dominant. After all, they thought they are more privileged because their parents are wealthy. They always ignore the scholars, which is why they always stay away from us because the scholars are afraid to be looked down on, and most of all to experience their cruelty like what they did to Megan, and I want to show them that Megan is special.

I feel happy that she has some good friends, who will always be there for her, but I can tell Oscar and Alice are also afraid of the rich kids, and I know they will advise Megan The same thing. I can tell she is shivering from the cold, but she insisted she was fine, and I am just glad Alice has some extra clothes. 

"So, tell me, Oscar, how long have you been friends with Megan," I asked, and I saw Oscar's face blushed as he looked at me as we waited for Alice and Megan to come out from the girl's restroom, and I can tell, Zach was right when he told me to relax because I don't need to feel jealous of Oscar. After all, He is gay. And the way he blushed right now is telling me Oscar is indeed gay. And I felt so happy to confirm it myself. You can never know because he has built like a football player and is handsome too, and since I don't have enough time to know about our classmates, I realized there were so many things I missed out on, and one of those things I haven't learn until recently that the brightest student in our class is hot and beautiful.

"We have been friends since seventh grade," Oscar answered, and he averted my gaze, and he tried to look at the entrance of the girl's restroom, but I know he doesn't want me to look at him because I can see the blush the crept on his face.

"Wow, it has been a long time," I said, and he shyly smiled at me. And I wonder what took them so long to get out of the restroom, and I could tell by now that Megan already changed her clothes. And I hope she doesn't change her mind because I know she doesn't want to wear Alice's clothes because it wasn't her type of outfit. And knowing Megan, she always loves wearing long dresses and pants, and she hates shorts, dresses, and skirts.

"I just hope Megan doesn't change her mind, and she will have Alice's clothes," Oscar said, and I chuckled since I was thinking the same thing, and he looked at me, and I know Oscar wondered why I laughed.

"I found it funny that we are thinking the same thing," I replied, and his face turned red again, and I know Zach will tell me later I told you so, the moment I will talk to him about Oscar.

My world stood still the moment Megan got out of the comfort room. My mouth hangs open as I watched her walked towards us, and I can tell she felt shy with her outfit. Still, for the first time, I saw her flawless, smooth legs, and I have always known she is a long-legged girl even if she was wearing a dress, but right now that her beautiful legs are in full display, I realized she could be the cheerleading captain of our cheerleading squad. And when I looked at her boobs, I think Megan has it all. She looked so hot and beautiful right now. I don't want her cleavage to be seen by other football players, and I suddenly felt the urge to claim Megan as my girlfriend. I felt so happy that I fell in love with her even before I saw her total physical appearance because I know even if she will not look like this, I will still like her.

And I hate to think that anyone from the boys' department will look at her right now because she looks so stunning. And I want her to change to her original clothes, but I know it was wet and we don't have enough time, and even if I don't want Megan to wear Alice's clothes, I don't have a choice but to take her hand and walk to our next class. It feels so wonderful to walk around campus holding hands with Megan, and I can't stop myself from grinning from ear to ear because I felt so happy that I am holding her hands, and she didn't pull it away from me.

I contain my smile when we pass the hallway since I can see the shock of our fellow students, and they are looking at Megan from head to toe. Their eyes lingered on her legs and cleavage, and I can tell the girls became more envious of her, while the boys looked at her with admiration on their faces, and I want to tell them to stop staring at my girlfriend's face, but I suddenly feel sad the moment I realized I am not yet her boyfriend. And I felt so glad I interchange my first subject in the afternoon with my last class because we became classmates on this subject.

I saw the smile on Zach's face as I saw him at the entrance of our room. But before we get inside, I take off my jacket, and I asked Megan to put it over her blouse.

"As much as I want to see you with that hot outfit of yours, I don't want the boys to see your cleavage, Megan." He whispered in my ear that made me have goosebumps on my skin.

"And why is that? Ashton?" She asked, and I can tell she is teasing me because she sounds flirty when she said those words.

"Because I am jealous, and I wish it is enough reason for you to cover your cleavage," I said, and Megan giggled, and I felt so happy that she didn't find it irritating because I was so afraid if she will tell me I don't have any right to tell her what to do. And I let out a sigh of relief when she put my jacket on her frame. I don't care if it looks so big on her as long as I marked her mine today by letting her wear my varsity jacket, and if it only looks could kill, I think Megan and I died on the spot when I found Lauren looking at us with anger on her beautiful face. And I am aware this time, she will never stop bothering Megan, and I want her to stop because I don't want Megan to avoid me again. After all, I can feel it in my core that she is starting to trust me.

Megan allowed me to sit beside her, and I watch her takes notes of our lessons, and I was looking at her every time our teacher writes something on the board. And I know this is the first time I became like this.. I never thought I would have this kind of experience in my senior year, and even though falling in love at this time of the year wasn't my plan, but knowing it was Megan Corteza, I couldn't wait to hear her sweet yes, and I am excited to spend more time alone with her.

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