
Chapter 149 - Be My Official Girlfriend Again

Magan's POV

"Do you still want to go, Megan?" I heard Ashton's voice, and I was aware that his hands were still on my waist, but I didn't slap his hands or ask him to remove them because it felt so good, and I knew Alice and Zachary were looking at us with amusement on their faces as they watched Ashton and me being so close with each other.

"I think I am good as long as there would be no more snake or other wild animals that may block our way," I responded, and I felt a little disappointed when he withdrew his hands from my body, and I felt glad he took my hand instead, and he laced his fingers with mine.

"Don't worry, Meg, I will not let anything happen to you if you allow me to come with you." He said as he weakly smiled at me.

"Okay," I said, and I could see how Ashton's face lit up, while I couldn't stop the hammering of my heart as he looked at me with intensity. Ashton never let go of my hand as we continued to take the trail going up to the mountain top, and I for how many times I almost stumble on the ground, but Ashton's strong arms kept me on my feet, and I couldn't deny I am having a good time.

As we went deeper into the woods, and the path became steep, I was panting and out of breath, and when he handed me his bottled water, I realized how I could forget my water. I got my things ready, but when he came into our cottage, I forgot everything I needed. And we walked out from our place empty-handed, I had forgotten my towel and water, and my attention was focused on the flowers that he gave me, and right now, I felt so glad he had some water since I felt so thirsty.

"I think we should take a break for a while, Meg," Ashton said, and I nodded my head since I knew if I spoke, I would find it harder to breathe. I was catching my breath while Ashton still looked handsome and cool.

I didn't see him catching his breath, and it felt like he was only having a walk in the park, and I almost forgot, Ashton, is an athlete. I could tell by his stiff muscles, he kept his body in shape, and I suddenly felt my throat is dry as I was looking at his chiseled chest, and I realized Ashton still looked exact; nothing changed with him, and I could say he became more attractive, and I hate to admit, his smile alone will make me melt.

He is still the hot quarterback I know back in high school, and the way he smiles will still have the same effect on women. And no matter how I wanted to deny to myself that I didn't want him to be part of my life, it would be useless since I knew I still wanted him, and there was no one else.

"Are you okay, Megan?" He asked, and I shook my head.

"No, I felt terrible, and I don't think I can make it," I said, and I didn't want to pretend that I was okay anymore because my knees felt so weak. I can feel the aching in my muscles since I used all my strength to prevent myself from falling on the ground, and even if the fresh is keeping me relaxed, I can't stop feeling tired; I usually do my morning runs and exercises, but since we have been walking for more than one hour, I can feel my legs are giving up because of the slope that we were taking.

"It is okay, Meg. We will take it slow, I am sure the beauty above would take away all the stress you feel, and once we reach the top, you will realize we made it." He said, and I realized he was ready since he had a backpack slung on his right shoulder, and I know I didn't listen to the instruction yesterday during the orientation.

"Where are they?" I suddenly asked when I could no longer see Alice and Zachary.

"Maybe Zachary brought Alice back into your cottage, and I could tell she was more terrified than you." Ashton declared, and the nervousness I felt intensified when I realized I was alone with him now, and I couldn't stop myself from feeling so anxious.

"Why do you look that worried, Megan? Are you afraid of me?" Ashton asked, and I smiled at him.

"Of course not, and why should I be afraid of you, Ashton?" I said.

"Well, I know you are trying your best to avoid me, but you have to let it go, Meg," Ashton said, and I don't know how to react to his words.

"Our friends are not here, and you can show me how you feel for me, Megan." He said, and I laughed.

"Not a chance, Pritzgold," I said. I know my laughter was fake since I was afraid to give in, but when Ashton closed the distance between us, and he was an inch away from me, I could feel the knots on my stomach, and I could no longer take away my eyes from him. When he kissed me, I had to close my eyes and savor his lips, and I could feel the fireworks around us as we continued to make out; kissing Ashton felt so wonderful that I didn't want him to stop with what he was doing.

I could hear my moans as he deepened the kiss, and I knew I wanted more of his kisses. Ashton pushed me on the tree trunk without breaking our kiss, and when I felt his hand slid under my shirt, I could feel the anticipation was killing me, and when he caressed my bare skin underneath my shirt, I could feel my entire body was on fire.

 When Ashton unclasped my bra with one hand, I felt my breasts spring free, and when he kneaded my breasts one after the other, I moaned louder, while he never stopped kissing my mouth, and it felt so wonderful that made my toes curl, and I realized we needed to stop since we are not the only one taking this trail.

"Someone might see us, Ashton." I declared, and he released my mouth and pulled me closer to him.

"I am sorry, Meg, I was carried away. You were right; someone might see us." He replied while I could feel my face turn bright red.

"Me too; I almost forgot we are still in the retreat camp, and I am sure there are people who wanted to go on the top of the mountain," I said, and he grinned at me and then pulled me with him so we could resume walking. After another hour, we reached our destination, I could see a vast clearing covered with green grass with wildflowers, and when I walked towards the cliff, I could see the lake below.

Ashton was right, the breathtaking view was all worth it, and I couldn't stop myself from admiring the beauty of nature before us, and even if I was still breathing heavily, I found myself smiling when I felt Ashton's arm around my waist.

I could no longer stop myself from leaning on his back. And it feels so lovely to have Ashton hugging me from behind. And gazing at the peaceful blue-green water and the flock of white birds flying on a v-formation on the air made me feel so lucky to have this moment with Ashton, and the tranquility of the water made me want to stay on this wide clearing for a long time.

"This place is beautiful as you, Megan," Ashton whispered in my ear, and then he kissed my neck, which made me have goosebumps on my entire skin.

"Please be my girlfriend again." He said, and J could stop me from smiling.

"I know I already told you I can wait, but being this close to you made me realize I want to have you again, Meg. If you only give me another chance, I promise to be the best boyfriend ever." He added.

"Don't make any promises you can't keep, Ashton," I replied.

"I know, Meg, but I want you to remember I have always been sincere with you; I never played games with your heart. Even if we were young back then, I am proud to say I love you with all my heart. And I am not proud of what I have done to you, and like you; I also hated my father for making us suffer." Ashton declared.

"Well, if you want to win me back, you need to have our son's approval. And you need to court me again the best you can do." I responded, and when he spun me around, I witnessed the beautiful smile on his face.

"Thank you, Meg, don't worry, I will do my best to win you again, and of course, I will make sure I will gain Axel's approval," Aston said, and I couldn't stop myself from feeling so happy, and when I looked around I realized no one was around yet, and I wondered where did they go.

"Okay, Ashton, and I hope you will end things with Claire before you will commit yourself to me," I responded.

"I already ended things with her, Meg." He replied.

"Just make it sure, Ashton. I don't want any complications in the future." I said.

"Can you be my official girlfriend today? It would be the same if you would have me as your boyfriend, today, or tomorrow, Meg, so you better say yes now, Megan.." Ashton begged, and I couldn't stop giggling as I looked at his adorable face and realized he was right.

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