
Chapter 48 - Live Like A Family

It was a difficult day for everyone, even for Nate.

Scarlet's visit helped his mood a little, even if she didn't bring good news with her. Somehow, just talking with the little girl made him feel better.

Especially when she called him daddy before following Roxy back to the kindergarten.

It was as fake as her sweet smile, but it worked on him. It must have been the Black Moon that made him like that.

He collected his things and went to the sales department. Samantha and Lara were supposed to work longer that day.

No clients were allowed in the company during the days of Black Moon. Nor during the Bright Moon, at that. Wolves weren't stable enough to handle dealing with humans.

Dealing with wolves wasn't too dangerous during the Black Moon, so he didn't worry about Lara. During the Bright Moon, though, he needed to find a way to make her stay home.

He had two weeks to find a solution, though.

«Hello,» he said after knocking. «Are you two done for today?»

«Yes,» Samantha said, scrolling with the mouse some files on the computer. «You two can go.»

Lara didn't even feel too surprised Samantha knew they were supposed to have lunch together.

Lara followed Nate out while he considered whether to show her the canteen. Then, he realised she would think he was cheap.

«Let's go to a place nearby,» he said. «I have to be back after lunch.»

«We can postpone it if you're busy. I know it's a difficult time for you.»

«It's not that bad yet. Also, there's something urgent we need to agree on.»

«Yes, sure...»

They sat in a cafe not far from the company. Lara caught a few glances in Nate's direction, and she couldn't agree more with those women. He did attract every gaze, especially from females.

She felt even worse for the envy in her direction. She wasn't the one they should have glared at, unfortunately.

«I heard about what happened on Friday,» he said.

«You heard?» she murmured. «It's not the first time Scarlet has attacked someone like that. But the last time was more than a year ago. I thought she was getting better, yet...»

She sighed, her shoulders drooping.

«You were right, Nate. As a human, I'm not fit to bring them up.»

Nate tilted his head, confused. When did he say something like that?

«I know my limits, yet I thought I could manage... Somehow...»

«Lara, it's not your fault. Also, Scarlet told me what happened.»

«Scarlet? When?»

«She came to my office during the morning...»

«Oh, she's always so full of energy. I'm sorry, I'll tell her not to do that again... The kids are used to sneaking out of home, even if I always tell them not to... Even leaving them alone for so long before was irresponsible of me! I'm sorry, really. I wish I knew better.»

«Hey,» Nate sighed, reaching out to her hand. He squeezed it, looking at her face. «It's not your fault, Lara. And nothing really happened.»

«They weren't supposed to be this skinny. Nor to start turning this early. I talked with the caretaker pretending to know about it, but I have no clue if they're normal or not!»

Nate moved his chair and sat next to her. He surrounded her shoulders with an arm and dragged her in a hug.

«Lara, it wouldn't be your fault even if it was true! But there's nothing weird with the pups. They don't know yet how a pack works. You'll see how they learn little by little.»

«Maybe it's better if you take care of them,» she sobbed.

Nate used all his will to stop sniffing and feeling her soft body in his arms, and he straightened his thoughts. She was crying, for goodness.

«Just...» Lara continued with the same, broken voice. «Just don't split them. They will be fine without me if they're together, right?»


She startled and raised her head to look him in the eye.


«They shouldn't live far from their mother. It would be cruel, right? They love you so much, Lara. And they won't accept splitting from you for more than a few hours.»

«So... What should we do?»

«Let's find a way to be with the kids and make a habit out of it,» he said. «I can take Scarlet one day and Jaden another. And we should do things like a family once a week. For a start, not forever.»

«I just asked you not to split them,» Lara murmured. «And you already want two days of a week with only one of them?»

«They can stay apart: they're not tied together. Also, it's time they have some time without each other. Only for half a day. I'll return them to you before sleeping time.»

«So, you won't take them away forever...» she sighed. She split from him and tapped under her eyes to check there weren't tears. She had made a fool of herself enough times already. There wasn't any need to cry once again. In public, at that.

«I work during the afternoon as well,» Nate said. «But I can keep them with me in the office.»

«It's fine. They don't ask for entertainment that much. Till now, they knew how to play with one another, though.»

«Don't worry about that. I'll figure something out. So, can I pick Scarlet up from the kindergarten tomorrow? And Jaden on Thursday or Friday, so they're not apart for two days in a row.»

«Sure,» Lara sighed. «Only if Scarlet agrees, though. I haven't talked with her, and she's...»

«She agreed already,» Nate said. «We talked a little when she found me.»

«That's good,» Lara said, finally smiling.

«Are you busy this weekend?» he added.

«No, I'm not.»

She would just clean the house and buy groceries for the next week. She didn't have friends to go out with or a family to visit.

«Then, we can go to the sea.»

«The sea?» Lara chuckled. «It's so far!»

«Barely four hours by car. We can go early on Saturday and come back on Sunday.»

«Wouldn't it be better if you went with the kids alone?»

«I'm not confident enough to go without you. What if something happens and I don't know what to do?»

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