
Chapter 350

In the face of my repeated insistence, Aldrich finally wavered. After I mentioned my child and my safety, he finally agreed to help my father.

Before he left, he called my phone and put it next to the bed, saying, “I’ll keep an eye on the situation here. If there’s any accident, I swear I’ll come back as soon as possible, okay?”

I didn’t have the strength to speak anymore. I nodded randomly as I watched Aldrich leave, turning back to look at me with every step he took.

“Now, please tell us the current situation,” I told the medical staff.

Even though they looked as if everything was under their control, their slight panic didn’t escape my eyes. It was just that Aldrich was so concerned that he was confused and focused all his attention on me. Otherwise, he would have exploded on the spot if he had realized that the medical staff members were acting abnormally.

“What?” I was shocked. “What’s the problem? The fetal position is not correct? Or is the child too big?”

As the medical staff’s representative, the attending gynecologist stood up and said after some hesitation, “The current situation is a little special, Your Highness. The worst-case scenario we’ve encountered is that the little prince has difficult labor due to unknown reasons.”

“What?” I was shocked. “What’s the problem? Is the fetal position not correct? Or is the child too big? We didn’t find any abnormalities during the prenatal examination!”

“The prenatal examination can’t take care of everything, and the birth process is even more unpredictable. Obviously, the attending doctor was picking his words as gently and harmless as possible. “It’s not a problem of the fetal position or body size, but... I have to admit that I’ve never seen such a situation in my forty years of operation. The little prince is not a human in the general sense. His body constantly transforms and reassembles, which is the root cause of difficult labor.”

My mind went blank for a moment. What was ‘transforming and reassembling’? Was I pregnant with a piece of plasticine?

A few seconds later, I reacted quickly. The intense pain in my lower body reminded me that my child’s life and mine were on the verge of danger. “Can we do a C-section now?” I quickly made up my mind.

“It’ll take some time to inject the anesthetic.”

“There’s no time to wait for anesthesia.” I refused firmly. I couldn’t fall into a coma in such a dangerous environment. I wouldn’t be able to fight back in the face of danger. “Just do it without.”

The doctor was dumbfounded. “That will be very, very, very painful. It might be a hundred times more painful than the pain of labor.”

“It’s okay, come on.” I nodded. “There’s a camera in the room, and everything I say will be recorded. You won’t be held responsible for anything. Don’t worry.”

“I’m not afraid of taking responsibility, Your Highness.” The doctor still tried to persuade me otherwise. “I’d like to suggest you think about it out of rigorous medical ethics.”

The pain increased again, and I interrupted him angrily, “Start the C-section now! Don’t talk nonsense! I’ll be cold when you’re done with your clichés!”

Seeing that I had already made up my mind, the doctor didn’t say anything else and immediately ordered his team to prepare. I thought it was the first time in his forty years of career that he had met such a tough pregnant woman. He quickly and cautiously made a few marks on my tight abdomen and then reminded me, “It’s about to begin, Your Highness.”

I nodded and prepared myself for the pain.

Even though I’d made up my mind, having my flesh and blood cut open was truly unpleasant. I’d already used up all my strength to gather my rationality and control New Flow to block the bleeding point. Even my wails were weak.

Perhaps after a minute or a hundred years, the baby in me was finally removed. There was no sharp cry that a normal newborn would have. I couldn’t tell the difference between the limbs and the facial features of the constantly wriggling piece of meat. It was as if the hospital made up the image I saw on the B-scan to play with me.

It was the first time I encountered such a strange situation. The doctors and nurses were at a loss on what to do with my child, not even the most basic examination. However, I could feel the vigorous vitality in his body. He didn’t have any health problems. He was just unable to form for some reason.

‘He’ was just a temporary pronoun. He did not have an assigned sex yet. I believed this was the ‘genderless’ nature of divine descendants that Master Mary mentioned.

“Just put him in the incubator,” I weakly commanded the medical staff. “He’s fine. I can feel it.”

The nurse carrying the child subconsciously followed my instructions and carefully placed him in the incubator.

The doctor sutured my wound, so I shouldn’t be able to get out of bed for three days. But I didn’t have the time to lie in bed and drink soups. I urged New Flow to heal my wound quickly and ran out of the ward despite the medical staff’s attempts to stop me.

I remembered to take my phone with me before I left. Aldrich had been shouting at the top of his voice for god knows how long. I didn’t hear it at first, but later I pretended not to hear it.

“What’s the situation now?” I calmly ran toward the chaotic corner of the palace. “Who’s the attacker? How many people are there? What’s their level? Are the guards finding it difficult to resist?”

“You shouldn’t have done that, Selma!” Aldrich gave an irrelevant answer. “How can you gamble with your life?”

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