
Chapter 462 - The Altro Continent

Chapter 462 - The Altro Continent

"Yes, I\'m very successful. It\'s all thanks to Master," Valentina said and smiled at Lawrend.

He smiled back at her and patted her head in reflex. Although she was a ghost, he could still touch her like she was a real person.

"Do you know this new continent, Valentina?" Lawrend asked.

"Actually, I don\'t. Even at my heyday, I have never heard about another continent before," Valentina replied.


Lawrend was surprised. She was supposed to be a Heaven Mage. At that time, everything was at her disposal.

He could even remember her talking about another world. It was hard for him to think that they didn\'t discover the Altro Continent at that time. Instead, something must be up.

"Mm. Also, I heard you talk about the demon world for a while. What\'s that world?" Valentina asked curiously.

"Aezel here is from the demon world," Lawrend replied.

"The demon world has a red-blood sun, and the laws of magic are slightly different there," Aezel explained to her.

"Blood sun… T-That\'s the spirit world…" Valentina muttered with shock on her face.

"Spirit World?" Lawrend repeated in puzzlement.

"Tell me more," Valentina said to Aezel.

"The inhabitants of that world are demons, and we started out as savage black-skinned creatures. Only when we started incorporating human bloodline into our race were we able to become like this," Aezel said.

"I have never heard about that before… Let\'s go to the demon world," Valentina said.

"After my maids give birth. We can go there," Lawrend replied.

"Eh? Wouldn\'t that make it harder? Little kids are annoying."

Valentina looked at him skeptically. She remembered how horrible little kids were. They would do anything just to have fun. They wouldn\'t care if they were in danger.

"You girls can take care of your babies, right?" Lawrend asked his maids.

"Fufufufu. I will spoil her," Aezel replied.

"Master, I already took care of several kids," Aleshia replied.

"Hehehe. I will feed them a lot so that they can grow fast," Elena replied.

"I will also spoil my baby, Master," Humility replied.

"I will just play with her-nyaa," Grape replied.

"I will teach my baby about Master\'s greatness!" Ramiela replied enthusiastically.

"See?" Lawrend said to Valentina.

"You need to become even more stronger, Master. I don\'t know if West is in the demon world or not," Valentina replied.

"Hahahaha. Of course. That\'s the plan."

After their lengthy talk, the ship finally docked at the shore. The captain accepted the stacks of gold bills that Lawrend gave him. Although it was quite useless at the Altro Continent, it was worth a lot in the Primitus Continent.

They walked out of the ship and observed this new land. Lawrend could feel the abundant elemental mana in this place. It was more than the Primitus Continent.

"What kind of a place is this? They have more mana than us," Lawrend said out loud in surprise.

"Maybe this was why they were able to become even stronger than us," Humility said.

"Let\'s go," Lawrend said and led his team of maids behind him.

They entered into the city. Many mages were walking everywhere. There were some carriages, but those were the minority. Instead of the blue cloak that the mages from the Primitus Continent wore, the mages here wore yellow cloaks.

Their mage pins were also different. Instead of lines on an octagon, the mage pin consists of stars. Each star would correspond to one level.

A three-starred mage would be a High Mage.

"Look for an inn. We should rest first. We have been in the sea for several months now," Lawrend said.

"Yes, Master," his maids responded.

They looked around and walked through the streets. Their outfit attracted the eyes of the passersby.

Lawrend was wearing his blue mage cloak, while his maids were wearing maid uniforms. It was obvious to the others that they were not from this continent.

"The language here is actually the same as the language back home," Lawrend said as he looked around.

He could easily read the signs around them, and he could understand the whispers of the people around him. It was amazing and interesting in his eyes.

Back in his previous world, there were more languages than there were a number of countries. In this world, there seemed to be a single universal language. Not to mention, even demons have the same language.

Lawrend became more and more interested in this world the more he thought about that. There seemed to be something hidden behind all of this, and he could faintly feel that he was getting closer.

"There\'s an inn, Master!" Amene shouted and pointed in front of them.

Lawrend stopped his thoughts and looked at where she was pointing.

"New Era Inn?"

They entered inside that inn and approached the innkeeper.

"How much for a night?" Lawrend asked.

"That will be 2 Alt Coin," the innkeeper replied.

"Errr… Alt Coin?" Lawrend replied in confusion.

"Alt Coin is the currency in this continent. I can tell that you are from the Primitus Continent. You can exchange your currency with the local bank," the innkeeper explained to him.

"Oh, I see! Thank you," Lawrend replied and smiled at him.

"The bank is at the central district," the innkeeper said as Lawrend and his maids left.

"I got it," Lawrend replied.

They walked through the streets and found the bank after a dozen minutes of walking. Although it was hard to walk for so long, they were at least able to get a better sense of what kind of a place this city was.

Many mages were traveling in parties of four. They looked like adventurer parties in Lawrend\'s eyes. The establishments were all made with wood, unlike the bricks that made up most of the establishments back home.

After they entered the bank, they were greeted with the smell of metal. It was the smell of coins.

"What can I do for you?" the receptionist behind the desk asked.

"How much is it to convert a gold bill from the Undrasil Kingdom?" Lawrend asked.

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