
Chapter 705 - Examination to be a General

Chapter 705: Examination to be a General

Although he did not get to obtain any manuals that were suitable for him, Qin Feng still handed the Glittering Golden Sand to Shang Han—the deal was, after all, granting him the access to view these manuals, not the ownership.

A few moments later, they both went back to the office.

“Now that we’re here, let’s connect our consciousness to the Consciousness Realm. I would like to get all of these settled in one go.”

Shang Han had a lot of matters to deal with as a regent; so, her time was limited and precious. The reason she did not send someone else to escort Qin Feng to view the manuals was because of how crucial and significant those were to the city and her family.

Now that the matter about the manuals were taken care of, it was time to make Qin Feng a general.

After connecting to their Consciousness Connector, Shang Han and Qin Feng were now in the Consciousness Realm of the Human Alliance.

Standing at the road, Qin Feng could see the name “Huaxia Alliance” printed on the entrance of a large building. It was then, he received a message.

“B-tier ability user—Qin Feng has been granted the privilege of becoming a B-tier general of the Human Alliance under the recommendation of A-tier ability user, Regent of Northern Region—Shang Han. Do you accept?”

Of course, Qin Feng pressed “Accept” immediately.

Then, several B-tiers were summoned and requested to examine Qin Feng. It was more of an order than a “request”; so, these men did not dare to reject it.

Then, Shang Han brought Qin Feng into the building’s lobby. The place was quite majestically huge. Standing in the middle of the lobby, Qin Feng could see four people sitting on four really finely crafted chairs in front of him.

On the left, was Shang Han. And the other three were, of course, all A-tier ability users.

They were all A-tiers from the Northern Region—Han Mou, the governor of Hanchuan state, Yang Long—an elder statesperson of the Huaxia Alliance and the ex-governor of Xingmang state. and Liao Pingan, a general from the Northern Region.

Shang Han was originally thinking of asking Han Mou and Liao Pingan to also give their recommendation to make Qin Feng a general. However, after Qin Feng got back, Nangong Shi and Tung Yang, to her surprise, already gave her their recommendations.

“Gentlemen, I would like to initiate the examination of Qin Feng to be a general. I thank you for coming here despite your tight schedule. I’m distributing Qin Feng’s profile for your perusal right now.”

Then, she gave everyone Qin Feng’s profile, which detailed all his achievements.

He was able to complete two support missions in the span of a short time. And every time, he was able to complete them with flying colors.

There were twenty people who would do the examination. Each one of them had two points under their votes, which would total up to forty points. Then, each of the four A-tiers had twenty points under their votes.

This meant that, if all three A-tiers vouched for him, Qin Feng would become a B-tier general right away.

After taking a brief look at Qin Feng’s profile, Han Mou frowned. “Qin Feng? Isn’t he the one who became the champion for the Prodigy Tournament? You know, the one who went to Dragon Capital as a candidate representing the Northern Region?”

Shang Han nodded. “Yes, it’s him.”

Han Mou immediately thought of his son, who kept complaining to him that he should have been the one who won the championship.

Yet, when his son was complaining, Qin Feng had already accomplished so much! To add more, he had already ascended to B-tier too!

This was quite amazing—no one expected a prodigy like him to ascend to B-tier in such a short time.

“Indeed, he’s really done a lot of impressive feats. But he’s still young. He ought to be going out and training more. He’s still, what, eighteen years old? That’s too young to be a general. We need to be careful in deciding this because if we make a slight mistake here, it could mean a whole army getting wiped out. This is no child’s play.”

Shang Han was stunned. She did not think Han Mou would make such a statement. Even though Han Mou was an A-tier, he was still just a governor. This meant that he was, in fact, Shang Han’s underling. As such, she was quite surprised to see him objecting her.

Thus, Shang Han’s face turned grim in an instant.

“There is no correlation between age and capabilities!” Shang Han said sternly.

Still, Han Mou did not seem to be intimidated and would not change his mind. In fact, he doubled down, “In my opinion, he’s just eighteen years old. He has so much potential in so many areas. How about we give this position to others first? This is much fairer to others.”

“What do you mean by ‘fairer’? What about Qin Feng? Is this fair to him?”

“Like I said. He’s still young. He can wait for a little longer.”

The other A-tiers looked at one another in surprise. They did not expect Han Mou to display such an attitude; and they did not expect to see Shang Han and him fighting.

In an instant, they started to hesitate too.

Sometimes, it was best to read the room and follow the flow. Offending a powerful prick could mean a lot of trouble for them and their friends and relatives’ careers.

If they took Shang Han’s side, Han Mou could cause a lot of petty yet destructive problems for them. However, if they took Han Mou’s side, that would mean crossing the regent of the Northern Region. Still, when they thought about it, Shang Han would not openly try to harm them in any way due to fear of a ruined reputation.

Therefore, they both started to feel that they should support Han Mou.

Seeing the other two A-tiers starting to hesitate, Shang Han frowned even more bitterly. She did not think her plan would be ruined by such an unexpected incident. She could not allow her plans to go to ruin and down the drain like this! She must do something!

It was then, Qin Feng opened his mouth.

“If that’s the case... Governor Han, it’s been years that you’ve been a governor of Hanchuan state. How about you retire right now so that the other people would also get a chance to be governor? You’re an A-tier ability user! Instead of sitting comfortably behind a desk, you should be going to the frontlines and take down the enemies of the alliance. Isn’t it fairer this way?”

Han Mou turned and looked at Qin Feng and smirked, “I built Hanchuan state with my bare hands. How can anyone else compare to me?”

Qin Feng looked at him coldly. “My achievements were also completed with my own hands. So, why can’t I be a general? How many ultra beasts did I slay? How many lives did I save? How can you compare to me?”

Han Mou’s face turned grim. “Qin Feng, you dare oppose me?”

“No, I’m just stating the obvious. If you’re so bitter about it, how about you stop chickening out and compare our achievements. Let’s see who killed more ultra beasts? Hmm?”

Han Mou clenched his teeth and could not say a word.

Qin Feng’s achievements were indeed something not anyone else could compare. He had done something that was almost unthinkable. He had defeated the Glutton Leviathan—an A-tier beast emperor. It was a beast that was indefinitely godlike. This alone was enough to beat several others’ achievements that dare to compete with him.

Besides, Han Mou spent most of his life building Hanchuan state. This meant that he rarely left his comfort zone. According to what Qin Feng knew before he was reborn, Han Mou’s method of ascending to A-tier was not really all that honorable.

To become an A-tier ability user, Han Mou had forcibly imprisoned a renowned pharmacist and forced him to make him illegal, powerful drugs that pushed his body to the limits, which then made him an A-tier.

However, doing so would bring him several side-effects. One of which was that Han Mou had only half of everyone’s internal energy. This in turn meant that he could not fight as effectively as most people.

Due to this, Han Mou had cunningly refused to become an elder statesperson or general to avoid being assigned to the frontlines.


How could Han Mou compare to Qin Feng?

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