
Chapter 94 - Ch. 94 Osbert's Favor

Kaylee didn't understand what made Wendy bully Osbert without her knowledge and fired this poor man without her permission. Even so, she still believed in Wendy and did not carelessly order this young man to go back to work for her.

Wendy liked to act on her own terms, but the girl always had a reason behind her actions. Therefore, Kaylee needed to talk to her best friend first before offering this young man to return to work at her place.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I'm going to talk to her, and you can try to find another job in the meantime. After all, working as an office boy at my place isn't a suitable job for you."

"Thank you, miss. I will do that. But… could you do me a favor?"

"What is it?"

"Would you like to have dinner with me?" asked the young man sheepishly as if he wasn't the stalker that followed her for the past year or so.

"That…" Kaylee scratched the nape of her neck awkwardly as she thought of a way to refuse this young man's invitation without hurting him.

She's still traumatized because she hurt Jacob's feelings without realizing it. Kaylee didn't mean to hurt her first male friend's feelings, but stupidly, she did.

Even though Osbert was not her best friend and Kaylee didn't have bad blood with this young man, she still respected this young man. She honors everyone she meets, especially if that person has worked at her place for a year.

But that didn't mean she would grant Osbert's wish, not when she felt some strange uncomfortable feeling every time that young man relentlessly gave her a gift.

"Please, miss. Just one dinner, and I will never bother you," begged Osbert with a pleading expression that made Kaylee unable to refuse it.

'Go from there! Stay away from him!' a thunderous voice buzzed in her head, making her almost dizzy.

This voice appeared again. This voice always occurred when Kaylee was experiencing something that was very unfavorable to her.

Kaylee remembered when a group of envious girls surrounded her because Kaylee was the favorite and the genius of the whole campus; this voice appeared to warn her not to fall into the girls' trap.

Or when Kaylee walked into her apartment late at night and saw some drunken street men from afar smoking or drinking. This voice told her to turn around and head back to the highway to go to Wendy's house instead.

And this time, the same voice came back as if Osbert planned something to harm her.

The innocent girl also remembered when Wendy tried to persuade her to fire Osbert and vilify the young man without giving him any evidence. Of course, Kaylee rebuffed her best friend's proposal because she didn't want to fire people for no reason.

Moreover, Kaylee knew that Osbert had no one and was struggling alone. The man also hasn't found a job that suits his passion and feels at home working at her place.

Kaylee could not bear to fire the man and make Osbert unemployed.

"Miss Roe?"

Osbert's soft, hoarse voice brought Kaylee back from her reverie world. She looked towards Osbert's face and stared straight at those two eyes that looked sincere, hoping that she would grant his wish.

"I'm sorry, Osbert. But I'm engaged. I don't want my fiancé to misunderstand when he found out I had dinner with another man. Please, understand me."

"Fiancé? I've heard it." was his nonchalant response.

Osbert hid his anger and jealousy so skillfully as if he didn't care whether Kaylee was engaged or not.

"But, miss, if you don't mind, I have to say, that man doesn't deserve you. He even has another woman behind your back. He doesn't love you at all."

Kaylee gripped her oversize shirt tightly heard it. She did not feel suspicious how Osbert could find out that Declan had another girl without her knowing.

The only thing that was on her mind right now was the scene where Declan treated Leticia Campbell with such attentiveness as if she was the most significant person in the man's life.

Kaylee felt her heart sink again and helplessly. She wanted to end her miserable feelings by discussing them directly with Declan but lacked the courage to face reality.

"Miss, just one dinner. I promise I will help you out of your misery." offered Osbert so softly to make Kaylee believe he genuinely thinks of the best for her.

"Okay." finally, Kaylee agreed to his request and ignored the warning voice in her mind.

If Declan could make out with other girls, why couldn't she? Plus, it's not like she would cheating on him. This would be friendly dining and not more than that. She would not imitate what her fiancée had done.

Kaylee planned to stop by her studio after this, but when she heard that Declan was in the lobby of her studio, Kaylee decided to wait for Osbert to come home from work at the appointment cafe.

The man insisted on dining at a cafe on a small street where there are hardly any pedestrians passing the road. Osbert told her that even though the restaurant was small, the food there was delicious and convinced her that Kaylee would like the cooking.

Having promised to have dinner with the young man, Kaylee had no choice but to follow the young man's wishes.

Osbert's work had only finished around six in the evening, which meant Kaylee still had half an hour to wait. Kaylee decided to order a drink first while browsing the internet on her smartphone.

Kaylee looked for the hit song, and the appearance of the name Black Moon on the first homepage made her cringe. Right now, she has two contradicting feelings in her heart responding to the presentation of his fiancé's stage name on the top hits single album.

She felt proud and excited about Declan's success at the same time; she felt discouraged to hear the man's newest song.

Ever since she had witnessed Declan betray her first-hand, Kaylee felt pessimistic about her fiancé.

All that man's act of love that seduced her and gave her all the comfort and euphoria that she had never felt before suddenly felt bitter in her heart.

She no longer wanted to think about that man or Declan's expression of love which was so sweet and took her flying high.

In the end, she decided to quit browsing the link and put on the Adams song to get either Declan or Black Moon out of her mind.

The Adams's music genre was so different from Declan's that listening to Nicholas's country-rock music made her think less of Declan.

Strangely, as soon as she listened to the serene song of the Adams, her eyelids felt heavy, and she didn't know how many times she yawned.

Very weird. Why is she feeling so sleepy? What time is it?

Kaylee peeked at her smartphone screen to see a row of numbers. The moment she realized that there were still fifteen minutes before Osbert came, Kaylee decided to rest her eyes by closing them.

Without realizing it, she fell asleep soundly as soon as her eyes were closed. Not long after, a man came over to her and carried her out the back door. Strangely enough, the barista did not stop him and gave a knowing smirk.

In her sleep, Kaylee dreamed of the same two girls back. The two girls are herself and her sister.

Kaylee glanced around and noticed the two of them were sitting in the fountain, watching the people walking with great interest.

"See? I told you there are countless handsome young men in this country."

"Ew, sister. I came here to lure you home and not come here to… to… watch over the boys here."

"My sweet sister," teased the elder sister while hugging the younger sister's shoulders. "You like two guys at the same time, but you haven't realized it."

"Ha?? What do you mean? Who do I like?"

Kaylee frowned upon hearing the elder sister's taunts at her. How did her sister know she liked two boys at the same time? She never even met her sister, and only Wendy and Nick know about this.

But, this feeling… was she dreaming… or was it her buried memory?

"You think I don't know about that black moon guy?"

In an instant, Kaylee's black pearl eyes opened wide when she heard the name 'Black Moon' coming out of her sister's mouth.

Miraculously, she still remembered what she dreamed of, as if she had just experienced it a few minutes ago. She even remembered; her face looked younger than now.

Maybe… she's still fifteen? Or… seventeen? Kaylee isn't too sure of the answer either.

Precisely because of this, she wondered. Was Black Moon her sister meant... Declan Black? Does that mean… she had met that man before?

Kaylee wanted to find the answer when she felt she couldn't move her hands. Kaylee realized she was no longer inside the cafe room but in an unfamiliar place!

Where is this?!

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