
Chapter 252 - 252 Revealed <2>

Instead of killing these giant mutated animals and rank 7 giant mutated snake that threatened the humanities, they instead turned their attacks towards their fellow humans.

She had never done anything that truly go against the bottom limit.

She was not a criminal before the change of the world either.

She didn’t even try to harm other human beings after the change of the world.

No matter how hard things were, Kate didn’t think that it was necessary for her to act against other humans. With the warmth that she experienced while being in Kyle’s group, she had never truly felt that the world was changing.

It felt really similar to the time before there was even any change.

Thus, Kate had been living well.

But just because she’s a reverse healer, her existence itself was not something that could be accepted by majority of people. They refused to accept her and instead felt that she was an existence they had to deal with so carefully.


Looking at the wall they built, Kate had the thought that with so many awakened people around, it was not impossible for them to truly deal with that rank 7 giant mutated snake. Even if they couldn’t fully deal with it, they could figure out a way to hold them back and chase the rank 7 giant mutated snake away.

That way, it wouldn’t be heading towards City H.

But these people didn’t do it.

Instead, they allowed the rank 7 giant mutated snake to come and there were more awakened who were attracted here because of the mission.


She didn’t understand.

“Why are you doing this?” Kate asked, her voice was cold and devoid of emotion. Even if she was hurt inside, she still had poker expression and looked extremely indifferent. Only her clenched fist revealed her real feelings.

She was not the type to fully express her real thoughts to outsiders. In order to protect herself, she could not allow herself to fully expose what she was thinking and what she actually wanted to others.

“It’s an order.” Mr. Yuri looked at Kate and snorted. “And a reverse healer like you doesn’t deserve to live within the others.”

Just because she’s a reverse healer, she was judged as so?

Kate felt that the world was truly going against her right now. She never asked for this power either. It awakened by itself the moment the red rain occurred.

Was it her fault for awakened this unwanted ability?

She just wanted to live well.

She just wanted to stay and live with the others as her ordinary self.

Was it wrong for her to wish for it?

Because she’s a reverse healer, she’s not worthy of even asking for an ordinary life along with her friends and those whom she cared for?

“Damn you!” Lucy smashed against these metals, hoping that she had reached rank 6. That way, her power would be able to break through this damned hard metal in front of her!

She would never allow Kate to be in this miserable position!

From the very moment she knew that Kate was a reverse healer, she had already guessed that there might be some things that would be unfavorable for Kate. But no matter what Lucy would not stay away from Kate.

Because she had been Kate’s friends from a long time.

Kate was a bit socially awkward and had some strange ideas from time to time, but she was not a bad person.

Even after obtaining such power, Lucy had never seen Kate wanting to attack others nor controlled them. Her abilities did provide her with such opportunity, but she had never done that.

Because of that, Lucy trusted Kate.

But others couldn’t do that.

When they saw her, the first thing they thought would be the fact that she’s a reverse healer and that she held power that could take their lives away with just a thought. They would fear her.

“So you want me to use the reverse healing against the rank 7 giant mutated snake?” Kate asked Mr. Yuri. She could see that Mr. Yuri had recovered part of his ability, which gave him confidence to trap her here.

And the reinforced metal that he prepared was definitely more than enough to provide some defense. She could see that these metals were specifically prepared, but she couldn’t exactly think of the materials used.

After all, she was not that proficient to guess such thing based on seeing it from a distance away.

“Yes.” Mr. Yuri let out a laugh. “A reverse healer is a dangerous existence, not worthy of being humans. Do you know that your abilities are going to make you killed?”

Kate’s fingers clasped into a fist even harder as her nails dug into her flesh.

She knew.

She had already guessed that much from the moment she awakened her abilities and saw the destruction that she had caused to those giant mutated animals. But she tried her best to cling onto a hope.

Hope that the humanities would not be so preoccupied with that one fact.

But to see her as a person.

That she didn’t want to hurt them.

The sound of these people yelling from a distance could be heard faintly.

“Kill the rank 7 giant mutated snake!”

“Go reverse healer!”

“Monster only need to kill each other!”

“You’re only useful to kill giant mutated animals!”

“Don’t just stand there! Damn it! You monster!”

Kate closed her eyes.

She knew that from the moment she awakened that reverse healing that she would never be accepted by the world. It was not a power that could be explained by common sense.

People will fear her.

They will not accept her.

Just because of her ability and what she could do with it.

Every living being could die when they were around her as long as she willed it.

The hope that she had within her mind had long been broken. It was just a nonsensical wish that could never be realized in the slightest bit.

People were used to only care for what would matter to them the most.

Why should they care for her?

Just the fact that she’s a reverse healer was more than enough for people to fear her and rejected her very existence.

They didn’t want to be with her in the slightest bit.

Whether it was from fear, jealousy, or even hatred because of what other reverse healers had done, it was clear that they would never be able to accept a reverse healer.

“What are you doing standing there? Go kill that rank 7 giant mutated snake!” Mr. Yuri yelled while preparing his weapons.

Kate opened her eyes. Her blue eyes were staring in Mr. Yuri direction with clarity within them. There was a trace of coldness and detachment that previously doesn’t exist. “Am I not human beings?”

“You’re a reverse healer,” Mr. Yuri sneered. “A killing machine.”

Killing machine?

Why did she had to become a killing machine just because of her abilities that she awakened?

The phrase struck in Kate’s heart. She looked at her hand and laughed bitterly. Just because she awakened this ability that she didn’t want, she had become the enemy of the world?

Why did the Heaven even give her this power in the first place?

She never asked for it.

She didn’t want it.

But it was given to her.

And it was also because of this power that was given to her that she was rejected by the world.


Why is it so wrong just for her to exist?

Kate felt that everything is wrong and that everything didn’t make any sense for her anymore.

She just wanted to stay away.

Stay away from all of this.

She didn’t want to listen to any of these anymore.

But she couldn’t go.

“Kate! Don’t listen to him, damn it!” Lucy screamed and banged against the metal wall.


She was crying.

She didn’t want Kate to listen to these things.

Despite the fact that it was not directed toward her, she could feel the coldness and hurt inside her heart.

Because she knew how much pain it would be for one to listen to these things.

Even if they tried their best not to care about what other people said, they still heard it and it was something that was thrown straight towards their heart.

She didn’t want Kate to be treated this way.

It has never been their decision to awaken certain power.

So please, don’t say anything else.

“You monster.” Mr. Yuri yelled. “Kill the rank 7 giant mutated snake! That’s your only worth, you reverse healer. You’re nothing more than a killing machine, a monster used to deal with these rank 7 giant mutated snake and other giant mutated animals!”

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