
Chapter 91 - The Trial Of Methris

Tiara»»» Craftmaster

Previously she had been described as a herbalist, it is wrong.


As soon as Adam and the other chosen arrive on the isle of Sankos.

A golden light descends before them. It fades to reveal only Methris, God of Crafters, taking the form of a man carved from living marble.

"Welcome." His voice rumbles like a rock slide. "Today, you will face my trial."

"No doubt some among you have already guessed what deed you will be tasked with."

Methris continues. "The isle of Sankos has suffered under the rule of Urgran the cruel tyranny for a full decade."

"He has made slaves of the poor, working them to death in abominable conditions."

"He has his enemies tortured and executed for the pettiest of infractions."

"He has torn down shrines to the Twelve, erecting monuments to his glory in their place. It is time for his rule to end."

Colosson grins, apparently enthusiastic about this task.

"So! We lay siege to his fortress, do battle with this emperor, stick his head on a pike, and receive a hero's welcome. This will not be the first tyrant Colosson has toppled!"

"No." Methris shakes his head. "Thus far, you have faced your trials in the manner of heroes."

"You have approached obstacles directly, solving problems with your own wits, strength, and resources."

"There is honour and nobility in such action, but it is not the way of the Twelve."

"Our way is to empower mortals to solve their problems, to give them the encouragement and opportunity they require to reach their full potential."

Methris spreads his arms wide. "I am the God of Crafters and Builders. I have built many things, great and small."

"Today I task you with crafting that most difficult of creations: heroes."

"To that end, you are all forbidden from taking any form of direct action against Urgran and his minions for the duration of this trial."

"Instead, you will go among the people he has oppressed for so long."

"Find those who are ready to end his rule, who have the potential to become legends in their own right."

"Empower and guide them to greatness. That will be your trial."

Pergia looks a touch mystified by these instructions. "So we… what?"

"Just go out into the city and tell people to overthrow the tyrant that's been ruining their lives for the last ten years?"

"If they had the wherewithal to manage such a thing, don't we think they would have done it already?"

Methris gives Pergia a stony, unimpressed glare. "You cannot win their war for them."

"That said, you are allowed to empower them. A hero, like anyone else, cannot accomplish their task without the proper tools."

"So for this one trial, I will grant each of you a boon to bestow as you see fit."

Methris snaps his fingers, and suddenly the beach is filled with something not unlike the display cases of an incredibly magnificent smithy.

There are swords of impossible craftsmanship, with blades that glow with fire or crackle with lightning.

There are suits of armour that give off radiant white light and shields of strange silvery metal.

Adam spots cloak wreathed in shadow which catches his interest, and crowns adorned with enough flawless jewels to shame any mortal monarch.

Daedala and Tiara are immediately captivated by the majestic craftsmanship, staring at the artefacts on display with wide eyes and bright smiles.

Methris waves his hand, and the display disappears. Daedala and Tiara both look terribly disappointed.

"Once you have found someone you feel has the potential to make a difference, return to this place."

"You may select one item of your choice from my stores, then bestow it upon them."

"You must not only choose the right person for the task but must have the insight necessary to empower them appropriately."

"You have three days to make a hero and bring about Urgran's downfall. I shall be waiting."

Methris fades from view, emanating a coppery glow.

"So… what now?" Qora asks, frowning. "We just wade into town and start looking for people who look… hero-ish?"

"I have an idea." Callia pipes up. "I know the legends of Urgran's conquest of this place."

"They say the old royal family was kind and generous to their people, beloved by one and all."

"Urgran had them all executed after his victory. Yet the legends say that the youngest daughter, then but a child, was smuggled to safety by loyalists."

"If she could be found, she would be a powerful symbol to the people here."

She rests for a moment and gives others time to grasp her idea, "What better way to topple Urgran than to restore the lineage he deposed?"

Embris rolls her eyes. "This is your plan? To find some brat who may or may not exist and send her off to fight an army?"

She laughs and shakes her head. "Don't mistake me, muse. I understand the paramount importance of royal blood, but hers must be a weak line indeed if the rest fell to a two-bit conqueror."

"No, I have a better idea. Any properly cautious monarch knows that the greatest threats are the ones closest to home."

"We should look to Urgran's generals, his councillors, his ministers. Those who already have power, but hunger for more."

"Those are the people who would have the resources and access to quickly end this Urgran."

Tiara looks troubled by this suggestion. "Everything I've heard says that Urgran's followers are as bad as he is."

"Besides, would someone like that, willing to kill their liege for power, really be any better for the people of the island than Urgran is?"

Embris shrugs her shoulders. "Who cares? Our trial is to get someone to get rid of Urgran. My approach is the easiest way to achieve this goal."

Mute frowns and shakes her head, making her unhappiness with this attitude obvious.

Adam also had a little trouble accepting her idea, but he isn't some kind of hero.

Last time, he stopped Embris because they were dryads and they belonged to his faction.

"I accept her idea." Adam shrugs and says.

Hearing his answer, Embris was more perplexed than surprised.

"Very well, Even my number one hater has accepted my proposal, has anyone has any better idea?"

Tiara appears unpersuaded by embris's long speech. "Don't most great heroes of legend come from humble beginnings?"

"Urgran has enslaved many of the island's citizens. I say we look to them. They'll have more motivation than anyone to depose their ruler."

Embris laughs. "Slaves may have motivation, but they lack resources, education, and information."

"Isn't that what we're supposed to give them?" Tiara replies.

Adam shakes his head and begins to walk in the direction where the castle is located.

Embirs and Velra follow right after him, after a moment of hesitation, the rest of them also follows him.

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