
Chapter 63 - 62 - Gods.

After seeing that, Isabela decided to take me back to the blank space. As I was already aware of what had happened, she didn't need to show me everything again, and she would also take away all my doubts.

"So, now you can start talking. Because Hades was after me, why you stole my soul from him and everything that's been going on. I thought Isadora just given me another chance, but it looks like I was tricked."

Yes, what she told me when I found her was that I had been given a second chance, that's all. In no time did she tell me exactly what had happened or what other god was involved in it all.

I honestly feel a little betrayed by her now.

Having all these years of living like Noah to explain to me what was going on, she didn't get in touch and let me live normally.

"Okay, first I need to tell you why I stole your soul from Hades. But it's very simple." Apparently, Hades was going to use my soul unacceptably.

As I was an S-RANK adventurer and already had strength, a somewhat advanced mindset, and battle experience, he would use me as a killing machine. I would be thrown into his world and treated like a dog.

Not only that, maybe I wouldn't even be human. I would just be treated to a battle machine that would need to do whatever he said. And this all had a bigger purpose behind it.

"And what is this goal?"

"Have you ever heard of the war of the gods?"

"Yes, it was a war that happened many years ago and involved two clans of gods, right?" I remember seeing a book about it in the library in the capital, it was the first book I finished while I was still Lucian.

"They are wanting to repeat it, but now in another way."

"Wait, they're wanting to repeat that? For what reason?"

"I wasn't even sure the reason behind it. I just found out after having a conversation with Hades, it was really a shock." Isadora was serious.

"So how is this war of the gods going to work?" I swallowed hard and waited for his response.

"Maybe you already have an idea, don't you?" Isadora looked at me and waited for me to say something, and thinking about what happened to me, I can tell exactly what they're doing.

"They're using humans as fighters, aren't they?"


"But why? Humans are weak compared to gods, they could just fight each other."

"Do you remember what I gave you? A level system that gives you the possibility to level up infinitely? New skills, everything a human and adventurer dream of having."


"So... You're not the only one with this system."

"You said that no person in that world would have anything like that. You told me the strength level on that world was low, did you lie to me again?"

"Calm down, it's not that. There are other people with this level system, but not in the same world you are in."

"Damn, things are getting more and more complicated."

"I haven't explained half of everything to you yet, I think you'd better sit down." Isadora created an armchair and I sat down. She also created an armchair for herself and sat down.

With a snap of a finger, a small table and tea also appeared.

With a serious look on her face, she started to explain to me everything about the gods' wars. Things are escalating very fast, in a short time I discovered that I was killed by the influence of a god, that there are other people with a system like me, and that there are other worlds besides the two worlds I already know.

How far will this go?


I sighed and took a sip of tea as I listened to Isadora explain what was going on.

First, she started explaining to me about multiple worlds.

To my surprise, there were a total of 14 different worlds. I was really surprised to learn how many worlds there are. I didn't know it would be possible to have so many worlds like that.

Each of these worlds was ruled by a god. The world I was living in my first life was overseen by Themis, the goddess of law and justice. I already knew of her existence and that she was adored in much of the world, so it wasn't a surprise.

As it would take her so much time to explain how each world worked, she decided to briefly explain to me about each god and their respective worlds.

First Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love.

She took care of the first world, a world full of love where evil does not prevail. Where everyone was born with unusual beauty.


The second world was ruled by Hades, the god of the Underworld who was after my soul.

The world of Hades was full of demons of the most dangerous types. Evil prevailed and everyone had an insensitive or questionable personality. In other words, it was a world where everyone who lived there had the worst personality type.


The commander of the third world is Artemis.

In her world, the most predominant are young people and children. A large moon shines from the sky almost all day to remind the residents that Artemis is also the moon goddess. Isadora gave just that information.


In the fourth world, we have Athena, the goddess of Wisdom.

As I could predict, in the world she commands, most people are above-normal in their intelligence. The number of artists is also large compared to all other worlds.

In other words, the world acted according to what she wanted.


The person who ran the fifth world was Demeter, the goddess of the fertile land.

In her world, everything was based on the harvest. Most of that entire world's economy came from the harvest, but that's not to say there weren't other things besides that to move the economy.

As the goddess of fertility, everything will grow easily wherever it is planted.


Dionysius, it was he who commanded the sixth world. The god of wine, feast, and pleasure. Without giving too much detail, it was just said that the world was like my old one, but the consumption of wine was great, and everywhere there were parties or brothels.

It's a world I would live in.


Who commanded the seventh world was the god of love called Eros.

His world like Aphrodite's was based on love. Love prevailed and couples were formed all the time. Eros likes to descend into his own world to unite couples, he finds it a fun pastime.


The eighth world was ruled by Helios, the sun god.

Hearing that in his world the sun shines for almost 20 hours a day, I gave up on the idea of ​​ever approaching this world. Not that it's possible, but I couldn't take all the heat it would bring.


Who commanded the ninth world was Hera, the queen of paradise.

She advocated monogamy at all costs, and polygamy was completely prohibited in that world by the churches. Anyone caught doing something like that would be sentenced to public execution.

For a goddess who defends birth and love between a man and a woman, isn't this punishment too severe?


Who took care of the tenth world was Hestia, the goddess of fire.

The predominant magic in the world was fire although other elements exist. Furthermore, nothing very relevant was said by Isadora.


The eleventh world was commanded by Poseidon. Other than just changing people's behavior and faith in his world, Poseidon's world was exactly what his title said.

God of the seas.

Virtually the whole world was made up of water, where people lived only on islands that were far apart and the only means of locomotion were ships and boats.

Poseidon commands that the whole sea that is full of demonic beasts that lived on the bottom and the surface. And it offers protection for all ships and boats during your journeys.

I couldn't imagine living in such a world.


And who ruled the last world was Zeus.

He is the God of gods. A powerful man with enough influence to make any god or human bow their head in his presence. I can imagine what it must be like to be in the presence of such a deity.

His world was the most powerful, where the most powerful people were. A world where anyone unprepared would die just from stepping on its soil. It's an extremely dangerous world.

I can imagine why Zeus commands it.

In addition to these twelve worlds, there was also what I lived as Lucian, who as was said before was commanded by Themis.

And there was the world I was living in now, which was run by Isadora.

And after that brief explanation, Isadora took a deep breath and looked tired from talking.

It was a very long story and explanation.

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