
Chapter 70 - 69 – Special Treatment?

"Congratulations, you were the first to be taken to the principal's office. I thought it would take longer, but it was pretty quick." As soon as the teacher left, Nita returned to her old post in front of the principal's door.

And to my surprise, she seemed to want to talk.

"Well, I didn't say anything too much, but since that's already happened, now I can only bear the consequences."

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure you didn't say anything too much."

"Wait, why do you believe me?"

"Anyone who knew Sae's background would believe you." It was the first smile I'd seen Nita give since I met her. She was always such a serious woman, her smile was beautiful.

"So she's a difficult woman, isn't she? I thought she is, so I decided to get rid of her class."

"Aren't you talking a little too much?"

"I have no reason to lie, I thought I had no reason to attend her class at the moment. Plus, your class is boring."

"Saying that about a teacher is not good, it's better not to say that in front of Sae or the Principal." Nita looked like she was having fun, and she also looked really worried that I would say something like that to either of them.

I wouldn't be dumb enough to upset the school principal, it wouldn't be a very smart idea. If I end up getting kicked out, I will have so many problems that I would go crazy.

"Don't worry, I may be a little ignorant, but I'm not stupid."

"Good to know." Nita smiled and then turned and opened the principal's door: "Could you come in? The director wants to talk to you a bit." After her words, I went straight to the door and looked into the room.

It was a large room with a few shelves of books and documents everywhere. A large table that looked as if it had been carved out of a large wooden log was almost in the center of the room.

Sitting in a chair with his arms on the table, the school principal was watching me.

"Wasn't the director doing something important?"

"Oh, I think he's finished, could you come in?"

"Haa~~ I smell trouble."

"Don't worry, he just wants to talk to you for a bit."

"I hope that's just it." I didn't want to be placed in a special class because of my abilities, and I didn't want to be used for anything dangerous. Currently, I just wanted to live a quiet school life.

Of course, this won't last for very long, but for Lisandra's sake, I need to do this for as long as possible.

Well, at least until she fits in here. I think it won't be long since she has made a lot of friends.

"Let's go, I don't have my whole day." The headmaster looked a little impatient, or that was what the tone of his voice showed. So, not to make him more impatient, I entered the room.

Upon my entry, Nita closed the door and continued outside.

"Please sit." The director pointed to the chair across from his desk. Even though I was a little reluctant, I sat down.

After sitting down, I didn't say anything. I continued to sit looking at the director.

He placed his hand on his chin and kept looking at me, seemed to be sizing me up. I think he could stop using his assessment skill so blatantly like that, anyone would notice he's using it.

I can feel someone looking into my soul right now.

"Did you call me here just to assess me? I think you've done this before."

"It's not that, I would like to ask a question."

"What is?"

"Why did you enroll in our school?" Hm? Well, I think it was because my mom wanted me to do it to accompany Lisandra, and also because I was a little curious about this experience.

But would the director think it rude for me to give such an answer?

I would be saying "I didn't want to go into your school, I'm just here because my mom made me."


"Why the question?"

"Well, you must know that I have the assessment skill. With your skills, it wouldn't make sense for you to be here. Maybe your mother forced you?"

"You're right." I smiled at the director, and that grumpy old man's face turned into a smile.

"Why she did it? Wouldn't it be better to put you in an adventurer's school or something? No, for your skill level I think you should already be working as an adventurer."

"Well, I'm still too young." I was only thirteen years old, I don't know the minimum age for a person to become an adventurer in this world, but in my old world people would need to be 15 years old.

15 was the age for a person to become an adult, so you would have some responsibility if something went wrong during a mission. If you're too young, you wouldn't take responsibility if something happened, so the guild would be in trouble.

"But the guild would easily accept you. The guild master also has an appraising skill, if he saw your skills he would certainly bring you to the guild in some way."

"Then I would have to refuse, I'm at this school because of my sister. I can't just leave and leave her here."

"The school is very safe, nothing would happen to it."

"It's not that, it's just that she doesn't normally like being alone very much. I'll wait for her to adapt a bit before I can go out."

"So you intend to leave school?"

"I'm sorry, but seeing the abilities of the kids at your school, I realized that this place wouldn't help me at all. I could just learn a little history, but isn't it better to read some books?"

"You know, this is a little painful to hear, but you're right. For many years, the level of the students at the school has only been decreasing. A few years ago, fourth-year students would have the strength equivalent to a B-RANK adventurer."

"And these days they come out on the same level as a D-RANK adventurer."


This is frustrating for a school principal. If your school is not able to develop a child very much, there must be a problem.

"Maybe it's just the level of people that is very low these days, not the school's fault." That's exactly what the goddess said, I mustn't let the headmaster blame himself for something that isn't his fault.

"I know that. Currently, the number of promising adventurers is decreasing and the strongest adventurers have started to retire."

"This is a problem."

"It is not? The school would be used to discover some talent, but that's not happening, at most one student will turn into a C-RANK adventurer if they're lucky."

"Well, looks like things aren't looking good for the guild, doesn't it?"

"Exactly, not even their school is managing to train talented people, they are desperate to find strong people. Not just in our country, but in all parts of the world."

"So it's worse than I thought."

"When you presented yourself before me, I saw the most promising person I've ever met. Its strength is enough to match many B-RANK or A-rank adventurers. So I was wondering why you were here. So it's for family reasons."


"Well, I'm not just going to force you to leave school and introduce yourself to the guild, it wouldn't make sense for me to just tell you to drop out of school. I hope you have a good school life, at least as long as you stay here."

"I don't think it will be for long, but I appreciate it."

"And about that teacher, just ignore her."

"She seems like a difficult person, doesn't she?"

"Maybe she is the teacher who causes the most problems at this school. Or at least the one that brings the most students to my room, I don't even remember how many cases I had to solve that involved her."

"Don't worry, this time I just wanted to get rid of her class, so I confess I was a bit inconvenient."


"What I said at first was unintentional, but then I saw an opportunity to leave the room, so I used it, I just didn't think she would bring me here on my first day of class."

"The only thing I hope is that you don't do it again, I won't like solving problems involving you."

"Don't worry, I promise I won't do this anymore. But and now? Will I have to stay here until class is over?"

"Well, Sae's class ends in an hour, you can spend a little time with Nita if that's okay with you, I'll ask her to introduce the school to you what do you think?"

"One question, I'm not getting special treatment just because I'm strong, am I?"

"Of course not, I liked you a little bit, so I think it's okay. Nita doesn't have much to do now either."

"Okay then, it'll be nice to know a little more about the school I'm going to go to for a while."

"Okay, I'll call her then."

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