
Chapter 153 - 152 – What Is This Guy?

As I got those messages showing that I had leveled up, I started laughing and looked straight ahead to where my magic had been cast. Several craters were opened in the ground.

The monsters had almost all been wiped out in just one spell.

"I didn't think it would be that strong." Maybe the Goddess's blessing also increases the strength of my spells? It should probably be something like that.

But now I felt satisfied. Most of the monsters had been wiped out and my level had already gone up. Also, I have so many skill points that I can't think of what to do with them.

"Now let's get out of here." It had been a few hours already, it probably wouldn't be long before dawn began. I had to get home soon or I'm going to have a lot of trouble explaining all this.

My father and mother wake up very early, so I'm afraid to get home and they're waiting for me with a sword in their hand...

They wouldn't be so extreme, but I think you got it.

Now that the monsters had been wiped out, the ones that were left didn't want to come near me, and I'm grateful for that. So, ignoring the rest of the retreating monsters, I turned to walk away.

Looking at the moon, it was probably 3 a.m. by now, so I quickened my steps.

But a feeling of alert hit me as I started up the hill.

"Who is it? Is it you again? For who you work?" With a sense of danger, I quickly assumed it was the same person wearing the armor as before. I was a little scared and worried, but I didn't let on.

I looked around and saw no one. My skills were almost reaching their time limit, and when they run out I'll be even more vulnerable.

"I'll move on." Even though I had a sense of danger, I started up the hill quickly as I didn't get any response, but when I climbed the hill.

I started to hear a big commotion.

When I looked at the Beastled army at a distance, I noticed they were preparing for battle. All the soldiers had already risen and were in formation.

Many of them wore old armor, but some wore less worn armor and were mounted on horses.

'I can tell who's a noble just by looking.' Putting that useless thought aside, I prepared to get out of there as quickly as possible as the main showdown would probably start now.

So with all my agility, I prepared to run from there.


"Hm?" The moment I got ready to run, I felt something holding my foot. It felt sticky, like a slime's body, but when I looked down, it wasn't a slime.

It was a kind of black tentacle that started to wrap around my leg.

"What the fuck is this?" Picking up my sword, I slashed that tentacle that was then pulled away from me. The part of the tentacle that remained on my leg disappeared soon after.

"What you want?" I asked again as I looked around.

But as I looked around, a powerful voice reached my ears making my body tremble.

"Up here." At his words, I looked up and there I saw him. A man in great heavy armor was flying like it was no big deal.

A magic that I didn't know existed or that it would be possible to learn, flight magic, that's amazing.

"Wait, isn't this the time to be delighted, this guy doesn't want to kill me?" That armor kept staring at me as I could see a red glow in the opening of his helmet.

Were they his eyes?

No, it was weird, what I saw didn't look like eyes, but just a light that was inside the helmet. Looking at it well, that man didn't seem to have a face there, it looked like his helmet was empty.

"What you want? You tried to kill me before, didn't you? For who you work?"

"I don't need to tell you, now tell me how you did it." The man said as he slowly descended to the ground and stopped in front of me. I didn't look scared but instinctively pulled away.

"How did I get what?"

"How did you manage to survive. I was sure you were just a child, but it seems I couldn't assess you correctly." The man didn't look angry or show any other feeling, he looked like an "Empty Shell"

"I just used magic to kill them all, isn't it simple?"

"Magic? Did you manage to beat them all with magic alone? I'm very surprised."

"I'm more surprised at you, what are you?" As the man approached, I had the opportunity to look at his Status, which made me worried and confused about what he was.


Name: Number 3

Level: 345

Breed: ???

Age: ???

Strength: 5678

Agility: 4456

Magic: 17889


Dark Magic - Level 15





[ The end ]

"I'm just a guard to the king, what about you? For who you work?"

"I don't work for anyone, I just wanted to have some fun."

"You interfered in the war between two countries, harmed my country and now you're saying you wanted to have fun? You're funny." He said with a menacing tone.

You just admitted you work for Beastled.

"Well, sorry about that?"


"You're going to let me go, aren't you? I feel I won't be of much use to the Beastled army and I need to go home." I said in a childish tone to try to deceive him, but I was completely ignored.


With nothing to do, I started walking away hoping that nothing would happen, and that lasted for a while.

I kept walking as far away from the Beastled army as possible as I walked towards the forest, but maybe I only walked for two minutes before I felt something approaching.

Looking back and frowning, I noticed that armor approaching me quickly. In just two seconds she came over and spun around to kick me in the stomach.

My goddess blessing and my still-activated abilities allowed me not to die instantly, but my ribs felt out of place.

"Cough...Chough...I should have known I wouldn't get out of here easily." I spat out a large amount of blood that smeared all over my mask, forcing myself to take it off so I wouldn't choke on my blood.

"I'm sorry but I can't let you out of here, if you leave now that you've hurt us so much, my king will be angry." The armor walked slowly towards me as I struggled to my feet.

"I don't want to die now, so I will fight with all my strength to get out of here."

"Good luck with that." Again the armor sped up and left a trail of dust behind as it approached and threw a punch with its right arm towards my face.

'Your moves are too fast.' For just a few centimeters I managed to tilt my head back as I watched his punch pass in front of my eyes, but I didn't have time to rest.

With his other hand, he landed another punch that I couldn't avoid very well. I tried to lean my body away, but his punch directly hit my right shoulder.

"Guh~~" I moaned as I heard a strange noise like my shoulder had been broken. No, he probably was.

I tried to move my right arm, but it wouldn't move anymore, my arm was unusable with just one punch from this guy. He's too fucking strong, I didn't think I'd have someone like that here, shit!

Several punches were fired as I backed away and jumped back, narrowly avoiding his punches. I don't even know how I could keep up with his punches, but my abilities were about to be disabled and that's sucks.

I was jumping back and avoiding his attacks for a long time when I realized I was already approaching the Beastled army while being pressed.

"Are you wanting to take me directly to your army? Why?"

"It wasn't my intention, my only intention is to kill you, but you keep dodging my attacks."

"Of course I'll dodge your attacks, do you think I want to die? Idiot." After so much avoiding his attacks, I decided to fight back. It would make no sense to use my sword as it would not pierce your armor.


With my magic activated, large stakes as hard as iron emerged from beneath the feet of the nearby armor.

But it was in vain.

The armor used its flight magic to ascend while avoiding my stakes, but taking advantage of that situation, I threw a fire spell in its direction. But my magic didn't hit him and he disappeared.

The great armor that disappeared from the sky appeared behind me in a second.

I just felt his presence and turned around, but without having much time to avoid it, I used earth magic again and created a shield so he wouldn't hit me.

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