
Chapter 184 - 183 – It's Nearing The End.

Things had 'calmed' down.

Despite the people killed by the capital, the armors had been defeated, so people were calmer and felt more secure. They didn't know of the existence of the three armors inside the castle.

And now comes the reason why the word 'Calmed' was placed in quotation marks.

Now that the armors had been "all" dead, people had time to worry about their dead family members, so a big commotion began.

People cried on all sides as they remembered their family members. People desperately crying leaning over the bodies of their relatives down the main street and also in the nearby alleys.

And the scene that most shocked Isabell.

That it was many residents coming directly to that pile of bodies in front of the gate of the capital while looking for their families. It was like a 'Garbage picker' But here were picking up pieces of their family members.

It was a harrowing, disgusting, inadmissible scene.

This was a scene Isabell couldn't watch for a long time. For that reason, she decided to walk away quickly while trying to ignore everything that was happening around her at the moment.

She went straight to the castle, she wanted to end it all quickly, she wanted the capital to recover.

But she doesn't think it will be that easy. Three armors at the same time was a little tricky mission, mainly because she doesn't know exactly the strength of each one of them.

Are they stronger? Are they weaker? Or maybe they all have very similar strength?

From the battles Isabell had participated in, she realized that they all had a similar level, but some seemed smarter and also had more magical power and also more brute strength.

'I hope all these armors inside the castle are at the same level as the others. I think if I use magic I can finish them all at the same time.'

If she used that pillar of light she used earlier, probably none of the armor would stand. But how would she go about hitting all three armors at the same time since the pillar only fires at a specific point at a time?

She would have to think of something to do.


Inside the castle, three armors walked between the rooms looking for the queen and also the princess who had disappeared.

As the two had no magical power, the armors couldn't easily track them, causing them to spend several minutes in a search that didn't yield any results.

Many minutes had passed, they were already getting tired of walking through the huge castle.

"I think we should leave that for later. We need to proceed to the next city before the information that the capital was attacked reaches them and they can prepare against our attack."

Armor number 1 said and exited one of the castle's rooms.

His two brothers who were with him also agreed to this.

"Yes, I think the queen won't be a problem for us anytime soon. Probably most of the residents have already been killed. Listen, the screams are gone."

"It's true, it looks like the job is finished." One of the armor entered the room again and then looked out the window. He had a vision of one of the streets in the capital's noble area, there he could see many bodies on the ground.

The street was also completely stained red.

"Then I think we should go to the next nearest town. Go tell our other brothers about it, number 3."

"Right, I'll do it right away. Will you wait here?"

"I'm still not satisfied, I feel we're pretty close to the queen. We'll look a little more around the castle while we wait for you." Armor number 1 said to his brother.

Hearing this, the number 3 armor nodded its head and then started walking down the corridor towards the castle exit.

And so, the two armors were kept on the second floor of the castle as they continued to search for the queen. And number 3 armor hurried its steps towards the castle's main door.

Since everyone had been killed, the atmosphere was silent. The armor was walking down the silent main corridor, not caring about the bodies of the guards on the floor.

But the closer he got to the front door, he felt something was wrong. His core began to sway, making the armor feel its body get a little out of control.

His hearing began to pick up his footsteps on the carpet clearly and he felt his vision spin, he was feeling kind of dizzy for the first time in his life.

Not only dizzy but also afraid. It was a genuine fear he feel just once when he looked directly into his master's eyes.

His arms trembled and he felt a fake, nonexistent sweat trickle down his forehead.

And at the same time, he could see a strong light coming from behind the door. But without having a place to hide, he just waited for her death.

"Shit!" He yelled in a hoarse voice.

His vision went white.


Isabell, who had approached the castle, did not activate his blessing, but only his flight magic.

She began to realize that if she kept her blessing activated, the armors could track her, jeopardizing any surprise attacks she might do.

The little girl used flight magic as she looked through the castle windows carefully looking for the location of the armors.

Without her activated blessing, she couldn't track the armors. The blessing...While it helped her, it also harmed her.

Isabell continued her search for a few minutes, and after seeing so many mutilated bodies, she finally heard some thick, husky voices coming from one of the windows. They were voices very similar to the ones from the previous armors that had tried to converse with Isabell.

She made it to the window carefully and began listening to the armors conversation.

'Looks like they haven't found the queen and princess yet.' Isabell was overjoyed to hear that, but at the same time, she felt a little worried since the king had probably been killed.

With the king dead, the country is in a completely absurd situation, it's the worst possible situation.

But Isabell didn't need to worry about that because she didn't take care of running the country. She listened to the armors talk for a while longer.

She realized that armors were identified by numbers, something she hadn't heard from her mother before. A slightly larger armor that emitted a darker aura, he was called number 1.

And it had another armor very similar to the others that was called number 3.

The other armor probably also had a number, but Isabell didn't know exactly which was. The other armors she faced probably also had a number.

Isabell listened to their conversation for a while longer before Armor number 3 was sent to go after her brothers. And they had already been killed by Isabell.

Taking advantage of this situation, Isabell wanted to destroy armor number 3. It will be easier if it is just the other two armors at once.

It's still going to be a bit tricky since that armor number 1 looked powerful, but it's better than fighting all three at once.

Because of this, Isabell went to the castle door to receive armor number 3.

If she activated her blessing, the armor would know she was outside, so she paid close attention to her surroundings to listen for the armor's footsteps before activating her blessing.

Because of the carpet, the sound would probably be muffled, but she was confident in her hearing. And the armor was heavy and made a little loud noise when he walked, so she believed it wouldn't be hard to notice the approach.

Isabell stepped in front of the castle's main door as she felt her heart race with nervousness and anxiety.

'Okay, I can do it.' Her previous confidence was gone.

She stayed still for a while longer before hearing some footsteps. Muffled footsteps were coming from inside the castle.

The steps didn't seem fast, so she would have enough time before the armor approached the door.

'Right, the time has come.' Isabell activated her blessing and at the same time bent down, placing her hand on the floor.

Then a pillar of light was created, emitting a glow strong enough that the armor already inside could see it.

The pillar, which was getting brighter and brighter, emitted a concentrated beam of light towards the door. The door was completely broken and the beam of light hit the armor directly.

The light went through the entire hallway and slammed into the wall several feet away, causing a hole in the structure and making a loud noise.

The castle structure was also compromised, causing some tremors that were felt by the other armors. But anyway, the loud sound that had been elicited had already caught their attention.

'This is really powerful..' Isabell, who was sweating, disabled her magic and noticed that the armor that had been in the hallway had disappeared along with her magic.

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