
Chapter 225 - 224 - Dominion Of All Cities.

The armors set off at high speed toward the cities in the country of Beastled. It took only a few hours before some of them reached their destination.

The first armor to arrive at the gate of one of the cities was armor number 8.

A town called Arlau. It was a day's journey from the capital.

As the armor approached the gate, it found some residents and merchants outside wondering why the gate was closed. Since they were in the middle of their journey when the closing happened, they didn't know exactly what was going on.

They knocked at the gate and shouted several times.

But the guards inside were completely ignoring them.

"Hey, who is this guy?"


But as soon as the armor got close enough, the people who were shouting before became silent to watch him cautiously.

The armor didn't care and approached the gate. After approaching, he used his deep voice to shout a single thing.

"I am here on the king's orders, open the gate." 

The people in the back began to murmur about it. Many believed that he was just saying something nonsensical so that he could enter the city, and another believed it to be true.

But even if they had doubts, the gate was opened by the soldiers.

As soon as the soldiers opened the gate and saw the armor, they swallowed and allowed the armor to enter the city. The armor entered slowly, leaving the other people outside.

They tried to run and take the chance to enter the city, but they were stopped by the soldiers.

'Right, I'll do my job quickly.' And ignoring all that commotion, the armor looked at the main street of the city that was in front of him.

He was attracting a lot of attention, most of the locals passing by had stopped to look at him.


In another town that was 1 day's from the capital called Manbhetere, armor number 7 approached the gate quietly. Fortunately, there was no one outside the city.

As soon as the armor knocked on the gate and identified itself as a "Man under orders from the king" The guards quickly opened the gate.

"So it is you. I didn't think that letter was real. I should have known it was true...The mayor is so scared." The gate guard smiled a little awkwardly. It was a forced smile.

A little sweat could be seen dripping down his forehead.

He was nervous and scared just like all the soldiers around.

But even though the soldiers were nervous and scared, they started talking about this event.

"That's right, the mayor is very frightened. He thinks the country had started a war or something because his city was forced to close the gate."

"Honestly I'm scared too, I'm not prepared for a war, hahaha."

"Me too. I would die if I were to participate."

"Don't say that man, you are strong! You could survive without too many problems."

"I don't know... I'm not that strong."

The guards began to talk among themselves, completely ignoring the armor. They were doing this on purpose so that they wouldn't be questioned or anything like that.

And while this was going on, the armor that didn't care about any of this had already moved on and was walking the main street.

As always, his height, aura, and appearance had caught the attention of all the residents around.


From then on all the towns were being visited.

Waruret 2 days away was visited by armor number 6.

Warren 2 days away was visited by armor number 5.

Cinald 2,5 days away was visited by armor number 4.

Lianrah 2,5 days away was visited by armor number 3.

Wilshd 3 days away was visited by armor number 2.

Only one of the cities called Tricuth which was 3 days away was not visited because armor number 1 was still at the side of the king and his sister. 

All the armors were received with affection by the soldiers of those cities because of the letter that the mayors of their cities had received.

After receiving the letter, why would they risk angering the king?

Not only the soldiers, but all the mayors were treating them seriously and with respect.

All the mayors gave the order to lock the gates without giving any justification. In addition, they would receive a visit from a subordinate of the king.

He would have to be allowed in. This subordinate was described as a tall man wearing black armor.

Many mayors and soldiers doubted this statement. Since when did the king have such powerful soldiers? 

But whenever one of the cities received a visit from one of the armors, the skeptics were completely surprised and frightened. The soldiers could not look at the armor for long without feeling a chill throughout their bodies.

And they didn't dare to say anything either.

So the armors entered the cities in silence while being watched by the residents and the soldiers. The armors disappeared a few seconds later to begin their hunt.


Within all the towns that received the armors, humans began to disappear en masse. Inns that had hosted humans wondered where they had ended up.

Some human adventurers who were in town disappeared without leaving explanations to the guild.

And some of the beastmen who had human friends were looking for their friends everywhere, just like in the capital. 

The soldiers were getting overwhelmed with so many calls for help, and unlike the soldiers in the capital, they had not been informed about the disappearance of humans in advance.

So the cities had turned into an inferno.

The mayors of all the cities started to be charged. And they could do nothing but stay locked inside their mansions while trying to ignore the protests outside.

"Ah damn, what is that king thinking? Getting rid of humans? That's absurd! What is he trying to do?"

That was what most of the mayors were thinking at the moment.

But since they had received threats and couldn't go against this new king, they can't do anything about it.

And after some more time, the armors work had finished.


The humans in the other cities of the country were in lower numbers, so it was simpler to hunt them all down and dump their bodies in a specific place in the middle of the city. 

After the bodies were hidden, all the armors marched towards the mansion of the mayor of the respective city they were in.

It even seemed that the minds of all the armors were the same.

Almost all of them approached the door of the mayor's mansion at the same time.

In every city, the armors were received with respect by the mayors. 

All the armors entered a meeting room together with the mayor and some of the most influential people of the cities they were in. And after having a short meeting about what they had to do, it was decided that all the cities would keep their gates closed for the time being.

And after that, the armors leave, and the gates were locked again.

The commotion among the residents and the rulers of all the cities continued for the rest of the day.


It was already evening when the seven armors that had left returned to the mansion of the king of Beastled.

As soon as they entered they were greeted by sleepy soldiers in the hallways. But when the soldiers noticed the presence of the armors, they "woke up" and pretended to be aware of their surroundings.

But the armors did not care about any of this.

The seven walked toward the throne room to greet the king.

"So you guys are back, how was it? Did you finish everything?" Ward asked as soon as he saw the seven armors walk through the door. 

"Yes, all the cities have been 'cleared'. The humans were killed and we talked to all the mayors."

"So they agreed to cooperate?"

"They said they cannot go against you. They will obey."

"Of course they would do that, they are not idiots."


"Great, so now I can have dinner and sleep in peace, come on Luna."


Luna and Ward left the room under the stares of the remaining soldiers and the armors. The two were accompanied by armor number 1.

They went into the dining room and ate. After that, the two split up and went to their respective rooms.

Luna was being protected by one of the armors and Ward was also being protected by one of the armors. This way they would be able to sleep in peace.

"Everything is going as planned. Tomorrow is the day to reveal me and give a beautiful speech to the villagers. Or maybe not, I'm not very good with that sort of thing."

Ward rolled around in his bed for a while until he found a good position to sleep.

"After I reveal myself I might care to assemble my army of soldiers and monsters. I will also hire some people."

Ward found the perfect position and then closed his eyes.. It didn't take long for him to sleep.

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