
Chapter 249 - 248 - My Blessing Is Much Stronger?

Noah ran to his house and opened the door with all his might.

As soon as he entered, Emma, Lucio, Lari, and Lisandra looked at him a little startled. Noah was sweating and looked very nervous.

"Hey, what happened?" Because of this, Emma got up quickly and went over to him, but Noah just shook his head.

"It's nothing, I just want to go to the bathroom!" He ignored his mother and ran to the bathroom. Upon entering, he locked the door and leaned his back against the door. Outside, his mother knocked a few times on the door.

"What's going on, Noah? Are you feeling sick again?" 

Noticing the concern in his mother's voice, Noah began to feel bad for her.

"I'm fine, I promise you, just leave me alone for now." He was silent soon after and waited for his mother to say something. Emma sighed and then moved away from the door.

"Fine, but in case something happens I want you to yell for me." 

Noah was silent and then Emma went to the table again.

When she got there everyone was scared and worried, but she just explained to them that Noah supposedly had a stomachache. Of course, nobody believed this, so everybody was still worried.

Without realizing it, Noah had ruined dinner for his whole family.

It didn't take long for Lisandra to get up and go to her room. Of course, first, she went through the bathroom and tried to talk to Noah, but he didn't answer her. Lari did the same thing and was also ignored.

And so almost two hours passed.

Emma and Lucio were still awake and sitting in the living room.

Sometimes they went to the bathroom to try to talk to Noah but they were ignored.

"Hey, don't you think we'd better raid the bathroom? I'm starting to get super worried." 

"I'm getting worried too. Maybe he passed out inside the bathroom or something." 

"Okay, let's do that. But do it carefully so you don't hurt him." Emma and Lucio approached the bathroom door and then Lucio began to use his sword to break the lock on the door.

Using a lot of force, his sword dented a little more the door lock was ripped off.

They then carefully opened the bathroom door.

"Noah?" Lucio opened the door and walked into the bathroom.

He widened his eyes and felt his heart freeze the moment he realized there was no one inside.

"What is it? What happened?" Emma who was standing outside the bathroom started to despair, so she pushed Lucio to look inside the bathroom.

"Where is Noah? Where is he?!" She shouted as she looked into the empty bathroom.

Lisandra ran out of the room desperately and went to the bathroom. Lari did the same thing.

Before long desperation had taken over Noah's family again.

And without being there to see everything that was happening, Noah found himself outside the capital wearing the same clothes he was wearing before he disappeared from the bathroom of his home.

"She brought me here. I'm sorry dad, mom, Lari, Lisandra, and Ciaphia. I'll be back soon, I promise." Noah ran toward the capital gate.


Many days ago, Isabell was lying in her inn room when her mother again called out to her.

[ It's time, the monsters are rapidly approaching the city ].

"Right. Will I have to run or will you use that convenient teleportation?"

[ Which do you prefer? ]

"I prefer the teleportation. I still don't feel very well enough to run there."

[ All right, but be prepared, I'll throw you into the middle of the army. ]

"What? You're kidding, right?"

[ Of course, I am, but be careful. ]

After that, Isabell's body began to glow, and then she disappeared.

By the time she realized it, her vision had changed to a green, flowery field. In the distance, she could see the city wall and to her right, she could see some monsters walking.

"So those are the monsters? They are really ugly."

[ Yes, those are the ones. Just activate your blessing and finish them off ].

"Wait, first tell me how strong they are. I have to prepare myself."

[ Don't worry about that, they are much weaker than those armors. With just one spell you can destroy them. ]

"I see, so let's go."

Isabell activated her blessing and felt her body become light. 

Her body began to glow and her eyes turned golden. 

"Looks like the blessing is stronger than before." She thought as she looked at the glow in her body. Then she shook her hand and noticed that her strength had grown a lot.

Because of this, a smile appeared on her face and she ran towards the 200 monsters.

[ Hey, get a grip. ]

"I'm controlling myself, I'm just in the mood to finish this quickly."

With her body shining, Isabell was quickly noticed by the 200 monsters. 

"Hey, someone is approaching."

"What is that, the sun?"

"A star?"

"I think it's a monster."

The monsters began to argue among themselves. But the monster that seemed to be in the lead didn't like his companions' attitude at all.

"It doesn't matter what it is! What matters is that is coming to kill us, get ready!"

After his shout, the monsters again started arguing among themselves, they didn't seem to believe that that shiny thing was here to kill them. That just showed that they were not that smart.

'They're not moving, so I guess I should take this opportunity.' Isabell had not listened to the monsters' discussion and did not care what they thought.

She only cared about destroying them quickly.

So she listened to her mother's instructions and before the monsters began to move, a light began to be created just above Isabell's head.

[ Yes, do this. Then cast all this concentrated light in their direction. That should be enough. ]

"Are you sure about this?"

[ Yes, trust me ]


Isabell had stopped a few feet away and the glow was getting brighter and brighter. It felt like the sun had come down to earth.

Because of all the brightness and the sense of danger that the monsters began to feel, they finally began to realize that it would be dangerous to continue together. So trying to escape, many monsters started to run.

But without time for most of them to react, Isabell's beam of light flew towards the large group of monsters and hit them.

Isabell could not hear any screams. She could only hear the sound of an explosion followed by a large source of light that could probably be seen from miles away.

She could not bear to look directly into the light.

It took a few minutes for the light to disappear, and when Isabell looked at the place her magic had hit, she could see a large hole had been opened.

And besides the hole, nothing had been left.

The bodies of the monsters had turned to dust and had vanished into thin air.

"What the hell is that? I didn't think it would be this strong."

[ You forced your body so hard last time that it became a little more resistant to the blessing. ]

"So now I can use the blessing in an even better way?"

[ In addition to being able to use it longer, your magic has become even more powerful, isn't that amazing? ]

"Good thing I used all my strength in my last battle then."

[ Don't say that. Even if it was beneficial, it almost killed you. ]

"It doesn't matter, even if I died you could bring me back, couldn't you?"

[ Yes. ]

"Then it's all right."

[ Now finish your work. ]

"I haven't finished?"

[ No, take a good look at the plain ]


Isabell looked at the plain for a while until she noticed some monsters running away. They were fast.

But without difficulty, she created a sword made of light and then began to chase each of the monsters. Less than an hour later she had killed them all and was ready to return to the capital.

But even though she wanted to go back, she was taken by surprise by the news that she would only be able to return to the capital tomorrow, since her mother could not use two teleports on the same day.

[ I'm sorry, I should have warned you ].

"Don't worry, I'll spend the night hunting monsters, and maybe I'll visit Reynivellir since I'm close by."

[ All right, but be careful ]

After saying that, Isadora disappeared from Isabell's mind, leaving her alone.

"Okay, I guess I'll go to Reynivellir first and then see what to do. Maybe I'll spend the night at some inn within the city."

Isabell deactivated her blessing and began walking slowly toward Reynivellir, unaware that her magic had caused great terror to all the residents of that city.

As soon as she approached the gate, she realized what she had done. The guards were desperate and the gate had been locked.

'Damn, looks like I overdid it.'

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