
Chapter 286 - Going To The World Of Another God

Noah and his father stood up and then walked away.

"Do you think we should bury the bodies that are left?" Lucio said in a despondent tone.

"Better not. It would take us too long to do that, we need to hurry and get away from here."

"I understand. I hope they all suffered as little as possible in their deaths. I can't imagine what it must have been like to go through all that."

"Don't think too much about it. If you keep thinking about it, you'll feel worse and worse."

"Yes. And how is your mother?"

"She's a little better."

"I see. It will be hard for her to accept this."

"That's why we should stay by her side and support her."

"You don't have to tell me that. I've been with her for years and will stay together with her until the end of my life."


Noah looked at his father and smiled.

The two then slowly walked over to where Emma and Lari were standing.

It didn't take long.

Emma and Lari were sitting on the floor talking to each other. The two had stopped crying, and what remained was only a sad expression on their faces. Besides their red, swollen eyes.

"So, how are you feeling?" As soon as Noah and Lucio approached, Emma stood up and put her hand on Lucio's face.

"I'm better."

"I see."

"And you, how are you feeling?"

"It's hard to accept all this, but it won't do any good to grieve now, will it? We have to get out of this place as soon as possible."


"And you, Lari, how are you?" Leaving Lucio and Emma talking aside, Noah sat down on the floor in front of Lari.

"I'm fine... But your mom doesn't look good, she told me some strange things."

"Like what?"

"Like she doesn't want to live anymore, something like that. But she said she has to stay alive because of her family."

"I see. Well, I think the same way too. I want to stay alive to protect my family." Noah smiled, but he felt certain anguish.

Especially after remembering the story Ciaphia told.

About her mother taking her own life.

'She wouldn't do something like that, would she?' Even though Noah knew that his mother was not so weak-minded, he was extremely worried.


Isabell was still being pressured by Karen with the help of Dionysius.

With some sore wounds all over her body, Isabell began to see her performance diminishing by the second.

If she continued to stand there any longer, she would surely be killed or seriously injured.

'Even using my magic I can't do anything. That bastard can undo any magic I try to use. Besides he is throwing magic at this woman, she gets stronger and stronger.'

Karen who was slow and weak before, started to get faster and stronger with Dionysius' support magic, causing Isabell to start losing that fight that already seemed to be won.

'Mom, are you done yet? I think I better get out of here now.'

[ Yes, I've already warned Noah, now I'm bringing you back ].

'All right, thanks.'

After finishing her conversation, Isabell's body glowed and disappeared.

"What?" Karen in surprise turned to look at Dionysius.

He did not look surprised.

"She's gone, I think she'll be back later."

"I hope she will come back. I feel like to rip her head off after those offenses!"

"You don't have to defend me with your life like that. What would I do if you had died? That girl is pretty strong, you know."

"She was?"

"Yes. She's much stronger than you. If I hadn't helped you you would surely have been killed in a few minutes."



Isabell appeared in front of her mother and then fell to the ground.

She put her hands on her arms and legs which were cut deep and bleeding.

"I didn't imagine I would feel so much pain."

"Well, even if it is a body created by me in seconds, it is still a real body that can feel all the sensations of an ordinary human being."

"You should have turned off the pain sensation or something."

"Okay, next time I'll do that."

"Next time?"

"Yeah, I think I figured out how to get Noah and his family out of there."

"And how are you going to do that?"

"I'll go there myself and bring them back."

"But isn't it forbidden for a god to come down to earth?"

"It's not forbidden, but the gods avoid doing that. Didn't Hades come down to Noah's world to persuade his friends?"

"Yes, you told me about that."

"I will do the same thing as he did, but using another body. Then I will bring them here and send them back to my world."

"That sounds too simple to work."

"It will work, I'm sure of it."

"I hope so. But leaving that aside, could you heal me? I'm still feeling quite a bit of pain."

"Oh, sure."


Noah and his family returned to the mountain and then entered a cave on a wall made of stone.

It was damp and cold inside, so they made a fire to warm their bodies. It was not a very deep cave, so the smoke came out of the entrance and was no problem for them.

Besides the cold, they were also hungry.

Noah had caught some animals but had discarded them while climbing the mountain, so at the moment they had nothing to eat. 

"I'll get us something to eat, okay?" Noah said.

Emma, Lucio, and Lari nodded.

Then Noah left and activated his blessing to get to the small forest where he had killed some animals as soon as possible.

Getting there quickly, he caught some rabbits and also a whole wolf and brought it with him to the cave.

His parents were once again surprised by Noah's speed. It was hard to get used to this.

And after they roasted the meat on the fire, everyone went to sleep, except Noah.

He felt good and could stay up for up to four nights in a row without feeling sleepy.

So he stayed up all night to protect his family from danger. At the same time, he thought about Lisandra, Ciaphia, and all his friends in his original world.

Did they already know about what had happened? If they know, how are they feeling?


In Isadora's world.

Lisandra, Ciaphia, Eli, and Taciane were sitting at a table in a restaurant on the main street of the capital.

Being already a group of well-known adventurers, they attracted a lot of attention.

"I wonder if we will rise to Rank C this week. I guess there are only three quests left, right?" Ciaphia put a piece of meat in her mouth.

With her question, Lisandra put her hand on her chin and thought for a moment.

"I guess so. I feel that we can reach Rank B by the end of the year. Our evolution has been very fast." She said sounding satisfied.

Eli and Taciane smiled at that.

"Yes, our group is quite strong," Eli said and then Taciane brought up a controversial topic.

"But I still feel that we should call Noah to join our group. Again..."

Hearing that, all three girls nodded their heads negatively.

"No, he won't accept that," Lisandra said.

"And the name of our group is already too suggestive, there's no way Noah can join, we'd have to change the name of the group." Ciaphia complemented.

Eli, remained silent as he continued to eat.

"Ciaphia is his girlfriend, and Lisandra is his sister. You guys can certainly convince him. And changing the name of the group won't be much of a problem."

"Well... I can try. What do you think about doing it together, Ciaphia?"

"That's fine. He'll probably come to the capital this week, and we'll talk to him."

"That's it! I'm sure you two will manage. Even though you've already tried a few times..."




"Mom, is everything ready yet?"

"Yes, the body I created was that one, what did you think?"

"I'd say it looks pretty much like the body I'm wearing now, only the hair color has changed."

"I don't have much creativity for that."

"I get it."

"Okay, now let's continue our plan. Go back there, distract them for a little while longer while I go down there and bring Noah and his family, got it?"


Using her magic, Isadora sent Isabell again to where Dionysius and Karen were. When she got there, again she was greeted in a hostile manner by Karen and also by Dionysus.

And taking advantage of all this, Isadora transferred her mind to the new body and then went to the same place she had gone before.

As if she were swimming in a lake, she reached the opening that led to Dionysius' world.

When it arrived, it passed through the opening and then began to fall from the sky towards the ground. 

Since her body was created to be almost a "war tank", she suffered no injuries when she hit the ground.

And after falling, she quickly called Noah.

[ Noah, I'm already here, where are you and your family? I need to make this quick ].

'It's still the middle of the dawn, you know. My parents and Lari are sleeping.'

[ That doesn't matter, wake everyone up and let's get out of here. In case Dionysius realizes that I'm here things could get more complicated. ]

'Right. We're in a cave at the foot of the mountain.'

[ I'm coming to you. Wake everyone up and explain what's going on. ]

'I'll do that.'

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